Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 769

Am I proud?!

The middle-aged man stared at the golden black fire floating in the palm of Ye Tian's hand, shivering all over, sweating like rain, with fear in his eyes and even more admiration.

How eager he is to have such powerful means as ye Tian. If he has such ability, he can be a real man and trample other people under his feet like ants. He can become a powerful God who is really high and in charge of everything.

Unfortunately, all this does not belong to him, but belongs to Ye Tian!

"Now, do you know what you should do?"

At this time, ye Tian looked at the middle-aged man indifferently and said faintly.

"Dong Dong..." After a word, the middle-aged man hurriedly kowtows to Ye Tian for three times, then turns his head and kowtows to the stall owner, and runs to the distance like a lost dog.

He knew that as long as he was willing to move his fingers casually, ye Tian could be crushed to death like an ant.

Ye Tian looks at the figure of the middle-aged man fleeing, shakes his head, and does not choose to lay any heavy hand on him.

The best punishment for this kind of person is to take away the capital that makes him arrogant and return to his original frustrated state. I'm afraid that this kind of punishment is more painful than killing him.

However, what makes Ye Tian sigh is that after the change of heaven and earth, there must be a lot of people like middle-aged people. The stall owners are lucky to meet themselves, so they can be saved. But what will happen to those people who are not so lucky as the stall owners?!

The world is changing. A world completely different from the past is rolling like a mighty torrent. Everyone, whether willing or not, will fall into the torrent and drift with the current to find a new position.

"Little brother No I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you were an expert. What you said just now was unintentional. Please don't have the same opinion with me. " At this time, the stall owner has trotted over and knelt down in front of Ye Tian. After a few respectful kowtows, he is grateful and ashamed.

He just suspected that ye Tian was a bad man, so he was wary of him, but he didn't want to get it. In the twinkling of an eye, ye Tian saved his life. He could not imagine that if he had not met Ye Tian, he would have become a barbecue without any consciousness.

Not only that, at this moment, he has already begun to envy Jiang Tong. He can worship such an expert as a teacher. You know, if he can become a disciple of such an expert and his future achievements, is there anything else to worry about? Moreover, if ye Tian wants to accept his apprentices, he is absolutely blessed to be able to become his disciple. Even at this moment, he wants to worship ye Tian as a teacher!

"It's just a small lift, it's nothing..." Ye Tian chuckled, lifted the stall owner up from the ground and said, "and I also know that you are for Jiang Tong's sake. You are worried that he will be used by bad people because he is young and ignorant."

Hearing this, the stall owner scratched his head with his hand and laughed twice.

"OK, let's pack up. Let's see what's going on with xiatong's parents now..." Ye Tian smiles and says.

Soon, the stall owner packed up the things on the stall, and a group of three people rushed to the hospital.

Along the way, ye Tian learned some details about Tong Tong's parents' car accident from the stall owner. According to the stall owner, the driver who hit Tong Tong's parents was recognized by passers-by on the way of escape, just because he was the eldest son of the Zhou family in Jiangcheng, and the Zhou family's influence in Jiangcheng was a cover for the sky The passer-by who had promised to testify changed his tongue the next day, saying that he and the Zhou family had conflicts, so he deliberately splashed dirty water.

The witness changed his tongue, and the scene of the accident was not monitored, so the police had no choice but to draw a conclusion that the driver of the accident had not been found.

However, according to others, the perjury guy, after getting drunk with his friends, boasted that he had dinner with the eldest son of the Zhou family, and the Zhou family gave him a house as compensation.

"So it is..." Ye Tian nodded slightly, knowing what the stall owner said, I'm afraid it is the closest to the truth.

"Don't worry. If it's true, whether he's the eldest son of the Zhou family or the Zhao family, master will decide for you and your parents."

Closely following, leaf day stretched out a hand to rub to rub the small head of river pupil, made assurance to him.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang Tong raised his hand and wiped his eyes. His voice choked.

It has been a long time since his parents were in a coma. He has never felt the feeling of being cared for and being depended on. If he first worshipped Ye Tian as a teacher, he was only attracted by Ye Tian's powerful strength, then at this moment, he really recognized Ye Tian as a master.A moment later, the group of three came to the hospital, and then came to the intensive care ward where Tong Tong's parents were.


After entering the ward, when ye Tian opened Yuantian's eyes, he glanced at the man and woman lying on the bed, unconscious, and covered with plaster cast. Then he took a breath of cold air from the corner of his eyes.

Yuantian's eyes shine through, and he sees that on Tong Tong's parents, now, there is almost no intact bone, and every bone presents the symptoms of comminution; not only that, their internal organs have deviated from their position!

What's more, there is a lot of congestion on the head of their parents, which oppresses their brain, causing them to fall into a coma and unable to wake up. Moreover, the retinas of both of them are semi detached under the severe impact. If they are not treated in time, it will lead to retinal atrophy and unable to connect. Even if they wake up, they will also be injured Become blind.

"No This troublemaker is really damned! "

And then, ye Tian found a more surprising and angry situation.

He found that some bone fragmentation of Tong Tong's parents was obviously not caused at one time, but two times.

This situation means that Tong Tong's parents are not hit once, but twice!

To put it in a more understandable way, after the accident, the person who caused the accident hit them for a second time.

The reason why the other party would do this is very simple, I'm afraid that Tong Tong's parents saw the appearance of the person who caused the accident, recognized his identity, and the other party wanted to kill people, so that everything could be undone!

This cruel and vicious, it is too numerous to write, but also people feel that even a thousand cuts, can not be cured.

"Master, can you help my parents?"

At this time, Tong Tong looks at Ye Tian with his face full of hope, and his voice trembles.

For Jiang Tong now, ye Tian's existence is almost no different from that of an immortal. If ye Tian can't help him, then I'm afraid there will be no other person in the world who can help him!

"Of course, after a while, they will wake up and become the same as before..."

Ye Tian nodded with a light smile, with a steady look.

Although the situation of Tong Tong's parents is serious, it's just for ordinary people. For him, the emperor of Dan, only a little means and a pill can help them wake up from coma without any sequelae.

"Master, please, help my parents..." As soon as Jiang Tong heard Ye Tian's words, his face immediately showed ecstatic color, followed by, "Putong" knelt down in front of Ye Tian, vowed: "as long as you are willing to save them, I will listen to you in the future, you let me to the East, I absolutely dare not to the west, what you want me to do, I will do!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!