Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 843

"You are so unreasonable. Your son is a rascal. If you don't discipline him, how can you protect his weaknesses?" Ye Tian hasn't spoken yet, but the nearby Qin Luo God reproaches angrily.

When the old man with long hair saw Qin Luoshen, he roughly guessed the cause of the conflict. His son, the father, knew the best. But he still said rudely: "still, my son's problem is my son's problem, you have no right to do it. Even if my son has a crush on you, it's your blessing. If you beat my son, you will beat Wang Kaishan in the face. If you don't kneel down and slap yourself today, you will be ruined. Wang Kaishan is the only one. "

At this time, the dispute here has attracted a lot of tourists, monks of the temple, and even a few mountain people to watch.


Ye Tian is here to attend the guwu meeting. I don't know what to say at the meeting. He doesn't want to be too conspicuous. It's just that Wang Kaishan talks to Qin Luoshen like this. Ye Tian slaps each other in the face with a gloomy face.

Five red fingerprints appeared on Wang Kaishan's face immediately, and his whole face was hot. He didn't even think about how the young man slapped him. He just thought he was careless, and immediately became angry. With a gesture, the knife came out of the sheath, and he practiced to Ye Tian.


At first sight, it was a life-threatening move. Among the onlookers nearby, there was a cry of surprise. The crowd scattered in fear of being affected.

Ye Tian's face was expressionless. He welcomed Wang Kaishan with his right hand and slapped Wang Kaishan's belly with his left hand.

Wang Kaishan's figure flies backward, and his eyes fall on Ye Tian's face.

"Boy, you really want to die!"

Wang Kaishan was about to rise, but he didn't get up. He fell heavily on the ground. Then he felt the magic power of Dantian leaking out, and his face changed greatly.

"You, you waste my cultivation?"

At this time, Wang Kaishan didn't know what had happened. Looking at Ye Tian, he was as pale as ashes.

Ye Tian stepped on Wang Kaishan's face with a chill in his voice: "you want my life, I only take your accomplishments. Am I very kind?"

"You let go of my father. Today I, Wang Xinxin, swear that I will destroy you in the future." The young man came over and pointed to Ye Tian and threatened him loudly.

Ye Tian's fingers curled and a piece of mana was shot half a foot below Wang Xinxin's navel. Wang Xinxin immediately squatted down with his hand covering the lower part of the table, whining in his mouth.

"I have always rewarded good for evil. You will destroy my family. I will only abolish your descendants." Ye Tian said, without looking at him, he took Qin Luo God to the distance.

"What's the matter with you, son?" Wang Kaishan climbed to Wang Xinxin's side and saw that his son's crotch was red. He quickly touched it with his hand and then howled: "Damn, it's all broken. I want him to regret coming to this world!"

"Jin Zhao, I have been abandoned. Your nephew has been abandoned. Outside the Dabei temple, come here quickly. The other party is hard at hand. Call more people! "

Immediately, Wang Kaishan took out his mobile phone like crazy, found a number to dial out and said with gnashing teeth.

Soon, three figures came from a distance to Wang Kaishan.

"Brother in law, who moved the hand?" Looking at Wang Kaishan and Wang Xinxin on the ground, one of them, a middle-aged man in his forties, leaned over to ask.

"That's the kid."

After ye Tian started, he and Qin Luoshen leisurely watched the mountain scenery, and talked and laughed all the way, as if what had just happened had not happened. He was extremely leisurely and didn't go far. Wang Kaishan pointed to Ye Tian's back and said bitterly, "it's useless for me!"

"What are their ways?" The middle-aged man named Jinzhao takes back his eyes from yetian and Qin Luoshen. Instead of acting immediately, he asks.

"No matter what way he goes, no matter who else is behind him, today's court must be recovered, and this revenge must be avenged. Otherwise, neither the Wangs nor the Xues can afford to lose this man! " Wang Kaishan was angry and deeply dissatisfied with Xue Jinzhao's cautious manner.

"Well, let's make an inventory of him in the past. If there is no strong background, we will abolish him today!" Xue Jinzhao nodded and rushed to the two middle-aged humanitarians with him: "brother Tan and brother Zheng, let's go and have a look together."

