Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 844

The old man with white beard looks sixty or seventy years old. He is thin and has smart eyes. He carries an empty scabbard behind him. The sword should be the flying sword he stepped on.

Ye Tian felt this man's breath for a moment, and his eyes flashed. The old man had seven levels of cultivation in the cave. He was not the physical cultivation of ordinary mountain people, but a real monk.

In particular, there is a flying sword. It should not be a simple character. It seems that the so-called ancient martial arts research association should have something to do with it.

However, such a realm, ye Tian did not see in the eye.

He a words finish saying, the facial expression is gloomy come down, this old man a come up to have the meaning of asking a crime, leaf day give him good facial expression just strange!

After listening to Ye Tian's words, the old man turned pale and said, "the guwu conference has not started yet. I'm just going to announce this rule. By the way, sun Zhengde, the director of the guwu Research Association and the law enforcement envoy of this guwu conference, those who violate the rule will be severely punished according to the circumstances. Before the promulgation of this regulation, you will not be severely punished, but you will be disqualified. Please hand in the invitation notice and leave here! "

"Are you sure?"

Ye Tian said with a smile: "originally, I just want to see what this ancient martial arts meeting is. Since I have been disqualified, I will return the notice to you. However, I won't come even if I am invited by the eight lift sedan chair in the future! Even if I kneel down and beg, I won't take part in it! "

Say words, leaf day gesture move, the hand is already appeared that piece of notice, with the hand hold into a ball, throw to the old man.

The old man took the paper ball and looked at it. His eyes became gloomy: "hum, don't treat yourself as a dish, just because you are rude today, you will be unable to move in the ancient martial arts world!"

Ye Tian is too lazy to talk with him. He turns around and glances at the Wang family and Xue Jinzhao. He and Qin Luoshen both walk down the mountain.

"Law enforcement Envoy Sun, you can't let him go like this. He is cruel and inhuman. He has not only ruined my son's life, but also the cultivation of Xue Jinzhao and me. Your ancient martial arts research association must be in charge of justice." Wang Kaishan wanted to stop Ye Tian, but he knew that he couldn't stop him. He didn't have the ability and courage, so he had to complain to sun Zhengde.

"Hum, you're not a good cake either. It's your fault first. If it wasn't for his cruel means, you wouldn't have driven him out of the guwu conference. If you also participated in the guwu conference, you would have been disqualified."

Sun Zhengde also did not give them a good face.

As soon as his voice fell, a streamer of light flew from lingjiu peak and fell on the ground, turning him into a fat old man.

"President, why did you come in person?" Sun Zhengde saw this man clearly, and was awe struck in his heart. He leaned over and asked in a low voice. You know, the president has always been so good that he seldom appears in public.

"Go and invite that person back to me. No matter what method you use, you have to invite him back. If you don't, your cultivation resources will be halved." The fat old man pointed to Ye Tian, who was going down the mountain. His words were extremely strong.

"Who is he? Is it worth the president's attention? " Sun Zhengde asked carefully. He really didn't want to go to Ye Tian again. He just turned them out and invited them back. Didn't he slap himself in the face?

"Shall I say it a second time?" The fat old man didn't answer sun Zhengde's question directly. With a frown, he once again disappeared into a streamer and flew to the distance.

Sun Zhengde, who is well aware of the president's temperament, is completely confused. He thinks, what's the big deal about that young man? No, no matter how big it is, it doesn't deserve the attention of the president, does it? But the president's meaning is very straightforward. Thinking of the serious consequences of halving the cultivation resources, sun Zhengde had to pull down his face and chase Ye Tian.

Does this fat man have the highest cultivation of sea watching?

Although Ye Tian didn't look back, he had already felt the cultivation state of the fat president under the cover of his mind, which really shocked him.

I didn't expect that the ancient martial arts research association is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Originally, he thought that he must be the highest monk, but I didn't expect that anyone could reach such a level.

