Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 815

After the mountain people salute back, ye Tian's eyes fall on those worldly guests. Although they have considerable status and status in the worldly world, compared with the mountain people, they are too fragile in the face of absolute force.

It's like the first family in Jiangnan The Qin family, too, could not escape the fate of the jungle.

"Back to Haojiang, he Haoran, Zhai Mo and Ning Xue of Nanhai Ningshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. offer twice as many gifts and give all the donors the right of eternal protection! Anyone who dares to do harm to them is the enemy of the temple. If they have faults, they can only be punished by the temple! The rest of the people have no right to interfere, otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing them! "

Looking at the worldly guests, ye Tian looks at the people of sanzongwumen. He looks at them and speaks with an invisible chill. His words are full of undisguised warnings.

Or it can be said that this is a provocation to chiguoguo of sanzongwumen. If no one in sanzongwumen today challenges the authority of the Miluo palace, then today the Miluo palace has established its prestige even on the first day of its opening.

Even after the event, the people of sanzongwumen set their hands on those who offered sacrifices to the temple of Miluo, which can not make up for today's weakness.

Ye Tian's eyes slowly swept over the mountain people of each sect, with a suffocating sense of oppression. Everywhere his eyes went, those people's faces were very ugly.

At this time, many of the worshippers, led by shuiyuezong, began to thank Ye Tian with great cooperation!

"Thank you for your return. In the future, shuiyuezong and Miluo palace will advance and retreat together. Only Ye is the leader of the temple!" Chu Xiangyun was the first to speak.

"Thank you for your generous gift. The Haojiang family is willing to do their best to contribute to the Miluo palace!"

"Thank you for the protection of Lord Ye. The Mohists on Hong Kong Island are willing to honor the Miluo palace."

"Lord Ye is in charge. All the assets of Ning's pharmaceutical industry are subject to the call of Miluo Palace at any time!"

The rest of the world also expressed their gratitude.

After that, Qi Yun and more than 30 scattered practitioners began to express their thanks to Ye Tian.

This scene, let those three five door mountain face gradually can't hang, but let them now provocation Ye Tian, they really dare not.

Everyone knows that ye Tian killed taiyimen and qingmingzong. Even Liu Bufan, who is known as the first man in the world, has escaped. These people are far worse than Liu Bufan. How can they be stronger?

"Gongyang, the grandson of wuhumen, congratulates the opening of Miluo palace and presents a half step spirit weapon!" Just after the monks had given thanks, in a short space of time, an old man in his fifties came out from the crowd, holding a sword in both hands. He didn't even have a gift list or contact with Fang Zhong, so he began to sing the ritual himself.

"Why is Gongsun Yang so shameless? Have you sent out all your weapons? "

"It's really shameless. Seeing the rich return gifts from the Miluo palace, are you taking advantage of it now? Do you want Miluo palace to protect them as well

"What a shame on us mountain people!"

All around, there was a lot of discussion. Without exception, Sun Yang, the leader of the five tiger sect, heard it. His face turned brown and red. He bowed his head and laughed a few times.

Wuhumen is a small sect. There are only a few dozen disciples. Originally, they wanted to come to see the excitement. But it seems that they think there is something cheap to choose from, so they really don't want that old face.

Fang Zhong looks back at Ye Tian and sees that ye Tian nods slightly. Fang Zhong takes Gongsun Yang's half step spirit soldier.

Gongsun Yang was very happy. He looked up at Ye Tian on the platform and waited for his thanks. He thought that he would send a half step spirit soldier and return at least two gifts. He might even get a real spirit soldier.

After all, his gift seems to be much more valuable than Mo Dongchen's Jasper lion.

Ye Tiangang is also looking at Gongsun sheep. When they touch their eyes in the air, ye Tian shows an intriguing smile: "what enemy does Gongsun sect leader have?"

"No!" Gongsun Yang is just the highest cultivation of the prefecture level. He is usually cautious. Although he has had a grudge with others, how dare he say it easily here? He simply shakes his head and says.

