Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 768

"Kowtow, call grandfather! Otherwise, I'll set fire to your broken shop and burn you to ashes as well... "

When the middle-aged man saw the stall owner's appearance, he became more and more arrogant, grinned and said.

"No Don't... "

The stall owner shuddered, and his lips moved a few times. He was about to beg for a voice.

The middle-aged man looked down at the stall owner kneeling at his feet. At this moment, he was extremely happy. When did he live such a long life? When did he ever have such an experience of making others kneel at his feet

This kind of feeling even made him feel that he was like a high God, and the stall owner was just a tiny mole ant. As long as he moved his feet, he could easily trample him to death.

This kind of big man's feeling, let him completely intoxicated, indulge in it, simply can't extricate himself.

He knows that such a person is not what he can deal with. As long as he annoys the other party, I'm afraid he and his shop will be completely ruined.

"Whether you can be looked down upon is never what you can get by scaring others, but what you have done! You've lived so long, don't you even understand the truth? " But at this time, along the middle-aged man's back, suddenly came Ye Tian's indifferent voice.

"What are you, dare you talk to me like that! Kneel down now, or I'll order with you

When the middle-aged man heard Ye Tian's words, he burst into a rage. His eyes were almost bursting with flames. He held the flame in his palm and turned his head to look at Ye Tian. He cried angrily in a cold voice.

"Think of me? Do you really have the ability? Haven't you ever thought about the difference between what you do now and the people who used to treat you like this? You think you are showing your strength. In my opinion, on the contrary, it is a manifestation of your inferiority

Ye Tian looks at the middle-aged man indifferently, sighs and shakes his head.

It's normal for an ordinary person to suddenly acquire this incredible power and show some arrogance. He doesn't think it's anything. Just like when he first came to fangcunlingyu and made the first pill, he wanted to let the whole world know how strong his potential is.

But at that time, he just wanted to let those who were more powerful than him know how strong he was, and there was a possibility to trample them under his feet. He did not show his own strength and satisfy his vanity by bullying the weak like this middle-aged man.

"Presumptuous, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this! It seems that you really want to die! "

Ye Tian's words, word by word, like a dagger, pierced into the middle-aged man's heart that tried to hide his inferiority, which made him have a kind of disguise that was exposed, and his whole body was naked and exposed in front of people. He felt embarrassed. Immediately, after yelling at Ye Tian's exhausted voice, his hand trembled, and the group of weak flames immediately twisted to his face Ye Tian flies over to burn him to ashes.

However, as ye Tian can see, this middle-aged man's means is not to have the ability to manipulate Linggen like Jiang Tong, but to operate Linggen in the shallowest and least inflow way.

"Little brother, Tong Tong Run... "

The stall owner sees this scene and shouts to Ye Tian and Jiang Tong, hoping that they can leave as soon as possible.

But when he spoke, what made him feel particularly puzzled was that in the face of the terrible means of middle-aged people, Jiang Tong's face was not afraid at all, but calm, as if he had been used to it.

Not only that, he didn't know whether it was his own illusion or something. He even felt that he saw a kind of pity and sympathy from Jiang Tong's eyes.

As if, in the eyes of Jiang Tong, this middle-aged man is a real wretch.


And at this time, when the fire came, ye Tian lightly and casually raised his hand, and then pinched the weak fire in his palm.

What's more, what's more amazing is that the flame that can burn the desktop into black coke did not show half of its power after it fell into his hand. Even the skin of the palm of his hand was not burned.

"You You... "

The stall owner even looks silly, not to mention the middle-aged man who already thinks he is invincible at this moment. He looks at Ye Tian in a dazed way. He can't believe it in his eyes. He has reached the point where there is no way to add it, or he is a little silly.

He can't understand, his so overbearing means, to Ye Tian's hands, how to look, as if even three-year-old children are not as good.

"You are too weak!"

Ye Tian looks at the middle-aged man with a faint smile. Then he pinches his fingers tightly.


Five fingers pinched for a moment, along Ye Tian's five fingers, immediately came the sound of the flame like being doused out by a ladle of water, and when his palm spread out again, along the palm of his hand, there was no trace of the flame, everything disappeared."You I... "

The middle-aged man was completely stupid. Not long ago, he felt that he was as powerful as a God, overlooking all living beings, and that everyone would be trampled under his feet like a mole ant.

But at this moment, he felt that he had changed back into a tiny mole ant, and ye Tian was the real God!

"I just have a little ability, and I can't wait to bully the weak to show my strength. People like you don't deserve everything you get now! God give it to you, I'll take it back! "

And at this time, ye Tian's step is a flash, has come to the middle-aged man's body, immediately, hand gently out, fell on him.

With such a light touch, the middle-aged man immediately felt that there was something missing in his body. When he tried his best to feel the warm fire in his body, raised his hand, and wanted to gather fire in his palm, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not gather fire smoothly and could not feel the giving I have a strong and confident fire

"No way How could it be What on earth have you done? "

The middle-aged man spread out his palm, tried to hold it tightly, then released it in a hurry. After dozens of times, he found that there was still no fire. Then he roared to Ye Tian with anger and panic.

That flame, is he feels oneself from the frustrated person to the hope fire of the superior person, but now, was mercilessly poured out by Ye Tian.

"Take back something that shouldn't belong to you Take care of yourself... "

Ye Tian looks at the middle-aged person indifferently, light way.

It's really not a big deal that a person suddenly becomes powerful and has extraordinary power. But if he highlights his own strength by bullying the weak, then he doesn't deserve to have that powerful power.

Moreover, ye Tian knows that there will be more and more such things after the change of heaven and earth. People like middle-aged people will also emerge one after another. But these people, it's better to pray that they won't meet themselves. Otherwise, God will give them, and ye Tian will help God take them back.

"You are jealous of me. You are jealous that I have the possibility of being stronger than you. That's why you treat me like this, right?"

The middle-aged man roared wildly, yelling and yelling at Ye Tian, to satisfy his ridiculous self-esteem through such means.

"Hahaha, I'm jealous of you!" When ye Tian heard this, he couldn't help laughing. His hand was as light as the fire. In a moment, along the palm of his hand, a cloud of gold wings formed by the fire moved. His golden eyes were staring at the middle-aged man. It seemed that as long as his wings were lightly fanned, only the sparks could burn him to ashes.


The middle-aged man looked at the terrible flame. His angry face suddenly turned pale. He directly sat on the ground, shivering and sweating like rain.

Compared with his little fire, this fire looks like the ancestor of fire!

At this moment, the stall owner is completely dumbfounded, especially when he thinks of what he thought before. He even wants to slap himself in the face.

With Ye Tian's power, if he wants to do something bad, can he use so much trouble? Just rely on his doubt, flick his finger twice, and he can turn himself into ashes!

"The fire I made is so big..." Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and laughed, condescending and said faintly: "do you think I'm proud?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!