And the fat president should have been at the peak of Guanhai for many years, but he didn't break through Longmen.

Then he thought that there were still Huaxu, lingmingshihou, Xiyao and kunlunxiu in China, and he was relieved.

Although the last great age has passed and Kunlun has been destroyed, the ancient inheritance may be in an unknown corner, and those who have great opportunities may get some inheritance, which is perfectly normal.

Isn't that what I am?

"Daoyou, please stay!" Behind him came a rush of footsteps, followed by sun Zhengde's voice.

As if ye Tian didn't hear it, he continued to walk forward with Qin Luoshen.

"Daoyou, please stay!" Sun Zhengde quickened his pace, and then his figure flashed to Ye Tian's body.

"Anything else?" Ye Tian eyebrows a pick, indifferent to the mouth.

He was a little disgusted with the practice of the so-called ancient martial arts research association. Take sun Zhengde as an example. He came up and asked Ye Tian for a crime without asking for any details. Although Wang Kaishan and others also made a decision to disqualify them, in essence, it was not out of justice. It is to maintain the dignity of the ancient martial arts research association.What about the ancient martial arts research association?

Do I need you?

"This time I think you are the first to commit a crime, and I don't know the rule of no use of force in advance. The ancient martial arts research association will be very kind and restore your qualification to participate in the meeting, but no use of force any more, otherwise it will be severely punished!" Many people in the back are looking at the movement here, and many eyes are staring at it. Sun Zhengde is very official and says that if he asks Ye Tian to attend the guwu meeting in a low voice at this time, he can't afford to lose his face.

"Very generous? Do I need your grace? What did I say just now? You have cancelled my qualification. OK, you have the right, but if you invite me in the eight lift sedan chair, I won't go. Even if you kneel down and beg me, I won't participate. " Ye Tian sneered and continued: "what I said is counted!"

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now! Please forgive me Sun Zhengde bowed his head and bowed to Ye Tian. Thinking of the punishment of halving resources, he could no longer save face.

Immediately, ye Tian flashed aside and said coldly, "I can't stand your big gift. There's no need to say more. I won't attend this conference. Besides, you don't have to disturb me if you have anything to do with the ancient martial arts research in the future!"

With that, he took Qin Luoshen and walked past sun Zhengde.

"Who do you think you are? Don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail. I just came to you under the order of Shangfeng. Don't be shameless. Even if I lose half of my resources, what can I do? " Sun Zhengde was very angry. As soon as his hot temper came up, he let it out.

Ye Tian ignored, and Qin Luo continued to walk down the mountain.

In an octagonal pavilion on lingjiu peak, the fat president of the ancient martial arts research association looked at the scene and said to another person: "elder, is this ye Tian so important? Does the ancient martial arts research association have to lower its posture to beg him? "

The man, who was called the elder, was wearing a pair of black sunglasses on his nose, covering most of his face. He was dressed in an old Taoist robe, holding a green bamboo stick and a divination banner, leaning on the stone bench beside him.

It is the blind old man who has met Ye Tian several times.

The blind old man stares at the direction of Ye Tian's departure. He doesn't speak and doesn't know what he is thinking.

"Master, you have entered the Longmen realm. Plus the other seven seniors, you are definitely the top friars in China. If you can't, who can turn the tide in this world. Ye Tian has always been cruel and ruthless. He has abandoned many people's cultivation. The elder should stop him. Otherwise, a few mountain people will suffer a lot! " The fat president continued to sound.

"What kind of people are ye Tianpai going to cultivate? Don't you count them in your heart? I told you that the earth is in danger, and a catastrophe will come soon. But there is a variable in the hexagram, which is always vague. And ye Tian, who was born in the sky, I can't see through. Even if it turns out that he is not the one to be robbed, what can he do? Just waiting to die? It's ridiculous that those people in the military are so blindly confident and optimistic! " The blind old man whispered to the fat man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!