Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 877

"You mean you really don't want to go in?" Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"Ha ha, I don't even want to think about it. I don't think about anything else. Most of the people who went in before were the elders of Longmen, and they didn't go in alone. It's about the clan, family or alliance. Dozens of people, even hundreds of people, join hands to enter. Any one of them will be destroyed. It's also the sorrow of sanxiu! " The man sighed and looked helpless.

"Do you know what forces are going in?" Ye Tian continues to ask a way, saying words, handed that friar a work properly jade.

"Ha ha, it's easy to say. You're welcome!" The friar happily took over Lingyu, much more enthusiastic than just now.

"Those who went in before were some big forces, such as qiankunwu, shenjianzong, Song family of Yuwangshan, danxiafudi, dongzhenxu, Qingyuan Dongtian..." The friar said more than ten forces in a row, and ye Tian's eight enemies in fangcunfudi were all in it.

"This time, the world of ten thousand spirits will be very lively. Maybe Taoist friends also know that the alliance of Dongzhen market, Sanling mountain and Guangtian temple has already become enemies with Danxia Fudi, while lingxu Fudi and Qingyuan Dongtian join hands to fight with Hualing valley. Qiankunwu and shenjianzong have a deep feud. They are now entering the world of souls together. I'm afraid there will be a big war in it. It's not known who will win. Don't you see that? There are also many powerful men of those forces, and even the predecessors of the cultivation of the divine realm are not lack of people. " The friar continued to introduce.

Ye Tian nodded, indicating more dignified.

The friar then said, "besides, there is a month when the valley of souls is opened. In this month, it can't be sent out without permission, unless the valley of souls is opened and sent out by itself. This also breaks the idea of some friars who are lucky. They want to make a lot of money in it, and then go out ahead of time. This idea is not feasible. In more than a month, any force will be doomed! "

Ye Tian nodded gently, said no more, and continued to look at the huge fog vortex.

At this time, another group of friars entered the whirlpool. The number of them was about sixty or seventy. They were all in the same cultivation of Longmen.

"This force is very unusual. Some of the other forces are followed by some monks who watch the sea. These people are very strong!" The monk also saw this scene, immediately made a voice with emotion: "it is estimated that this time there will never be a solo San Xiu in."

Ye Tian is noncommittal. At this time, his eyes fall on an old woman with several deep wrinkles on her face. She is standing at the mouth of the valley talking with a nun in white.

After a few words, the nun in white flashed into the fog and followed dozens of figures who had gone in before.

She's here, too?

Just a few days after the separation, ye Tian naturally recognized that this man was the old woman who was with the women in Imperial costume. It was obvious that she was the leader of the tens of people who had just entered.

"Daoyou, do you know who just entered the world of all souls?" Ye Tian asked.

"I really don't know. They are very strange. There are some hidden forces in our spiritual realm that are too mysterious to speculate." The friar returned with a puzzled look on his face.

"OK, thank you very much, Daoyou." Ye Tiandao thanks and drives his flying sword to the mouth of the valley.

"Well, that man is alone. Is he a casual monk? Do you also want to enter the world of spirits Most of the other monks came from the imperial air, but they usually landed in the valley.

Only Ye Tian flies straight to the fog vortex.

This action immediately caused a sound of discussion.

"It's supposed to be a casual practitioner who doesn't know what to do. If you have a companion, you can enter with them. After all, they are more likely to be sent to one place. Although the courage is commendable, but in the stupid Another responded.

"People die for money, birds die for food, just like the former monk in the golden elixir realm. He didn't believe in evil. As a result, he didn't even get into the world of spirits, so he died! What a pity! However, once that person succeeds, he will be the best in the world of all souls, and his income will be extremely rich. However, this monk of the sea view is ten dead and has no life There was a burst of emotion next to him.

Ye Tiansi ignored those comments, came to the cloud before the vortex, take off the sword, straight into it.

At the beginning, it was ok, and there was no special feeling, but after a few breath, he suddenly felt a huge suction swept by, and the crushing force in the vortex suddenly broke out.

It seems that the pressure is even greater than that of entering the square inch spiritual realm from the small world of qingmingzong.

