Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 852

Both Zhang's male and Xu's female practitioners fell into the realm of auditory hallucination. They only felt that Sanskrit chants sounded in their ears, as if they were in a pure land of bliss.

Knowing the danger, they tried to clear away the influence of auditory hallucination and fled to the distance. However, under the influence of mirage, their speed is much slower at this time. With a bow in his hand, ye Tian Hou Yi shot an arrow at the male monk. Taking Ye Tian's cultivation in the middle stage of viewing the sea as an example, his power was increased too much.

Hou Yi's arrow turned into a black line, straight into the rib of Zhang's man Xiu. With Ye Tian's "explosion" word, the field of Hou Yi's arrow burst out, exploding each other into countless pieces of meat.

At the same time, ye Tian takes out the small mirror, and the magic power covers it. A white light shoots at the escaping nun named ten. The nun only feels cold, as if her bone marrow is frozen, and her movement is greatly limited.

Ye Tian didn't hesitate, the fierce sword was released, and the red sword flashed to the woman.


The sword light came into the body, and a burst of blood light splashed. The nun surnamed ten turned into a dozen corpses and fell to the ground.

All this happened in the light of lightning. At this time, the horse faced friar who was smashed by Ye Tian has not yet landed.

Ye Tian's figure flashed, followed closely, then added a punch, hit the other side on the shoulder, and fell to the ground.

After two punches from ye Tian, he has broken his bones and muscles and is seriously injured. However, ye Tian takes another hand and slaps it on the horse faced Friar's belly. His mana penetrates his body and destroys his opponent's cultivation.

Then, ye Tiansi didn't waste any time. He pressed his palm on the top of his head, and the power of his mind went into his body along his palm to look at his memory.

For a long time, ye genius slowly folded his hand and looked to the South with a sneer on his lips.

After cleaning the battlefield quickly, ye Tian shakes and turns into a monk with horse face. Then he puts on his opponent's clothes and flies south quickly with his flying sword.

His flying speed is getting slower and slower. When he can see some figures on the mountain, ye Tian suddenly shakes his body on the flying sword and falls to the ground like he can't bear to be seriously injured.

"No, younger martial brother Chu is in danger. Take care of them. I'll have a look!"

Wei Huang's three friars at his side gave a command. His body flashed into a streamer and shot at Ye Tian. He had seen Ye Tian disguised as a friar with a horse face before. When he saw the blood all over his body, he knew that an accident had happened.

Originally, I wanted to wait for friar Ma Lian to come back and ask about the specific situation. Now I see friar Ma Lian falling from the air. If I don't do it again, I'm afraid that if I fall from high altitude, I'll be seriously injured.

Wei Huang, who had always been careful, did not doubt that there was him. He chased the horse faced friar Ye Tian played and fell to the ground. His speed was many times faster than that of free fall.

With a flash of light, he caught up with Ye Tian before he fell to the ground. Without time to think about it, Wei Huang reached for ye Tian's belt.


At this time, ye Tian suddenly put out his hand, and a ready-made blood breaking fist burst out, almost hitting Wei Huang's belly with his fist.

The shadow of the red fist passes through the body like a decadent one. Before Wei Huang can react, he has been pierced by Ye Tian's blood breaking fist.

Not to mention that, ye Tian turned over and fell to Wei Huang.

Where the sword light fell, Wei Huang's head flew away, blood light splashed and fell to the ground.

Ye Tianyi grabs the corpse and wipes it on his hand. He already holds this person's xumijie in his hand and then puts it away.

There are many treasures in it. Ye Tian already knows some from the memory of the horse faced monk. At least there are talismans for death and small moving talismans in Xumi commandment.

If the other party uses these two things, even if ye Tianneng can kill this person, he will take a lot of trouble and is more likely to let this person escape.

When he knew that Wei Huang had these two treasures, ye Tian took them as his own. How could he give each other the chance to use them.

So he pretended to fall at an extremely accurate location. Only Wei Huang, who is half a step away from Longmen, comes to help each other, can he have hope, and all his followers are prepared for him.

