Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 872

At this time, he saw clearly that his position was an extremely luxurious underground palace.

The palace was filled with incense and mist. On the jade seat in the middle of the hall, there was a man, and on both sides of the seat stood a beautiful young nun.

The person sitting is graceful, dressed in beautiful palace clothes, and looks like a woman. However, ye Tian glances at each other's face. It's clear that his facial features are all there, but he feels extremely vague. He can't see each other's real face.

Moreover, from the woman in palace costume, he didn't feel a trace of mana fluctuation. He looked like an ordinary person.

Of course, ye Tian doesn't think she is an ordinary person. This method of hiding cultivation is called returning to nature. Ye Tian, as emperor Dan, can also do it.

It's just that this kind of magical power can only be exerted when it reaches the realm above the jade Pu realm. Otherwise, it can only suppress one's own cultivation and can't control one's mana.

Her method of covering her face is even more magical. It uses the principle of refraction of light, so that her eyes can't travel in a straight line, so that she can't see the real face naturally.

This kind of magical power also has a name, call phantom streamer.

What's more, the two nuns who looked like maids were also in the golden elixir realm. If you want to say that the palace dress women sitting on the chairs were ordinary people, who would believe it?

Since ye Tian is not an ordinary person, she is at least a yupujing nun. Ye Tian thinks about all the yupujing nuns he knows, but he can't name them.

You know, in the square inch spiritual realm, there are already very few monks who can reach the jade Pu realm, and among them, there are very few women in Imperial costume, no more than 20.

At this time, ye Tian is another kind of identity, another kind of cultivation realm. He just looks at it and lowers his head.

"Here is a blank jade slip. Record all the spiritual materials you know in it. You can get a piece of spiritual jade reward for each record. If you can't reach 1000, you can leave directly!" The eyes of the woman in the palace dress swept lightly over Ye Tian's body, making a sound like a warbler's cry, which was very pleasant.

"All of them?" Ye Tian asked in an unassuming way.

"Yes, all!" The palace dress woman confirmed, and then a nun beside her handed Ye Tian a crystal white jade slip.

This kind of test method is not beyond Ye Tian's expectation. If you can't even say a few lingcai, can you still make the other party believe that you can detoxify?

However, in order to make sure that he can get the Lingyu according to the number, ye Tian asked: "can I exchange the same amount of Lingyu for all the lingcai I can record?"

"Yes! If you say one more word, please leave That woman eyebrow light wrinkly, seem to have some impatient leaf day of long winded.

Ye Tianshan smiles, and his attitude is not a problem. As long as you can give Lingyu as much as possible, it's OK to say more. He needs to improve his strength. Of course, the more Lingyu, the better.

As expected, he did not speak any more. He took up the jade slip and pasted it on his forehead and began to record lingcai.

Ye Tian, the most famous Dan emperor in Fangcun's spiritual realm, has spent most of his energy on Dan Dao for 200 years. He knows countless spiritual materials.

It's very simple to record the spirit materials on the jade slips. In the past, there were a number of records, which is equivalent to a number of copies.

In less than 20 minutes, ye Tian put down the jade slips and said, "if it's full, another blank jade slip."

"Full?" The woman frowned and looked at the next nun.

Nun Xiu took the jade slip and put it on her forehead. Her face was shocked. Then she nodded to the woman in palace dress.

"Give it to him!" The woman in Imperial costume breathed out a long breath and said that she was also surprised at this time. You should know that this kind of special jade slips can store a huge amount of information, at least 100000 kinds of spiritual materials. If the name is not very long, it must be more than 100000.

Ye Tian's face is the same. He takes the blank jade slip and pastes it on his forehead again to record it.

The woman in the palace dress on the seat swept over the jade slip that had been recorded. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She had never heard of the name of the spirit material in the jade slip.

Looking at Ye Tian still carefully recording on the jade slips, the women in Palace Dress quietly sent out a message.

Soon, an old woman in white came in. She came respectfully to the woman in palace dress, took the jade slip from the latter's hand and pasted it on her forehead.