Ye Tian said with a smile: "it seems that Gongsun sect leader has always been kind to others, and there is no enemy, so there is no need to protect him!"

"What is it?"

Gongsun Yang can't help regretting Ye Tian's words. He looks back at the onlookers and says: "in fact, he has provoked an enemy, but the five tigers are weak and dare not say it!"

"Don't say it! If you don't even have the courage to identify your enemies, the temple of Miluo naturally disdains to make friends with them! " Ye Tian waved his hand and motioned Gongsun sheep to go down.

"Lord Ye, now I dare say that wuhumen has been oppressed by Duanquan for many years. Duanquan is regarded as the enemy of wuhumen." Gongsunyang was forced by Ye Tianyan's words. Seeing that the gift had been washed away, he didn't get any promise, so he simply let it go and identified his enemy.

"Oh, yes!" Ye Tian nodded and said, "I'll give you a big gift. I hope you can take it!"

"Sure, sure!" Gongsun Yang was very happy. He said that he was right. Even ye Tian said that it was a great gift. It must be a very precious thing."The second item of the opening ceremony of the Miluo palace is to offer sacrifices to heaven. Give the first sword of offering sacrifices to heaven to Gongsun sect leader!" Ye Tian took a look at Gongsun sheep, and then said in a indifferent voice: "bring it up!"

As for who to bring up, he has already told Qiu Changchun.

With his voice, from the simple shed behind, a disciple of the Miluo palace came out. He was the original Tiangang disciple who followed Qiu Changchun to the door of the Miluo palace.

The man was carrying an old man with a withered breath and bloodstained body.

"Ah! Master Mu

Seeing the old man's appearance, someone in the crowd exclaimed, and then a dozen disciples of Duanquan sect rushed out of the crowd and ran towards muen.

Meng Fang, Wen Cheng, Lu Ben and Lin Wuwei were in front of them. They burst into a powerful heaven level momentum. It seemed that they were ready to attack at any time.

In Duanquan sect, a middle-aged man reached out to stop his disciples and looked at Ye Tian with an ugly face: "Lord Ye, what's the meaning of Miluo palace?"

Ye Tian said with no expression: "muen, the Duanquan sect, started against the Qin family who was sheltered by the Miluo palace. He has been abandoned by the Miluo palace for cultivation. Today, he is sacrificing his head to heaven. Do you understand? Gongsun Yang, are you satisfied with this great gift? "

"Lord Ye..."

Gongsun Yang called Ye Tian, but he didn't know how to solve the problem. He didn't dare to offend either of them.

Now he regretted that he didn't take advantage of it. He lost his half step spirit soldier and made a fuss.

"I won't take revenge on that!"

Face a burst of cloudy and sunny changes, Gongsun Yang toward Ye Tian a hand, flurried out of the platform, hiding in the crowd.

Ye Tian took the half step spirit sword from Gongsun Yang in Fang Zhong's hand. The edge of the sword was on Mu en's neck, and he said coldly: "if you attack the people I protect, you will die! However, today I will give you a chance. The men of broken boxing can fight together. If they can win the sword in my hand, they can take away the living muen. "

With that, ye TianChao and Meng Fang beckoned to let them come back to him.

The Tian level strong man of Duanquan gate looks at Ye Tian, and he is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. If he fights with Ye Tian, he will surely die. The cultivation realm of muen has been abandoned, and he is no match.

If muen was killed in front of their eyes, and as the disciples of Duan Quan, they did not have any resistance and struggle, then Duan Quan is actually dead.

Ye Tian is vicious. He not only crushes the broken boxing gate in strength, but also collapses the broken boxing gate in spirit!

"Ye Tian, you have to die!"

At this time, muen raised his head difficultly and cursed weakly.

"It's a pity that you can't see your death, but your disciples can see it, OK? Sad, right? Nuo big break boxing door, even a dare to rescue you

Ye Tian smiles coldly, wipes his sword lightly, and then spatters blood. Mu en's head falls on the high platform. , the fastest update of the webnovel!