Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 871

"Thank you for telling me. Do you know who issued this task?" Ye Tian smiles back to the middle-aged monk and asks.

The middle-aged friar said: "the rule here is that you can't inquire about the person who issued the mission. As long as you complete the mission, the temple will guarantee to get paid, without exception. As for those people who did not appear again, I think they may also have been poisoned, or injured or died, it is not clear! What's more, one year later, no one knows how far the poison has gone, but it's certainly more difficult to cure it! "

The temple is a mysterious force. Ye Tian heard about it when he was Emperor Dan, but the specific situation is not clear, because it is too mysterious.

On the other hand, ye Tian's focus was not here at that time.

In any case, ye Tian thanks for the monk's kind reminder. He thanks again and continues to look at the words on the stone tablet.

A top-level Dan master must have a thorough knowledge of the properties of various spiritual materials. The key is the toxicity. What kind of poison can lead to a year's incomprehensibility?

The middle-aged monk saw that ye Tian didn't agree with his words, so he didn't say any more and went on to other steles to see the mission.

A moment later, ye Tian left the stone tablet and entered the Deacon hall.

In the room, a beautiful woman about 30 years old was meditating quietly. Hearing the voice, she said without raising her head: "each task needs to pay 20 pieces of Lingyu."

Ye Tian had heard about this rule before he came here. People's temples also need a source of income. Relatively speaking, although there are many 20 pieces of spirit jade, once the task is completed, it is nothing. At that moment, he took out 20 pieces of Lingyu and put them on the table.

The pretty nun glanced at Lingyu and waved her hand. Lingyu disappeared from the table.

"Give me the mission code!" The nun still did not raise her head, she said programmatically.

"Mission 216!" Ye Tian said casually.

Nun Huoran looked up at Ye Tian, looked at it again and then asked, "are you sure you're right?"

"Of course, I'm not wrong. It's the task of treating poison wounds!" Ye Tian said faintly.

The beautiful nun once again looked at Ye Tian and said, "this task requires 10000 pieces of Lingyu."

"Why? Isn't that twenty dollars? " Ye Tian hears speech, squint eyes to ask a way.

"This task is special. You can choose not to take it." After the pretty girl said coldly, she didn't look at Ye Tian any more.

"Ten thousand dollars?" Ye Tian hesitated a little. Now he still has more than 60000 pieces of Lingyu in Xumi commandment. But for this task that I don't know whether it can be completed or not, is it worth taking out such a large number of Lingyu?

"If nothing else, please get out of here!" The beautiful nun looks at Ye Tian and says that from her experience, ye Tian is the kind of sanxiu who is short of cultivation resources and comes here to pick up tasks. Let alone ask him to take out 10000 pieces of Lingyu, I'm afraid he hasn't seen 10000 pieces of Lingyu.

"Well, I'll take it!" Ye Tian finally made a decision. He took out the Lingyu from Xumi commandment one after another and piled it up for half a room.

Although there are a lot of ten thousand spirit jade, they are not available now. Even if you buy one chance, if you can cure the poison wound, you will get a much higher return than the ten thousand spirit jade.

If the victim plays tricks, he will definitely return the color in the future.

"It's bold!" The nun glanced at Ye Tian with a smile, and then said, "it's just that I don't want anyone to come into contact with the poisoned person. If you can't even take out 10000 pieces of Lingyu, who can believe how high medical skill it will be. However, it seems that your bone age is very young. It should be about 20 years old. If you are not sure, you can take back these Lingyu. You don't have to waste resources here! "

Ye Tian gently shook his head: "before I know what toxicity it is, I think anyone is not sure, but I still want to have a try and give the poisoned a chance."

"Good! Since you insist on this, take back these Lingyu, and the task is up to you! " The nun nodded slightly and said, "however, before you are absolutely sure, don't take any medicine at will. Otherwise, it's not the problem of Lingyu. Maybe you can't keep your life!"

Ye Tianyi Zheng, is that ok?

Now that they have said it, ye Tian agrees to take back Lingyu.

In this way, he is steadfast in his heart. People don't even accept Lingyu. There should be no trap for detoxification.

"Just wait here." When ye Tian finishes collecting Lingyu, the beautiful nun says with Ye Tian and goes out of the room to the deep of the hall.

Soon, an old man with white hair and white beard came back with the nun. He looked at Ye Tian and said, "follow me!"

This old man has the cultivation of transforming the divine realm!

From each other's momentum, ye Tian can feel each other's state.

There are only a few monks who are lower than when they were emperor Dan. But there is no one in them.Up to now, ye Tian has no scruples. If the other party has evil intentions, he can't escape anyway, even if he puts on a grimace mask.

"Look out, it's in heaven!" As the old man entered the back hall, the old man suddenly said, a magic force rolled up Ye Tianxing and flew to the sky through the patio.

"I can fly!" Just as ye Tiangang finished these three words, he had reached the height of tens of thousands of meters, and then a black shadow of the golden eye Giant Eagle flashed to the front.

Ye Tianhe falls steadily on the back of the carving.

The giant eagle spread its wings five feet away, and its back was very spacious. It flew very smoothly without any discomfort.

Looking at the giant carving, ye Tian's eyes were surprised. The flat hair had reached the sixth level, which was equivalent to the level of the old man with white beard.

"Where do you come from?" The old man also asked in a flash of surprise. When other monks saw the sculpture, their expressions changed greatly, and they even yelled. Some people even called the elder sculptor, but the young man was very calm!

It's normal to hear people ask about their own history. After all, it's reasonable to know something about the detoxifier. But ye Tian gently shook his head: "master, please forgive me for not telling you!"

Ye Tian doesn't want to find an identity casually. It's easy to reveal his identity. After all, it's easy to expose himself if others check and verify. And I can't say that I'm Dante or that I'm from the earth.

Anyway, I answered in this way. No need to say that ten thousand pieces of Lingyu were not lost.

"When I ask you about your origin, I want to give you face. Why are you such a drag?" The old man with white beard didn't say anything, but the flying Giant Eagle suddenly opened his mouth.

Ye Tian laughs: "just as I didn't ask the origin of the owner, it's just a trade. Each takes what he needs."

"Well, big stupid, you fly your, don't talk too much." When the old man patted the back of the carving, the giant eagle gave a cold hum and flew up.

The old man didn't speak any more and closed his eyes on the back of the carving.

Ye Tian didn't ask much, just looking at the undulating mountains on the back of the carving, and his thoughts flew back to the past.

Although the body of this huge sculpture is huge, its speed is not slow. It even flies more than ten times faster than ye Tian's imperial sword.

At this speed, it took the giant eagle more than an hour to stop in the sky.

Below, the shadow of a huge city is reflected in Ye Tian's eyes.

"Come down with me!" The old man with white hair and white beard opened his eyes and said a word to Ye Tian. He grasped Ye Tian's arm again and jumped down from the carving back.

Ye Tian only felt the darkness in front of his eyes. In addition to the whirring wind, he could not see any other look, let alone the slightest scenery.

A cover up!

Ye Tian's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. This kind of magic power is similar to covering his eyes with black cloth. He should be afraid that he knows what this is!

However, since the other party has done so, he should not be in danger. Otherwise, he will not have to do anything to kill him.

Ye Tian didn't break the point until he fell to the ground and was taken by the old man to fly for a certain distance. Then his eyes suddenly brightened and his vision recovered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!