About ten minutes later, she put down the jade slips and whispered to the woman in Imperial Costume: "Lord, I only know less than 30% of the jade slips, but I can also explain whether they are true or false. As long as some of the jade slips he records now are known by me, I believe that all the spiritual materials recorded in this jade slip are real. According to the habitual thinking, he will record what he knows first, not make it up first. "

"It makes sense!" The woman in Imperial costume nodded and stopped talking.

Soon, ye Tian removed the jade slip from his forehead and said, "another jade slip."

The nun, who looks like a maid, is shocked again. But when she sees the woman in the Palace Dress nodding, she gives Ye Tian a blank jade slip again, and then sends the jade slip to the old woman.The old woman took a surprised look at Ye Tian, took the jade slip and continued to stick it on her forehead. A moment later, she nodded to the woman in the Palace Dress: "I know 30% here. It seems that there is someone out of the world, and there is a day out of the world. I'm really the king of medicine

The woman in Imperial costume shakes her head gently and doesn't speak any more. Instead, she continues to cast her eyes on Ye Tian. She looks thoughtful.

Another 20 minutes later, ye Tian's jade slip was full of records, and he handed it out: "that's it! Three hundred thousand elixirs should be enough to prove my ability! "

The woman in Imperial costume did not let the old woman continue to check, but said with a kind face: "young man, you are very good."

With a smile, ye Tian didn't say anything. In fact, it's not that he didn't want to continue recording, but that all the elixirs he knew had been recorded on the jade slips.

Even mother-in-law Ding, Chinese wolfberry, Cheqianzi, tangerine peel, Gastrodia elata, Panax notoginseng, Cistanche, Maka and so on were mixed in. Because they were not enough for 100000, he made up some more. In a word, even if he gave the names of the elixirs, he could not tear them down.

"Go and get 300000 Lingyu!"

After a moment's silence, the woman in the Palace Dress told the nun around her that the nun gently covered her pretty mouth and went out. After a while, she took a Xumi ring and gave it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian made a mark of his mind and looked at it. There was a large space inside, full of Lingyu with various properties. He couldn't count the exact number for a moment, and he simply didn't count it, so he put it away.

"Follow me!"

The woman in Imperial costume stood up and gently moved on the stone wall behind her, revealing a secret room.

The furnishings in the secret room are very simple, which forms a sharp contrast with the luxury of the palace. The most striking thing is that many strange runes are carved on the ground paved by the whole boulder in the secret room, on which there are faint streamers.

Transport field!

Ye Tian recognized what it was at a glance.

This teleportation field can teleport people to another place. The difference is that the small shift symbol belongs to non directional transmission, and it may not be transmitted to any place after transmission, but the transmission field is directional transmission. Only two transmission fields can form a closed loop, otherwise a single transmission field is meaningless.

Since she is a monk above Yupu realm, she can completely perform the great move skill. Why do she do so much? I don't know the transmission field.

So it should be for other people.

After the palace dress woman entered the teleportation field, the old woman and the old man stood aside and bowed to each other except for the two nuns who looked like maids.

"Come up, young man!" The woman in Imperial costume smiles gently at Ye Tian and beckons.

Ye Tian went up according to the words, but he was secretly upset in his heart. Isn't he just going to detoxify? It's like asking for a ransom from a kidnapper.

The nun, who looks like a maid, uses a magic power to hit a place in the teleportation field. Suddenly, the runes that make up the teleportation field flash with intense light. After a few flashes, ye Tian feels a flower in front of his eyes and a little dizzy in his head.

After the restoration of Tomb Sweeping Day, he had already appeared in another stone room with three women in palace costume.

The palace dress woman opens the mechanism, takes Ye Tian and others out of the stone room, enters a hall, finds a downward stone ladder at the end, and takes the lead to walk down.

Then he went into a deeper stone chamber, and gently pressed on a smooth stone wall, the stone wall broke, revealing the situation inside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!