They nodded, but did not speak, followed by Xue Jinzhao quickly catch up with Ye Tian and Qin Luoshen.

"This friend, hurt a person and left without saying a word? Don't you leave a name? " Xue Jinzhao looked at Ye Tian and Qin Luoshen. He had no impression of them. He couldn't figure out who they were, so he asked.

Although his cultivation has reached the later stage of heaven level, which is much stronger than Wang Kaishan's earlier stage of heaven level, he dare not be too reckless in the face of Ye Tian, who abandoned Wang Kaishan's cultivation.

"What's the matter? If you ask me about my origin, do you want to settle accounts in the future? " Leaf day swept the other side similar, eyebrow a pick ground say.

Xue Jinzhao said with a smile: "they are all from the mountains. It can't be said that they have some kind of origin with each other. I'm afraid they are descendants of close friends, so as not to hurt you by mistake! If you don't say it, don't blame me for being rude! "Xue Jinzhao's thinking is like this: if the background is hard enough, the other party will certainly show off. Otherwise, he doesn't dare to say his identity, he has no background.

This is a wonderful idea!

"What if you're not polite?" Ye Tian disdained to smile, pulled Qin Luo God to continue to walk forward: "you see, that's lingjiu peak, look at the shape of the peak, isn't it very like a vulture?"

"Yes, the peak is exactly what it is called. It's said that Mount Wutai is also called Qingliang mountain. I don't know where the name comes from?" Qin Luo Shen points to ask a way.

"The light of the Buddha is universal. There is no anger or anger. It is called Qingliang mountain because it is free from anger and produces coolness. Ha, I guess!" With these words, ye Tian smiles.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!" Seeing this scene, Xue Jinzhao became angry. He raised his fist and sent out ten successful forces to hit Ye Tianhou's heart.

So many people looked at him, but he was ignored by the young man. It was a great shame to say that.

This fist is very powerful. The aura of heaven and earth around the fist seems to condense a vortex, with a strong sound of gas explosion. Even a big stone can be smashed with such power.


This fist without fancy to hit on the heart of Ye Tian.

The onlookers nearby gave out a cry of surprise, thinking that ye Tian would suffer a great loss, and might even lose his life. After all, that fist was too strong.

However, when the fist hit Zhongtian, Xue Jinzhao snorted, and his fist rebounded. Then his fist turned into countless pieces of meat and fell to the ground. Then his wrist, forearm and upper arm were broken one by one. Between a few breath, his arm, which was still intact, had been broken to the shoulder.

Left a bloody wound, surging blood, instantly dyed red lapel.

Ye Tian points with one hand, pops up a magic power and shoots it into Xue Jinzhao's Dantian. Then he glances at the two men who came with Xue Jinzhao.

The two middle-aged men's faces changed greatly, and they lowered their heads in a hurry. Fortunately, they didn't do it. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Xue Jinzhao's cultivation is as clear as his own. However, they didn't understand how ye Tian broke Xue Jinzhao's arm.

If it is broken by magic power, what is the cultivation of this young man?

Ye Tian?

I'm afraid Ye Tian is the only one who has such accomplishments. However, they have seen Ye Tian's photos. This man is not ye Tian, and there is no sign of changing his appearance.

I'm afraid up to now, ye Tian doesn't know his reputation among the people on the mountain. The people on the mountain have a picture in hand for fear that he might accidentally offend this evil spirit.

How can ordinary mountain people see through his current cultivation, such small things as changing his appearance.

The two people looked at each other, threw a fist at Ye Tian, and retreated to one side.

"Today is to be angry with you. Go back and reflect on yourself." Since the other side didn't do anything, ye Tian didn't do anything for himself. He said something to Xue Jinzhao and took Qin Luoshen to go on a leisurely journey.

"You are not allowed to use force during the guwu assembly. Do you know that you have violated the rules of the assembly?"

Just walked out of 20 or 30 steps, a shadow came from the distant mountain to resist the sword. On the sword, an old man with white beard came to him and asked Ye Tian in a fierce voice.

"I know about the guwu meeting, but I haven't heard about it." Ye Tian shook his head and looked at the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!