Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 747

"Meow Meow Meow... "

Yunfei a language falls, along the size of snow leopard's position, immediately came three different voices, such as in response to her, closely followed, snow leopard a few people will come to her, hairy size head, in her legs, gently rubbed.

Although snow leopards were very spiritual before, there was no way to compare their spirituality at that time with them at this moment.

"Sit down..." Yunfei stretched out his hand, touched their fluffy head, and made a sound again to verify.

A language falls, big white small white small white a few, immediately clever sat in front of cloud Fei, that appearance, obviously understood what they said.

"God They become so smart... " Angelica dahurica see, can't help but cover the mouth, low exclamation voice.

You know, although it's very simple to sit down, many family dogs can do it, but it's learned through training. The snow leopard family, usually no one trains them to do these things, the only explanation is that they understand the words.

"Is that smart? It's too low for you. Add a little bit of difficulty. Their current IQ should be equivalent to that of a six-year-old child, maybe even higher. "

Ye Tian sees this, looking at cloud Fei to smile, then erect two fingers, way: "is this several?"

"Meow Meow... "

Snow leopard a few heard Ye Tian's words, immediately open mouth, called twice.

"God..." Yunfei is dull. You know, ye Tian's action at the moment means that these snow leopards have a concept of numbers now. A wild animal knows how to count. This amazing dexterity can't help but amaze people.

"Go and grab at the wall to see how much you've improved!"

Immediately after that, ye Tian said with a faint smile to the snow leopard family. But when he spoke, he didn't refer to the cave wall. He had to rely on the snow leopard family's judgment of words.

You know, Qi Ling Dan is not only to open the role of intelligence, but also to stimulate their blood in the power, so that their physical strength has become more powerful!

"Meow..." Snow leopard Dabai and snow leopard Xiaobai smell the sound, immediately poke out their claws, toward the wall of the cave, and forcefully grasp it.


When a paw fell, several deep claw marks immediately appeared on the hard stone wall, which made people feel that their claws were made of gold and iron.

"Hiss..." And more let cloud Fei feel shocked, is not big white and small white, but that a few see size, should still drink milk of small white, these little guys, also learn big white and small white appearance, in the stone wall scratched a few times, although failed to scratch a deep claw mark, but left a few white marks.

You know, this is a young snow leopard who is still lactating. At this age, she has such a powerful force. She can't imagine how strong these little snow leopards should be when they grow up. I'm afraid that as long as they probe their claws, a hole will be made in the wall.

There is no doubt that ye Tian's gift to the snow leopard family is too great. Especially these little snow leopards, their starting point is so high. When they grow up, their strength will be more amazing, and the upper limit of their growth will be higher than that of Dabai and Xiaobai.

I'm afraid that before long, the snow leopard family will become the king of Kunlun mountain!

And all this, in addition to let her praise, in the heart more feel to the leaf day of that incredible to the point of no more. Just refining a few pills can turn the common things into magic. Ye Tian's power is more and more incredible, which is amazing.

Moreover, she believes that if those mountain sects learn that ye Tian has such incredible pills, they will not hesitate to pay a lot of price in exchange. Because, since this elixir can make the leisurely beast into this level, it can undoubtedly make the powerful fierce beast even more incredible. If it can be used for its own use, it is still unknown that it can be used as the mountain protecting spirit beast.

"I don't want you to act recklessly and kill other wild animals. If I find out later that you act recklessly on Kunlun Mountain, I can give you everything now, and I can take back everything."

At this time, ye Tian looked at the snow leopard big white and small white, word by word, deep voice.

"Meow Meow... " Snow leopard Dabai and snow leopard Xiaobai immediately lower their heads and make a low voice towards Ye Tian, such as giving a promise.

"Good, remember what I said." Seeing this, ye Tian smiles and pats Dabai and Xiaobai's head.

Immediately after that, ye Tian began to get busy. He lit a bonfire in the snow leopard cave and cooked some beef porridge. Then he asked Xiaobai and Dabai to fight some snow rabbits back. After cleaning up, he put them on the fire and roasted them until they were yellow and dripping oil.

"Have a rest early, it will be good for your health. I'll go out for a walk and see Kunlun Guixu again. "After everything is over, ye Tian looks at Yunfei and smiles. He takes out his sleeping bag and lets Yunfei lie in. Then he decides to go to Kunlun Guixu again to see if there is anything abnormal there at night. Then he carefully checks those field patterns to see if he can find the solution.

"You won't sneak in yourself, will you? If you want to go in, you must tell me... "

Cloud Fei hears sound, some worry of looking at leaf day, way.

She is very worried that ye Tian will enter the Kunlun Guixu. In that case, if anything happens, it will be immeasurable.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to have a look. If I go in, I'll let you know. You go to bed first, I promise, and you'll be back in a moment. "

Ye Tian hears Yun Fei's words, light smile a, way.

"Well." Cloud Fei see ye Tian's look doesn't seem to be fake, this just nodded, just, eyes but straight looking at Ye Tian, even if he went to the cave door, also didn't leave.

It's just like a newlyweds who want to say goodbye

Ye Tian looks at the appearance of cloud Fei, can't help but come up with an absurd idea in the heart.

But then he shook his head and put all these absurd ideas behind him. Then he and Xiaobai, one by one, went to Kunlun again.

A little later, ye Tian and snow leopard arrived at Kunlun before returning to the market.

"You two, have a look, is there any way to get into this, or is there any way to crack it..."

After arriving at Kunlun Guixu, ye Tian asks Xiaobai to keep watch around. However, he releases Taisui's hand and the secret's hand, and asks them to help him make some suggestions to see if there is any way to break the natural field of Kunlun Guixu and find the way to enter.

"Where life and death mingle, heaven and earth are created to live This star is really mysterious. I really want to know how gorgeous the cultivation civilization here was in the past

When Tai Sui saw that Kunlun had returned to the ruins, he immediately sighed.

Such a secret place, as far as he knows, is rare in the starry sky, but it appears in the earth, a planet with poor aura.

"It may not be the creation of heaven and earth, it may also be created by the field Master! The means of the field Master are extremely mysterious, and they can seize the creation of heaven and earth for their own use. The field laid by them is almost the same as that generated by nature. It is extremely difficult to find the realm of leisure field. "

But just then, the secret hand shook his head and gave a different opinion.

The hand of the field Master!

Ye tianzha's tongue, followed closely, he looked at the mysterious hand and Taisui, said: "this Kunlun ruins, are you sure there are natural Lingyu?"

"Yes There is no doubt about that. " The secretive hand nodded his finger, gave a positive answer, followed by a slight throb in his tone, and said: "moreover, in the blend of life and death, under normal circumstances, there will not be such a strong vitality. The only explanation is that there are not a few natural Lingyu here, and they are extremely pure! Therefore, although it failed to lead to the imbalance between life and death in this field, it was still in the Jedi that created this full of vitality , the fastest update of the webnovel!