Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 755

"Lei Mi!"

Seeing the fierce attack, ye Tian had no fear on his face. He raised his hand, and a thunder suddenly appeared. He hit the thunder sword hard.

"Boom!" Two thunderbolts collided with each other heavily. In a flash, a terrible arc immediately spread to all directions. Moreover, the violent roar made Yunfei and Niefu feel that the earth under their feet was shaking, like an earthquake, coming.

Even, they saw that in the distant mountains, the accumulated ice and snow, at this moment, was rolling down and sweeping down, and the snow powder was flying all over the sky, scattered all over the world, which made people feel a sense of fear.

This kind of power is beyond Yunfei's understanding. Even Nie Fu, who was a practitioner, breathes cold air when he looks at this scene. His eyes toward Ye Tian are full of bright and strange light.

As a cultivator, she knows better than anyone how difficult it is for her to improve in the world of spiritual decay. Ye Tian's ability to achieve this kind of cultivation absolutely shows that he has taken the lead and has gained a lot of opportunities in this world.

And I, choosing to follow him, may be like following the son of fate, which will bring greater change and improvement to my life.

Even, perhaps because of this opportunity, I can achieve a more powerful realm in this world than in the past.

"It's going to work!"

At the same time, after ye Tian extinguished the thunder, he also found that, as he speculated, when the natural field of Kunlun Guixu erupted greater power, under the eye of Yuantian, the fluctuation of the vitality that drove it to run the field became clearer at this moment.

However, the time was too short. He only had time to determine the general location, and the halo had dissipated, so he could not continue to determine a more specific location.

"Come again!"

Without any hesitation, ye Tian raised his hand and hit Kunlun ruins with another thunder.

One thunder just dissipated, and the second thunder came again. This action completely angered Kunlun Guixu. In an instant, the whole valley was shaking and trembling madly, shining from the grass and trees, from the rocks, from the depths of the soil.

In the end, it turned out to be a shadow of human lightning, such as thunderstorm, which came to Ye Tianji in one step.

"Human lightning! My God! Is this field going to give birth to a spirit? "

As soon as this scene comes out, Nie Fu, who is standing at the mouth of the valley and watching the situation, is almost dull. She is staring at the shining human lightning, and her brain is buzzing. Even when she is in the square inch spiritual realm, she has never seen such a strange picture.

Turned into a human form of lightning, the share of combat power, and how terrible it should be?!

"The human lightning of baby robbery?"

It's not only Nie Fu, but ye Tian's face suddenly changed when he saw the lightning. Nie Fu couldn't recognize the human lightning, but he was once a great monk in Yupu, but he had faced a similar thunder and lightning.

But at that time, he did not meet in the field, but in the natural calamity of breaking through the infant realm.

Similarly, humanoid lightning is also known as the most dangerous step in the process of infant melting. When Ning Xue was in Fangcun spirit realm, he once said that the reason why the world calls infant melting an old monster and regards it as a watershed of cultivation experts is the humanoid lightning in infant melting.

Because the power of humanoid lightning is so terrible. Through the ages, the unknown friars died miserably in the hands of humanoid lightning when they passed the baby robbery.

He really didn't expect that a human lightning would gather in the field of Kunlun Guixu. Although the power of this human lightning is certainly not as terrible as that of Huaying robbery, it can't be underestimated.

"Emperor boxing!" Without any hesitation, ye Tian's whole body mana surges and runs, pours on his fist, and strikes hard at the human lightning.

In an instant, the shadow of a huge light cyan translucent hurricane smashed towards the human lightning to disperse it.

"Boom!" But almost at the moment when the fist approached, the human lightning suddenly raised his hand, opened his five fingers, and squeezed the shadow of the hurricane in the palm of his hand. Then, with a "click", the shadow of the hurricane suddenly disintegrated, turned into many pieces, and disappeared in all parts of the world.

"What?! What a powerful force As soon as this scene appeared, ye Tian's eyes suddenly shrank, feeling a strong crisis.

You know, he just hit, but mobilized all the strength of the eighth floor of the cave. Such an attack can be easily broken by the other side. It can be imagined that the power of the human lightning is so powerful that it's amazing.

And this also makes Ye Tian feel a strong risk. His all-out strike fails to work, which shows that the power of this human lightning is far beyond the level of the eighth floor of the cave. If you don't pay attention, you will die."Clearer! It's almost there But almost at the same time, ye Tian also found that with the appearance of human lightning, the movement of Yuanqi in Guixu of Kunlun became clearer at this moment.


But almost at the same time, the humanoid lightning suddenly attacked Ye Tian with one blow. Suddenly, it formed a huge shining power grid and covered Ye Tian. It seems that there is a violent and terrifying energy hidden in the arc. It makes people feel that as long as it is touched, it will be a dead end.


Ye tianqiang calms himself and moves his mind. He urges the fierce soldiers to fly their swords, and the blade is shining. At the same time, yuantianyan urges him to the extreme. He keeps wandering along the path of the flow of vitality when the human lightning is running, trying to find out the natural spirit jade.

He knew that the only way to solve the present terrible crisis was to find the position of nature Lingyu and capture it. Otherwise, he would have to die in Kunlun and be destroyed by the thunder.


Almost at this time, the fierce sword sweeping towards the power grid, after touching the power grid, flashed. It seemed that it could turn everything under the edge of the sword into a sharp sword. For the first time, it made a trembling sound and immediately fell back.

"What? Ye Tian's flying sword is not the opponent of this human lightning! "

Cloud Fei completely dull, Zheng Zheng looking at this sharp fast flying sword, head buzz, almost can't believe what his eyes see.

You know, in her eyes, ye Tian's flying sword is just like invincible, and not only he, I'm afraid the vast majority of mountain people have the same mind in their hearts.

But now, this power grid is actually shooting Ye Tian's flying sword away. If she didn't see this scene with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it was actually happening.

Can't fierce soldiers fly swords?!

When ye Tian heard this, he was also shocked. This situation was completely unexpected. But immediately, he thought that the golden black fire semi immortal army Dan stove flew out of Xumi ring, shining a little bit, and smashed it to the power grid. He wanted to shake the power grid and defeat it with the power of semi immortal soldiers.


Jinwu fire banxianbing Dan furnace fell, the open power grid immediately sagged down.

"Half immortal soldier!"

Nie Fu can't help but be astonished when she sees the Jinwu fire elixir. Her eyes are full of shock. Although she saw Ye Tian take out the Jinwu fire elixir before, she found it extraordinary, but she never thought it was a half immortal soldier elixir!

You know, such a thing, put in the square inch spirit domain, is absolutely rare treasure! , the fastest update of the webnovel!