It's a pity that Wei Huang, the first disciple of this generation, has many magical powers and many kinds of life-saving spiritual treasures, but he was killed by Ye Tian before he used them.

Flying high again, ye Tian's sword chases the four monks of Dongzhen ruins.

When Wei Huang was attacked by Ye Tian, the four men quickly came to help each other. However, ye Tian killed Wei Huang too fast. It took only two breath from the attack to the fall. Before the four of them came near, Wei Huang had fallen, and it was meaningless to save him again.

It's natural that the three of them can't fight against the strong men who can kill half a step in the dragon's gate. Their only idea now is to run for their lives, even the more than 20 overseas monks have no time to care.

Ye Tian swallows a drop of nature liquid, instantly recovers his mana, tries his best to urge the flying sword at his feet, and gradually shortens the distance between him and the four.

After getting the original version of suihuangguan's idea method, ye tiangai's revised version, although his realm has not been improved, his mana is much stronger than before, far beyond the ordinary friars in the middle of guanhaijing.The level of the fierce soldier's flying sword was close to that of the immortal soldier. With all his strength, his speed was much faster than that of the four monks.

"Bloody battle!"

Seeing that ye Tian couldn't be shaken off, a chubby man suddenly yelled, turned around in the air with the other three classmates, suspended in the air, and cut off Ye Tian with his flying sword in the air.

Four people join hands, the momentum is extremely terrible.

Ye Tian's old skill was repeated, and his figure flashed and disappeared from the original place again.

Feng Dun!


Two kinds of powers are used at the same time.


Right hand, smash a female xiufei!

"Boom!" It's another blow, smashing another nun!

The remaining two men were so frightened that they couldn't see their opponents. They couldn't find them and couldn't fight each other.


the chubby male monk gave a big shout, and he also used the wind escape to choose a direction to escape.


However, his body was just moving, and he was beheaded by a red and black flying sword, which was irresistible.

When he had just solidified a layer of earth armor, the invincible fierce sword had been cut to his body. A dull hum sounded, and he was cut in half by Ye Tian.

In this short moment, the only remaining male monk was far away.

When ye Tianleng snorts, Hou Yi's bow appears in his hand. Hou Yi's arrow catches up, bows like a full moon, and Hou Yi's arrow disappears from the string.

The next moment, in the empty air in the distance, the last man stumbled out of his body, then fell to the ground. Behind him, a huge blood hole was pouring blood.

Ye Tian put out his hand and took back the arrow that had passed through his body. His body flashed and flew down.

The fierce soldier, with no pity for jade, killed a female monk who fell quickly.

Then, the figure disappears from the original place, and the wind escapes to kill the last beautiful nun on the ground.

The two nuns were punched by Ye Tian, and their bones and viscera were broken. Even if ye Tian didn't kill them, they would die.

After cleaning the battlefield quickly, the flames shot at the corpses. Not a moment ago, the monks who were still swaggering had all turned into ashes.

Ye Tian's body shakes and returns to its original appearance. He flies over the twenty overseas monks.

"But Mr. Ye of Miluo palace?"

Those people had already sat up from the ground, stood in the same place and watched the whole process of fierce fighting. Seeing ye Tian coming to him, one of them quickly arched his hand and asked.

"Yes, it's Mr. Ye!" Ye Tian nodded. He knew that his appearance had been painted into many portraits. As long as he showed his true colors, he would be recognized.

He didn't hide it, because Xiyan knew he was coming, and he needed to do something with this identity.

"Thank you for saving your life, master Ye!"

Those people see ye Tian frankly admit, have knelt down on the ground, can't help but thank.

Ye Tian saw the process of killing the friars in Fangcun Lingyu. In their eyes, those friars who could not compete were as good as cutting melons and vegetables for ye Tian.

This kind of means, this kind of momentum, is just like the arrival of God.

They have not knelt down, the heart has knelt down.

Ye Tian waved his hand, let everyone up, and then asked: "which one is Sima Wukong?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!