Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 756

"Incredible! In this barren world, there are such powerful things as banxianbing! Is it true that there is a secret of immortality here? "

Nie Fu shocked inexplicably, looking at the golden black fire half immortal soldier Dan stove, the color of disbelief in his eyes, has been rich to the point of no more.

Although she doesn't know how ye Tian escaped the attack of the great monks in Yupu realm and appeared on the earth, there is no doubt that today's Ye Tian, after his accomplishments have been completely lost, will come back again, and all the secret treasures he once possessed no longer exist.

Under such circumstances, ye Tian could only have obtained this semi immortal army Dan stove from the earth.

There are such elites on a barren planet. Doesn't it mean that perhaps long ago, there was a brilliant cultivation civilization here, or even the secret of immortality pursued by the Dark Lord.

"Ye Tian, is he the son of this planet? Is it on him? "

Even, this moment in Nie Fu's heart, also gave birth to such a bold idea.

In the past, when she was in the square inch spiritual realm, she had heard a saying that in every bright world or a star of desperate recovery, there would always be a person who inherited an era or a star's fate.

Such existence, no matter what chance on this star, can be obtained and used by him, making him grow faster than his contemporaries.

But now, in Ye Tian's body, through this golden black fire half immortal soldier Dan stove, she feels that she seems to see such existence.

After all, if not, it's really hard to explain what happened to Ye Tian.


But before Nie Fu's mind was calmed down, the power grid, which had been pressed out of a huge depression by the Jinwu fire banxianbing Danlu, was suddenly bursting with a strong rebound force. The arc after arc was wildly intertwined and swaying. Finally, it was the Jinwu fire banxianbing Danlu that flew into the air.

"Boom..." The next breath, the huge Jinwu fire Dan furnace, then heavily hit the valley around Kunlun Guixu, such a terrible bombardment, should have shaken the ground, let a lot of rocks roar down to the ground, but the strange thing is, after the Jinwu fire Dan furnace hit the valley, it was all calm and no waves, let alone the rocks rolling, even without a trace of smoke splashing up, everything It's as calm as an ancient well.

This is the power of the natural field. Even if it is bombarded so violently, it can't damage and disturb it, so as not to be destroyed by it.

"God It's incredible. It's so powerful! "

Nie Fu trembles and stares at the scene in front of her eyes. She gasps for air.

Although Ye Tian's current ability can't make the Jinwu fire Banxian soldier's Dan furnace display too powerful power, it can't be underestimated just by the power of Jinwu fire Banxian soldier's Dan furnace itself, but now, it's amazing that it's so easy to fly.


Almost at the same time when the Jinwu fire elixir furnace was shot away, the human lightning suddenly raised its hand. At the next moment, the power grid that spread to Ye Tian suddenly condensed and turned into a bright, shining and sharp sword, which stabbed Ye Tian.

This sword, ethereal to the extreme, but also accurate to the extreme, points directly at Ye Tian's chest, sword meaning like a net, intertwined dance, firmly locked, let Ye Tian feel at this moment, like being watched by a poisonous snake, that sense of crisis, let him along the tail vertebra to the back neck, are all covered with cold sweat.

At this moment, the strong sense of crisis has been the strongest since he came to the earth.

Moreover, he asked himself, even if he used any means, there was absolutely no way to avoid this terrible sword.

In front of this sword, waiting for him, he must die.

"Ye Tian..."

Not only Ye Tian himself, but also Yunfei felt the despairing atmosphere at this moment. Her expression changed greatly. She could not help but quickly approached the valley. She wanted to do her best to help Ye Tian get rid of the danger she was facing at this moment.


But almost at the same time, Nie Fu moved. With a flash of her body, she appeared beside Yun Fei. She stretched out her hand and clasped it on her shoulder. Shengsheng stopped her pace. Then, she said in a deep voice, "Miss Yun, the master said that you are not allowed to go near the Kunlun ruins."

Before he leaves, ye Tian sends a message to Nie Fu. If something abnormal happens to him, if Yunfei doesn't get close to Kunlun Guixu, then it's OK. But if Yunfei wants to get close, then she has to stop Yunfei at all costs.

For ye Tian's words, Nie Fu naturally is to strictly implement, absolutely dare not relax a cent.

"Ye Tian..." Yunfei struggles hard, but she can't get rid of Nie Fu at all. She can only watch helplessly. The shining thunder sword in the hand of human lightning is a little closer to Ye Tian to take his life!Even at this moment, Yunfei's tears, like a broken line, trickled down her cheek, blurring the world in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

That kind of grief, let her unbearable, pain to the extreme, even she didn't realize, one day, she could even ignore life and death to save a man, and, for a man's life and death, and feel such heartache

"Don't worry, master. He'll be fine! In him, there is something to keep alive! "

Nie Fu sees this, caught cloud Fei, sink a voice to comfort a way.

"Found it! There it is

Almost at the same time, ye Tianyuan's eyes shine through the sky in the Kunlun ruins. He sees that with the action of human lightning holding the sword, the circuit of Yuanqi becomes more and more clear at this moment. Finally, all the circuits of Yuanqi turn to a little bit on the ground.

All the power, all the energy, the source of birth, it is on this point.

At the same time, the sharp sword pierced by the human lightning has reached Ye Tian's chest. The next breath will go deep into his body and take his life.


But almost at the same time, along the pocket of Ye Tian's chest, suddenly there was a light splashing out, followed by a shadow that was almost the same as ye Tian's, suddenly came out, grabbed ahead of Ye Tian, straightened up his chest, and met the fierce sword.

"What's this..."

This strange picture, let cloud Fei immediately stunned, the whole person dull and can't believe looking at the front of this screen, head buzzing.

What she saw today was too much, totally beyond her understanding. Even if she was a mountain dweller and had been in contact with ancient practitioners, what she saw before her still made her feel like a dreamer.

"Death talisman! This talisman can die for the master once! Next, it depends on the master himself whether he can come out alive or die! "

Nie Fu whispers, but her eyes just stare at Ye Tian.

Although the talisman for death is extremely powerful, it can only die once. If ye Tian can seize this opportunity, he can live. But if ye Tian misses this opportunity, he will still be dead with the power of human lightning and the astonishment and terror of this sword.

She would like to know whether ye Tian could seize this short opportunity to turn against the wind and survive as a Jedi!

If ye Tian can succeed, then she thinks that her conjecture is right. Ye Tian is the lucky son of the star under her feet!

And she herself, from now on, will never betray Ye Tian. She really regards him as her master, follows him and gives up her life!

"I have only one chance; you have only one! If you can't kill me this time, you'll never want to kill me! "

At the same time, ye Tian murmured. Taking the chance to defend himself against the sword for the death talisman, his body moved and suddenly appeared in the position where the nature Lingyu was. In a moment, all the mana in his body was poured into his right hand, and he leaned out towards the ground with one hand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!