Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 748

"It's true that only natural Lingyu has such an effect. In a place where life and death blend and should be like a Jedi, it has long been so vital..."

This time, Tai Sui rarely refuted the secret hand, but agreed with him.

In Kunlun Guixu, there are also natural Lingyu!

When ye Tian heard the sound, his eyes immediately showed a strong color of hope.

The nature of Lingyu is too mysterious. It involves the secret of becoming an immortal. It can even transform the monk's mana into the legendary mana, making the power more powerful. Such an opportunity can never be missed. We must do our best to collect it.

"Can you take advantage of your ability to steal, not to go back to the ruins of Kunlun, but to take out the natural spirit jade from it?"

Next, ye Tian looks at the mysterious hand and asks it.

"My power will follow the power of the user. Do you have that ability? Moreover, I am now in a damaged state, even if you have that strength, I can't burst out so powerful The secret hand groaned and said.

Ye Tian is speechless and shakes his head with a bitter smile. His idea is indeed too fanciful.

However, it's not a simple matter to enter Kunlun Guihui to obtain those natural Lingyu. If you enter without a solution, you'll be gambling your life.

"In this world, all fields need to have power to provide kinetic energy for them. The kinetic energy consumed by such a huge natural field is immeasurable. I suspect that it is the natural spirit jade buried in this valley that provides kinetic energy for these fields. If you can get into it and take away the natural spirit jade, you may be able to stop the field and get the possibility of retreating from it. However, it's absolutely dangerous. It's not too much to say that you are doomed. "

At this time, Tai Sui stares at Kunlun Guixu and after a long time, he looks at Ye Tian and gives a bold idea.

Venture into the field, collect nature Lingyu, make the field invalid, and then leave?!

Ye Tian hears the sound, and his eyes are constantly changing. He knows that Taisui really has a certain truth. No matter in any field, there needs to be a force to provide them with powerful kinetic energy. Tianxing Lingyu does have this ability.

But similarly, if you venture into the field, there is no doubt about the great danger you will face.

This can be seen from the tragic death of Chen Qiang and Ma Teng. Although his strength is much stronger than those two people, he may not be able to support him and find the natural Lingyu. Moreover, once he enters the Kunlun ruins, even if he regrets it, it is difficult to get out.

"The greater the risk, the greater the gain. You have to figure out for yourself how to decide. If you give up this chance, your future achievements may not be small. "

Taisui is very frank. He tells ye Tianxiao the pros and cons and asks him to make a more appropriate decision.

Ye Tian's thoughts are changeable when he hears the news. This is an opportunity and an adventure. If he wins, he will benefit a lot. But if he loses, he will lose everything. Even his life will be in this ghost place.

"Salara Shalala... "

But just then, along the mountains in the distance, there was a sudden sound of walking, light and heavy. It was obvious that two people came from a distance.

"Meow Meow... "

At the same time, the snow leopard also issued a warning low growl.

So late, who entered the Kunlun Mountain, and still came for the Kunlun ruins?!

When ye Tian heard this, he didn't have any hesitation. He put away Taisui's hand and his secret hand, and then hid his body in a crack in the rock not far away. Then he operated the secret skill that Monkey Mountain God taught him to blend with heaven and earth, making people unable to feel and explore.

At the same time, he even sent a message to the snow leopard, asking him to leave as soon as possible, so as not to get involved in the disaster in case of any dispute.

"We haven't met any wild animals along the way. How can this snow leopard stay in Kunlun and go back to the market?"

Almost at the same time when ye Tian is hiding well, a deep male voice suddenly rings out, and listening to each other's words, he is obviously an extremely alert person.

"Xue Fang, you are too alert, but it's just a snow leopard. Maybe you pass by by by chance?" After this voice fell, a clear and beautiful voice came out. It was obviously a woman, and her vigilance was much worse than Xue Fang's.

"Nie Fu, there's a saying in the world. Be careful to sail for thousands of years! All the way, there have been no wild animals, only one. Don't you think it's strange? Let me try the ability of the snow leopard first! "

Xue Fang was very alert and didn't approve of the woman's words. At the same time, ye Tian saw that he had picked up a stone and threw it at the snow leopard before he could leave.


When the stones fly out, the fierce wind blows immediately, which makes people feel that it is not like a stone, but like a terrible arrow.

The cultivation of the fifth floor of the cave! The two of them are the coming ones!When ye Tian hears this sound, he immediately perceives each other's cultivation realm and determines their identity.

In particular, Xue Fang's "there is a saying in the world that is well said" confirms his guess. You know, most people should say "as the saying goes well" instead of "in the world", unless he thinks he is not a person in the world.

"Shua..." At the same time, the stone flying, snow leopard immediately flexible incomparable leap, dangerous and dangerous to avoid this sharp stone.

"Eh?" Nie Fu sees this, eyebrow tip can't help but slightly a Yang, in the eye eye eye revealed the color of surprise.

You know, the speed of the blow released from the fifth floor of the cave is immeasurable, and it can't be avoided at all. Although the snow leopard's movement is very flexible, it shouldn't be so flexible that it can be called incredible.

"Do you still think it's an ordinary snow leopard?" Xue Fang sees this scene, also toward Nie Fu light smile, way.

Nie Fu did not say a word, hand toward the waist, a soft whip immediately appeared in the palm of the hand, body light floating jump, such as the wind general, extremely flexible shaking whip, to the snow leopard's body roll up, to bind it, take a look at its clues.


When ye Tian saw this, his eyes lit up and his body swept out of the stone. He knew that although the snow leopard had taken the Qiling pill, he could not compare his strength with the monks on the fifth floor of the cave. Once he fell into the hands of these guys, he was afraid that his life would be ruined.


Without any hesitation, ye Tian's hand trembled, and a wind blade quickly flew to the whip.

At the moment when the wind blade hits the whip, when the whip is far away, there is a brilliant spark. It is obvious that the whip is forged with some metal. If the whip is drawn on the snow leopard, it will not only be skin splitting, but also go deep into the viscera.

"Sure enough, it's a spirit beast kept by someone!"

When Xue Fang saw Ye Tian's figure, he immediately showed his vigilance and looked at him coldly.

"What did my spirit beast do wrong? You are going to be treated like this. Don't you want to give me an explanation?"

Ye Tian looks at Xue Fang indifferently, every word, light way.

"Explain? That's what my aunt told you! "

Nie Fu's temper is very irascible. When she hears Ye Tian's words, she immediately gives a sneer. Her soft whip shakes and screams fiercely. She rolls towards Ye Tian.

"It seems that you really don't know the superiority of heaven and earth!"

Seeing this, ye Tian smiles indifferently. His mana moves and his hand shakes slightly. Then he bravely grabs the whip.

"Things that don't know how to live or die..." Nie Fu saw Ye Tian's action, immediately sneer, soft whip roaring, she is confident, even if ye Tian can condense the blade, but his own whip down, can also be his hand, pull in two!


But at this time, an incredible scene appeared. Ye Tian's hand was raised and he grasped the soft whip tightly in his hand. Moreover, the hand was not damaged. Not only that, when he pulled it slightly, he pulled the soft whip into his hand.


Immediately after that, ye Tian's hand suddenly shakes. Without waiting for Nie Fu to say the five words "how is this possible", he hits her heavily. In an instant, her skin is full of flesh and blood! , the fastest update of the webnovel!