Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 759

It seems that this unbearable debt of beauty is now one more

It's not only Yunfei, but ye Tian's heart is full of insight and sighs.

He also didn't expect, cloud Fei just when he was in danger, unexpectedly will ignore the life and death of want to save him. A girl, regardless of her life, goes to save a man. How much she cares about the man in her heart can be imagined.

Just, a rather snow, already let leaf day heart is full of guilt, now, more a cloud Fei, let him feel more at a loss, don't know what to do.

There is no doubt that these girls are very good, and there is nothing to say about their kindness, but it is this kindness that makes him feel more and more sorry.

"Master, have you found that this world seems to be different from just now..."

And at this time, Nie Fu suddenly broke the silence, toward Ye Tian, carefully asked.

Heaven and earth have changed?! When ye Tian heard this, he immediately threw away his thoughts, closed his eyes and felt it carefully. In a flash, he immediately found that the aura contained in the heaven and earth around him had become rich at this moment. Although he was still poor, he was much better than before.

That kind of feeling, is like this world vitality withered planet, at this moment, is like seed germination, is experiencing a kind of recovery!

"Yunfei, can you feel it and see if you can find this unusual thing?"

Next, ye Tian opens his mouth to Yunfei, and asks her to try to feel the change. Is it only the friars such as herself and Nie Fu who can see the change, or the mountain people such as Lian Yunfei can also get the chance and fortune.

"No! It's really different! In the past, I needed to run for a week to feel the vitality between heaven and earth. But now, when I run the cultivation method, I can feel it, and the efficiency is higher than before... " Hearing this, Yunfei quickly sits down on his knees and tries the cultivation method of shuiyuezong. He immediately finds that everything has changed as ye Tian said. It is no longer the same as before!

This change shocked her and made her feel even more happy. You know, the main reason why it was difficult to practice in the past was that the absorption efficiency of the vitality of heaven and earth was extremely low. But now, everything is different. If you use the cultivation method, you can feel the vitality of heaven and earth, and the absorption efficiency has also been improved. How can you not let people be ecstatic.

"I found that my constitution seems to be changing now, and my flesh and blood seem to be improving unconsciously..."

Closely following, cloud Fei is to discover a more inconceivable circumstance, to leaf day excited way.

Yunfei's physique is also changing?!

Ye Tian hears the sound and perceives it carefully. He immediately finds that his body is changing like Yunfei. However, the progress of the transformation is too subtle for him. He can't detect it at all. That's why he ignores it.

This scene makes Ye Tian feel inconceivable. This kind of change in heaven, earth and human body makes him feel as if after he has cracked the Kunlun ruins, the heaven and earth has been revived and is changing towards the brilliant era of cultivation and civilization in the past.

After all, Reiki becomes stronger and physique improves, all of which are making the human body more suitable for cultivation.

However, he can't be sure at the moment. Only when he returns to Yudu and checks carefully to see if there are other people besides him and Yunfei can he be sure of this.

"Why didn't I feel the change in my body?"

Nie Fu hears their words and carefully perceives herself. However, she is shocked to find that she does not feel the slightest change in her body. Everything is the same as usual.

"Can't you feel the metamorphosis of the body?" The leaf day hears a sound, not from some surprised toward Nie Fu to see one eye, inconceivable way.

"I can't feel that everything in my body is as usual, without any change..." Nie Fu shook his head, immediately let go of his mind, and said to Ye Tian, "if you don't believe me, you can come to explore, and naturally you will find out."

When ye Tian hears the sound, he immediately turns his eyes to Nie Fu. As far as his eyes can reach, he immediately finds that Nie Fu's body is as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. He can't see any change. But Yunfei's body is different. He can clearly see that her body is changing all the time, the impurities in her blood are excreting, and the flesh and blood become more and more beautiful Strong, the channels are more tenacious, and the perception of heaven and earth aura is also constantly enhanced.

Although this kind of change is not huge but weak, even so, it will be strong enough when qualitative change is achieved by quantitative change.

"Why is there such a huge change?" Ye Tian frowned and thought about it carefully. A little later, his eyes brightened, and he suddenly understood the reason why this strange scene happened. The answer is very simple, because Nie Fu is the comer, the fusion between the friars of Fangcun spiritual realm and the ordinary people of the earth. He can't avoid the breath of Fangcun spiritual realm, instead of the pure earth like he and Yunfei People, that's why."It could be your origin, which led to all this." Thinking of this, ye Tian looks at Yunfei and explains with a smile.

"Where did it come from?" Nie Fu was stunned. Even though she understood the meaning of Ye Tian's words, she looked at Ye Tian in amazement and frowned: "but master, you and I are not from the same place? Why can you, master? I'm different! "

"No, this is my hometown. I've always been here!"

Hearing this, ye Tian smiles and shakes his head to Nie Fu, vaguely telling the truth.

When he came back to life from Fangcun spiritual realm, what he carried was only the memory of Fangcun spiritual realm, not the soul and body. Therefore, from beginning to end, he was a man of the earth, not a friar of Fangcun spiritual realm!

"What? Ye Tian is a man on earth? "

Nie Fu hears this sound, immediately full face is stunned, can't believe of looking at Ye Tian, in the mind buzz long make ring.

She had always thought that ye Tian appeared on the earth after that fight because of chance. But now she found out that she had made a mistake. Ye Tian was never a monk in the square inch spiritual realm, but a monk born in this immortal land!

I'm afraid it's not just her. Once the news reaches the ears of the Lord of darkness or the friars of Fangcun's spiritual realm, it's bound to cause an uproar, which is enough to shock everyone.

Even at this moment, she could not help suspecting that the reason why Ye Tian was in Fangcun Lingyu at the beginning was that he was able to break through Yupu realm and achieve the prestige of emperor Dan in just 200 years, maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was a monk from the immortal land of the earth!

Similarly, once the news comes out, it will certainly attract more eyes to this mysterious land of immortality, to come here and look for opportunities.

"Ye Tian, what do you mean by these words, Nie Fu? Is she an alien? And what does she mean by that? Have you ever been to an alien

At this time, after hearing the dialogue between Ye Tian and Nie Fu, Yunfei is full of confusion and can't help asking Ye Tianfa.

"The vastness of the starry sky is unpredictable. Now you can't understand all this. Only when you become stronger in the future can you understand how big the world is, and we are just a drop in the vast sea..."

Ye Tian hears Yun Fei's words and immediately explains to her with a smile, but it doesn't make it clear.

After all, Yunfei's current cultivation strength is too weak. Knowing these secrets may not be a good thing for her.

However, the words of the moment, ye Tian heart can not help but gently sigh.

The earth in the vast starry sky, is indeed a drop in the ocean, but now, this drop in the sea, in the case of the so-called fairy secret, I'm afraid it has become the focus of countless eyes!

If the friars on the earth were extremely strong, it would be fine. But now they are weak. If such a scene comes, I'm afraid they will only have the share of mermaid! , the fastest update of the webnovel!