Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 816

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd! The middle-aged man of Duanquan sect, who was a master of heaven level cultivation, had his eyes splitting, his fists clenched and his body trembling slightly.

But ye Tian didn't pay any attention to it. He drank without any emotion: "bring it up!"

With his cheers, the people of Miluo palace escorted nearly 100 prisoners of Duanquan gate to the platform slowly.

"These people are all here to deal with the Qin family's Duanquan disciples. They have the same crime as Mu en. They are all beheaded and sacrificed to heaven!"

Ye Tian's eyes are cold. In a word, he sentenced these people to death.

Immediately, the disciples of Miluo palace knelt down on the ground according to the broken fist sect disciples who had abandoned their accomplishments, chopped them down with one sword, and their heads fell off their necks.

Splashing blood fell on the red carpet, the scene was very shocking.

The middle-aged man of the heaven level broken fist sect seemed to have bleeding in his eyes. Finally, he knelt down in front of muen with a plop, and his eyes showed a venomous expression.

The rest of the disciples knelt down.

After nearly a hundred Duanquan disciples finished their execution, ye Tian's face didn't show any waves. He went to more than a dozen Duanquan disciples kneeling on the ground and said in a cold voice: "it seems that you don't have any regrets. Come on, give you the last chance to fight!"

"Someday, I will avenge today!" The middle-aged man stood up slowly, staring at Ye Tian and gritting his teeth.

"Ha ha ha, you are so naive. Just say this to you. Do you think I will keep you?"

Ye Tian laughed a few times and waved a huge clear wind blade. He waved it and cut it across in a moment. More than a dozen disciples of Duanquan sect hardly had time to make any response, so they were cut into two sections by the terrible wind blade.

With awe inspiring color on his face, ye Tian yelled again: "take people!"

Soon, the remaining evils of qingmingzong and taiyimen, as well as the leader of Tiangang sect, Yu Qianfan, and his disciples, were escorted to the stage one after another.

There were more than twenty Tiangang disciples there, but under such circumstances, they didn't stand up rashly.

"Tiangang gate and Duanquan gate are removed from the world today. These people also attack the Qin family and are also executed! Sacrifice your head to heaven

This time, ye Tian didn't say any more. After he announced the execution, he stood aside.

There were more than 100 headless corpses on the stage with sword light waving and blood splashing.

All around the platform, there was a scene of killing. Everyone was watching the scene quietly, breathing. Everyone's heart was full of ups and downs, but they kept silent.

"The Tiangang sect and the Duanquan sect will be dissolved after today. Anyone who dares to retaliate against the innocent people will be punished."

Ye Tian's eyes swept the crowd again, and then he drank: "Unveiling!"

With a gesture, ye Tian grabbed the red silk wrapped around the plaque in the direction of the mountain gate, revealing the plaque with three big characters of "Miluo Palace".

Ye Tian glanced over the plaque, nodded with satisfaction, turned back, and burst out a force of awe: "the third item of the opening ceremony is to recruit disciples. All of you here today have only one chance. Those who are willing to join the temple are welcome by Ye. Those who are not willing to join will not be forced to do so. "

"Mo Dongchen is willing to join the Miluo palace!"

As soon as ye Tian's voice fell, Mo Dongchen, a monk, first stepped out of the line and bowed to Ye Tian on the stage.

"Qi Yun of Baihua Valley, lead Qi family practitioners to join the Miluo palace!" Without any hesitation, Qi Yun stepped out.

Then, more than 30 sanxiu who had received Ye Tian's salute came out one after another and asked to join the Miluo palace.




Ye Tian once waved permission to let them stand on both sides of the platform.

In a moment, the number of disciples in the temple of Miluo soared.

Ye Tian is strong, and so is the temple of Miluo! This is undoubtedly the best choice for those individual practitioners.

When these people left the crowd, the crowd immediately became thin.

Qiu Changchun looked at the crowd once, and suddenly said, "Ge Xuan, Du Feitian, Meng cunhai, Lu Ziyuan When are you going to stay in the temple? "

He called out the names of eight people, all of whom were disciples of Tiangang sect. Qiu Changchun had a good feeling about them, so he gave them a chance.

Those who were named, hesitating a little, went out and asked to join the temple.

