Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 851

The insect Valley in southern Yunnan is a hundred Li area with a vast area surrounded by mountains. It is more appropriate to say that it is a basin.

At this time, on a mountain on the north side of the valley, five men, three women and eight friars were standing at the top of the peak, looking into the valley.

Not far away, there are more than 20 men and women in strange clothes sitting on the ground, their faces are extremely ugly. Occasionally, someone looks at the eight monks, and their eyes are full of fear.

Some people turn to look at the insect valley from time to time, but their faces are worried.

Among the eight friars, a young man with white face and pretty eyebrows looked at several corpses in the valley and said, "the earth star is really extraordinary. This insect Valley is really a Jedi. Fortunately, we didn't rush in. However, it arouses my interest. It seems that there are many secrets here!"

"With elder martial brother here, I'm sure I'll succeed this time. Third Elder martial brother still wants to compare with elder martial brother. How about that? Is it all gone? " A young man with a horse face beside him fawned on the Friar and sneered at others.

The eldest martial brother Wei Huang waved his hand and said, "don't take it lightly. It's no secret that the Earth Star hides the immortal machine in Fangcun Lingyu. Other forces are coming here one after another. The native people of the Earth Star don't need to worry about it, but the people from Fangcun Lingyu can't ignore it. The third group should die in their hands."

The horse faced friar said with a proud smile, "that's because they didn't meet our group. Otherwise, let them know the power of elder martial brother."

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Learn a lesson. If you can turn over the third group, the other group is certainly not a layman. The first task is to explore the insect Valley and see if we can find some clues about Xianji. The second group went to the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang. We don't know what the situation is. Once something happens here, we can go there to have a look. Jedi, Jedi, not so easy to explore! The miasma in the insect Valley is troublesome enough! "

With these words, the elder martial brother Wei Huang turned his eyes to the valley again.

As for the particularity of the insect Valley, they have already found out some. The most troublesome part is that the whole insect Valley is isolated from divine exploration and can only be observed with the naked eye.

However, the eyesight is limited, and the scope of seeing is very small. Unless you can fly over the valley.

However, they found that although there were many birds in the mountain, they looked around the edge for several times and found that none of them dared to fly over the valley.

Wei Huang once took out a flying sword and forced an overseas friar to fly to the valley. However, when he entered the valley, the man fell from the flying sword and died in the valley.

The specific cause of death is unknown, so that Wei Huang does not dare to let his classmates take risks again.

In the end, ten captured overseas monks were allowed to enter the insect Valley for a trial. However, within a short distance, three of them were attacked by strange insects and died. The other seven did not dare to go any further. They just got together in the insect Valley and took precautions.

A little longer, someone has fainted on the ground because of miasma.

The rest of the people dare not stay in it for a long time. They want to get out of the insect valley with their fainted companions on their backs, but for some unknown reason, they can't get out of the insect valley.

"Elder martial brother, what should I do?" Seeing Wei Huang's eyes twinkling, the friar with horse face asked.

"Wait, wait all the time. If they don't want to die in the miasma, they will rush into it. This is the only way out. Don't we still have those people? One can't do it. If we go in again, we don't expect them to have any effect. As long as we can see the danger inside as much as possible, we will achieve our goal! " Wei Huang glanced at the more than twenty people not far away and said to the horse faced monk.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Huang suddenly felt something. He turned his head to the north and then said to the people nearby: "someone is coming, be careful!"

others opened their minds and explored into the distance. After counting the breath, the horse faced monk showed a disdainful expression: "it's just a monk in the middle of the sea view. Which sect of Fangcun spirit realm should he belong to? Wait for me to capture him and search his soul !”

"Don't act rashly!"

Wei Huang held out his hand and said, "younger martial brother Chu, have you forgotten the lesson of the third brother? Don't belittle any monk who comes, even if he is in a low level and can be selected to come to the earth star, there must be something extraordinary. Belittling the enemy is the greatest danger. Don't turn over the boat in the creek. "

"Yes, elder martial brother!" The friar with horse face was unwilling to withdraw his steps, but he didn't think so. He asked in secret whether the elder martial brother was too cautious. What should a friar in the middle of a small sea view be careful about.

After counting the breath, a streamer came from the distant horizon. When the shadow could be seen faintly, the streamer stopped.

It seems that at this time, the man found on the mountain, stopped in the air a little, then turned back and flew back and forth.

"Elder martial brother, the man wants to run, or I'll catch up and catch him. If we can get some information, it will be very helpful for our future actions." The horse faced friar immediately asked Wei Huang again.

Wei Huang nodded, looked at a man and a woman beside him, and said, "well, you should be more careful. Younger martial brother Zhang and younger martial sister Xu, you go with me. Be careful.""No, it's just a monk in the middle of the sea view! What's the danger? " The horse faced monk has reached the peak of the sea view. Naturally, he doesn't see each other in the eye. What he cares about most is the other's Xumi commandment. If there are two more people, they must be separated.

Wei Huang's face sank and his voice sternly reprimanded him: "don't be greedy. Is the lesson of the third group not enough? You three must be careful. If anything is wrong, you can be summoned at any time. "

"All right! Younger martial brother Zhang and younger martial sister Xu, let's go! "

The horse faced friar called helplessly, released his flying sword, and took the lead in chasing the figure. The two friars, a man and a woman, were also in a flash.

Yes, it's Ye Tian.

The power of his mind is almost equal to that of Wei Huang in the half step Longmen realm.

When Wei Huang found him, he also found Wei Huang. This is a rare opportunity. He didn't worry about whether he could kill the seven monks in Dongzhen ruins, but he didn't want to miss the net.

If those eight people run away in different directions, he can't guarantee to kill them all.

Therefore, it is the best policy to strike separately.

Seeing that the other party was really deceived, ye Tian quickly flew northward to escape. Behind him, the three horse faced friars pursued him closely.

It seems that there is no loophole in chasing and escaping.

Ye Tian, who was among the enemies, began to slow down without any trace. He didn't make the appearance of being chased by the other party until he flew forty or fifty miles away.

At this time, the friar with horse face was very angry. It was a shame to chase the target after such a long distance. He took out a three strand flying fork from Xumi ring and pinched it with one hand. The flying fork shot at Ye Tian with a terrible momentum.

The distance of forty or fifty miles must have gone beyond the scope of the monk's mind investigation in the insect valley. Ye Tian sensed that the other side had already made a move. His body flashed and disappeared from the original place.

Horse face man see this situation, heart a Lin, also quickly to a wind escape, to the distance.

Behind him, Zhang's male Xius and Xu's female Xius were also very quick. They were back-to-back at almost the same time, showing their bodies.

The art of Feng Dun can only hide the body, but it can't avoid the investigation of divine thoughts. Ye Tian uses the art of divine thoughts and hidden killing, but the three monks can't sense Ye Tian's position, as if ye Tian had disappeared from the original place.

Ye Tian not only knows the location of the three under the cover of his mind, but also can lock the three by using only the source eye.

The friar with horse face was shocked when he suddenly felt a gust of wind behind him. Just as he was about to escape, he felt that a huge force had hit his back.


With a loud noise, it was like being hit by a great God. The horse faced monk was beaten by Ye Tian. The skill of wind escape was broken in a short time. He showed his figure and flew to the distance.

As soon as Zhang's male and ten's female face changed, the power of Ye Tian's fist was beyond their imagination. With one move, they already knew that they were not ye Tian's opponent.

Two people don't care about the horse face friar, the heart has the spirit to control the flying sword, will go back to escape.

Ye Tian's golden ball has been shot and turned into a yellow streamer to shoot them. Then the golden awn erupted and enveloped them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!