Such a measure, ye Tian immediately inspired a Vajra amulet, will protect the body in it.

The fierce rolling force soon made cracks appear on the shield made of the golden light talisman, and ye Tian quickly condensed a series of soil beetles.

"Click!" a crisp sound, suddenly a huge force of rolling hit, shield into two, broken.

Is the golden light talisman so fragile?

This is not scientific!

According to the rolling force in the fog whirlpool, ye Tian judged that he could support for another period of time, but this is not the case.All of a sudden, there was a flash in his mind, and he probably figured out the reason.

It's very likely that things like shielding here don't work. If they don't, those yuan babies and monks who transform the divine realm can enter the world of all souls by virtue of talismans and magic weapons.

It's very likely that the protection of these external forces will be crushed by the vortex at the fastest speed.

Thinking about this, ye Tian felt a pang in his heart. It's a pity that he got a diamond rune!

However, the crushing force in the whirlpool is still going on.

His congealed armor was broken layer by layer.

After being broken eight layers of earth armor in succession, ye Tian does not hesitate to spend his mana to continue to gather.

However, the ninth layer of soil armour has just been crushed. Ye Tian suddenly feels light, and the scenery suddenly changes. He no longer has the chaotic gray in his eyes, but finds himself in a wilderness.

It turns out that although the crushing force is terrifying, the time is not as long as that of xiaotiandi field.

Ye Tian takes a look around and removes the last layer of soil armor from his body.

There is no one but myself here. Looking far away, there are vast mountains. Behind them is a desolate wilderness, with grass spreading everywhere and trees uneven. The sky is dull gray, stretching to the end of the line of sight.

To his surprise, the aura here is really rich, even three to five times thicker than the outside world. In such an environment, many talents should be born.

However, when he released his mind for observation, he was shocked to find that the mind was suppressed so much that it could only cover tens of meters around, which was not as far as the naked eye could see.

Think about it. If the divine thoughts were not suppressed, I'm afraid the spiritual talents of this world would have been illuminated. How could they wait for him to come now.

So thinking, ye Tian did not start immediately, but successively released eight lianxinchong, flying in eight directions.

After observing the picture in his mind, he released an ordinary flying sword and flew to the mountains in the distance.

Suddenly, there are four figures on the other side of the mountain in Ye Tian's sight. Ye Tian doesn't want to conflict with anyone at this time, so he turns a direction to avoid the four people.

It seems that the other side has no intention to conflict with Ye Tian, but just pays a little attention to Ye Tian, and then leaves.

Ye tianlue ponders and controls the flying sword to fall on the wilderness. The flying target in the sky is too big, and there is nothing to cover his body, so it is easy to be found.

The left and right are looking for spiritual materials, which always fall to the ground.

As soon as he stepped on the grass on the ground, ye Tian immediately released two third-order shadowless snakes in the spirit beast ring, just in case.

There are many crises in the world of souls, so we have to make some precautions.

The ground is full of clumps of weeds and various plants. Although Ye Tian is very familiar with lingcai, it needs a little careful observation to find lingcai.

After walking more than a mile, ye Tian's eyes suddenly brightened. In the grass not far away, he found a wood rhinoceros. This kind of spirit material has strong regeneration ability, and is the main spirit material for refining healing pills.

Look at the year. There should be eighty years.


Ye Tian carefully dug out the wooden rhinoceros from the ground, put it in a jade box and put it into Xumi ring.

The spirit world is really good. It's so easy to find the spirit material, which makes Ye Tian very satisfied.

Really, from the good luck just now, until he entered the mountain, he never found any spirit material. Although it has been a month since the opening of the world of souls, it is not easy to say how much can be gained at this speed.

The rest of the forces came in by dozens or hundreds of people, with a large number of people and a wide coverage. The results are certainly much better than those of themselves.

What's more, the world of ten thousand spirits is opened every 60 years. Many people must know that they didn't pay much attention to the origin of the world of ten thousand spirits at first, but they have become a short board now.

Thinking about this, ye Tian came to a valley, took out the time and Space Tower, and called out Zhuqing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!