Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 760

Ye Tian didn't deny that he had been to the starry sky! Even, maybe living in the starry sky!

Yunfei listen to Ye Tian's words, can't help but a burst of dejected, the heart is more shocked inexplicable, but at this moment, she also finally understand, why Ye Tian so young, will have such incredible strength, the reason is very simple, he is different from others, had been against the sky chance, boarded the starry sky.

"It's over. Let's go back to Yudu and have a look at the situation over there. What's going on now..."

At this time, ye Tian digs off the topic and says with a smile to Yunfei.

Cloud Fei hears a sound, this just returned to mind, after looking toward the snow mountains around, some reluctant to give up nodded.

She knows that after leaving the snow mountain, her time alone with Ye Tian will be completely over. How to go in the future will be a mess. But there is no doubt that her heart, which used to be like an ancient well, will be shrouded in countless ripples from now on. In her heart, there will always be a face engraved and indelible.

Soon, a group of three left Kunlun to return to the market and rushed to Yudu.

"Meow Meow... "

Along the way, snow leopard Dabai, Xiaobai and his family have been closely following Ye Tian and others. When they come to the pass of the mountain, they stop. Snow leopard Xiaobai looks at the city at the foot of the mountain, then runs to Ye Tian, lowers his head, rubs against him, and cries twice.

"The city at the foot of the mountain is too cramped for you to live in. The snow mountain is the place where you can run freely I will come to see you when I have time. You should remember what I said and practice well, but don't kill the innocent and bully the weak In addition, if you feel lonely, you can go to the north foot of Kunlun mountain to find a guy named Kunlun Mountain God. Like you, he is a spirit beast that opens up wisdom I can come to meet you when my temple is built in the future... "

Ye Tian looks at the reluctant appearance of snow leopard Xiaobai, reaches out his hand and rubs his head, and says with a smile.

In fact, he also liked this clever, cute and dignified guy. Even for a moment, he wanted to take him with him, but soon he gave up the idea. The reason is very simple. The city should not be the place where these beasts live, especially in the hot and humid South China Sea.

After going to that place, the snow leopard may follow him, but he will miss the snow mountain.

And in the city, there is no snow leopard how to run and jump, free and uninhibited life.

Unless the Miluo palace is built, only such a spiritual land can make them live happily in it. But now, the Miluo palace is only in the initial stage, and even the mountain protection spiritual array has not been built. It is really not suitable for snow leopards to live in the past.

"Meow Meow... "

Snow leopard Xiaobai listens to Ye Tian's words and nods his head to show that after he has written it down, his brain bag arches Gong Ye Tian's legs, follows closely, crawls to the ground and makes a gesture of submission. This is a courtesy of snow leopard when facing the king of their group.

Snow leopard big white and snow leopard small white, see the appearance of small white, without any hesitation, also with kneeling in the snow, to Ye Tian said surrender.

"Let's go and live a good life. There will be time to meet each other in the future..."

Ye Tian was moved and patted the head of the snow leopard family. Then he continued to walk towards Yudu.

But, they go far away, can also see, snow leopard a those big and small figure, at this moment still standing in the snow, watching them leave.

"Unexpectedly, these snow leopards are so affectionate and righteous..." Yunfei sighs gently. This kind of picture is really moving and sighing.

"Most of the time, animals are more affectionate and righteous than human beings..." Ye Tian chuckles and takes out two pills from the Jinwu fire pill stove. He hands them to Yunfei and says, "these are two pills for Qingxin. Take them back to Xiaoqing. A pill for Qingxin should be enough for her. You can keep the rest. In case your sisters encounter similar situations again, you can take it to them."

Yunfei silently nodded, but in the heart is a wry smile, she knows, take this pill, I'm afraid it's not others, but yourself.

Her heart is in a mess now. If she can't come out, it must be similar to Xiaoqing.

"Well, thank you." Yunfei nodded to yetian and said thank you. Immediately, he looked a little dejected and said: "I'm going to go too..."

"Won't you go to Yundu?" Ye Tian hears the sound and looks at Yunfei. He asks in surprise.

"I'm not going Younger martial sister Xiaoqing is still waiting for me... " Yunfei shook his head and said slowly. However, the reason why she is like this is not entirely because of Xiaoqing, but also partly because she is worried that if she continues to be with Ye Tian, she will make that feeling even more unable to support herself.

"Well, we will meet again in the future." Ye Tian also understands that the reason why Yunfei wants to leave is that in addition to Xiaoqing, he is afraid that there are his own factors in it. After bowing to Yunfei, he says with a smile."The mountains and rivers meet. We'll meet again in the future!"

Yunfei nodded with a smile, arched his fist to Ye Tian, then turned to the distance, finally, the figure disappeared in the snow.

Ye Tian quietly looks at the figure of Yunfei leaving. He is disappointed. He knows that the share of beauty he is shouldering is now heavier.

"Master, I can feel that Miss Yunfei likes you. Why don't you say it?"

Nie Fu looks at this scene in front of her, and she can't help but ask ye Tianxun a little perplexed.

"You don't understand..." Ye Tian shook his head with a bitter smile and said slowly.

The matter between him and Yunfei is not only emotional, but also related to Ning Yao and Xiaoqing.

Although the relationship between Yunfei and Xiaoqing is a teacher sister, there is no difference between them. Xiaoqing is even possessed by the devil because of him. He can't wake up. If something happens between him and Yunfei, then how can Yunfei face Xiaoqing?

"I can't understand. We friars dare to love and hate. We're not ordinary people. We have a long life and good physical ability. How many people do we like? As long as we are sincere, we don't have to worry about so much If I have such high accomplishments as your master, if several boys like me, I don't mind... "

Nie Fu is very fierce and bold. Seeing that ye Tian seems to be different from those friars he met in the past, he has the courage to say.

Dare to love, dare to hate, like together

Ye Tian listens to Nie Fu's words, although some are dumbfounded for the latter part of her words, but think about it carefully, this is not unreasonable.

After all, the cultivation of friars is a matter against heaven, fighting with heaven and earth, which these ordinary people can't understand.

Under such circumstances, it is nothing to do something shocking occasionally.

But all this, after all, is to wait until, Ning Yao wake up later!

But soon, ye Tian shook his head, made up his mind, and left these confused thoughts behind.

A moment later, he and Nie Fu came to Yudu.

The change of heaven and earth has spread to Yudu! People in the city are also undergoing transformation!

As soon as he arrived in Yudu, ye Tian immediately realized that the vitality of heaven and earth in Yudu was no different from that in Kunlun Mountain, and it became a bit stronger. Especially for the people living in the city, their bodies were slowly changing

This scene shakes Ye Tian's mind. He knows that a big era is about to sweep this silent planet for a long time. Perhaps, the embers of cultivation civilization will continue to shine!

In the same way, with the change of heaven and earth, there will be many arrogant people coming out of the world!

Even more, he could not help hoping that if he could break all the four Jedi, what would happen to this star? , the fastest update of the webnovel!