Looking at the people present, no one came forward, and ye Tian said again: "fourth, announce the governance mechanism of the Miluo palace. There are six halls and twelve halls in Miluo palace, which are Xing hall, Wu hall, Yao hall, Qi hall, Dan Hall and cangjing Pavilion. The main hall of punishment is Meng Fang, the main hall of utensils is Qiu Changchun, the main hall of Wu is Lu Ben, the main hall of medicine is Wen Cheng, the main hall of scriptures is Lin Wuwei, and the main hall of Dan is Dai Yu. "

"Among the twelve halls, Qi Yun's foreign affairs hall, Fang Zhong's internal affairs hall, Li Dazhuang's Palace Library, Mo Dongchen's information hall, Nie Fu's Xunfeng hall, law enforcement hall, Council hall, guard hall, auditorium, supervision hall, Zhaolu hall, and medical hall are temporarily vacant.""The master of each hall, the master of each hall, is not a life-long system. The master of this palace has full power to assess. Taking loyalty, virtue and courage as the evaluation standard, loyalty and virtue are the most important. I hope you will live up to Ye's expectations

"Yes, we will live up to our mission!"

All of you who were appointed as the hall master and the hall master could not help but feel awe in your heart and bowed in unison.

Ye Tian continued: "the fifth, the Lord of the punishment hall Meng Fang read out the seventy-two laws of the Miluo palace."

Meng Fang answered, stepped out of the line, and said in a high voice: "first law, all disciples of the Miluo palace must be loyal to the palace. They will not have two hearts, will not know foreign enemies, and will not divulge the secrets of the palace. Those who violate the law will be killed!"

"In the second law, all disciples of the Miluo palace must put morality first, and do not kill innocent people indiscriminately, bully others by force, or hide evil thoughts in their heart. Those who violate the law will be killed!

"In the third law, all the disciples of the Miluo palace must live in harmony. They should not engage in intrigue, envy the virtuous and the capable, or be cruel to each other. Those who violate the law should be killed."

Meng Fang is familiar with all the 72 laws drawn up by Ye Tian. He reads them one by one, and every one of them has a chop.

Let those who have just joined the temple feel awe inspiring and alert. After all, you can see ye Tian's ruthlessness.

More than 200 heads are still on the stage!

Ye Tian completely imitates the setting of Qingming blessed land, but he is short of manpower, so he can only be appointed to this level!

After Mengfang announced the seventy-two laws, ye Tian continued: "sixth, announce the welfare of the palace. If you reach the top of yellow level, you will be sure to enter the Xuan level; if you reach the top of Xuan level, you will be sure to enter the prefecture level; if you reach the top of prefecture level, you will be sure to enter the heaven level; if you reach the top of heaven level, you will be sure to enter the congenital level; if you reach the congenital level, you will be sure to enter the Kaiguang level; if you reach the Kaiguang level, you will be sure to enter the Hunyuan level I won't say much about it later. You are too far away from the realm behind. "

"But I can make sure that once you get to the top of the top, you get to the next. So your goal is to reach the top, one peak after another. In addition to the monthly salary, the required resources need to be exchanged with the contribution value of the clan. The specific exchange method will be announced later in the palace. I won't go into details here. "


Ye Tian's voice has just fallen, and Mo Dongchen, who has just joined the Miluo palace and won the position of leader of the information hall, can't help blurting out these two words.

The rest of the disciples were also excited.

It's the first time they've heard about Kaiguang realm and Hunyuan realm. The highest cultivation realm they've ever come into contact with is just innate. That's the realm that Liu Bufan, the leader of Qingming sect, reached by himself. For these people, it's impossible.

There are some people who are familiar with Lu Ben, Lin Wuwei, Dai Yu, and Wen Cheng. They know that their original realm is the peak of the prefecture level, and they have successfully entered the heaven level just after they joined the Miluo palace.

This is a living example!

The infinite possibility of the future is in front of them. How can they not be excited? Compared with the seventy-two chop of the seventy-two law, they only need to keep their heart, and the law does not punish the innocent. If we don't commit a crime, isn't that thing in vain?

Outside the stage, many mountain people watching the ceremony heard the last item of welfare, and their eyes couldn't help glowing with longing.

Chu Xiangyun stood in front of many disciples, looking at the sky with her eyes, and her heart was full of ups and downs. A moment later, she made the most important and correct decision in her life.

She looked around at many of the disciples, resolutely stepped onto the platform, arched her hands and said, "senior ye, Chu Xiangyun leads 763 disciples of Shuiyue clan. Please join the Miluo palace!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!