Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 722

Liu family, it's over!

At this moment, everyone's heads are buzzing, and they can't believe their ears.

You know, the Liu family had a foothold in Yudu for 400 years. After the rise and fall of the Dynasty and the war, they still stood firm. But now, just because of one person, they have been destroyed. It's hard to believe!

Needless to say, all this happened in a short time of warming a bottle of wine!

Is this guy bragging?!

Even at this moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in many people's heads. They thought that ye Tian might be talking nonsense. The fact is not consistent with what he said.

"God, you see, my friend photographed that Liu's house is empty now, and the people of Liu's family are leaving!"

"It's not just Liu's house. The rest of Liu's family are making sense of their own things. They are choosing to leave. The tickets to leave Yudu are almost sold short."

"Liu family, it's really over this time! In this way, the 400 year old family is destroyed and no longer exists! "

But then, someone picked up the mobile phone and screamed out. What they saw on the screen was the picture of Liu's family and Liu's house. Not only that, but also someone pointed out the ticket and ticket booking interface of Yudu and found that the tickets and tickets leaving Yudu had been sold out in recent years.

All this shows one thing, that is, ye Tian didn't lie, Liu family was really destroyed by him.

After all, how could the people of the Liu family choose to leave Yudu if they didn't worry that there would be no eggs left under the cover of the nest?!

At this moment, everyone's eyes are closely watching Ye Tian, who is pouring and drinking from himself. The shock in his heart is like the earth shaking. The 400 year old family just disappeared in the time of warming a bottle of wine. How powerful is this guy?!

"Brother ye, great! I'll take it! "

Xu Sanwang listened to this sentence, his head was also buzzing. Finally, he shook his head with a wry smile, and then gave a deep gift to Ye Tian, exclaiming.

He has been in Yudu for so many years, and he has met many people who can be regarded as strong as a dragon in the river. However, compared with Ye Tian, those people are not comparable.

In other words, those guys are not river crossing dragons at all. They are river crossing insects at most. Ye Tian is the real dragon!

In the same way, only in this way can he make Liu's family disappear in a moment.

And how can he not be convinced by all this? How can he say "I'm convinced"?!

"Drink, drink!"

Ye Tian smiles and waves his hand. He looks at Xu Sanwang and says calmly.

It's just a Liu family. He didn't pay much attention to it. One of the three sects and six sects like Taiyi clan was destroyed by him alone. What's more, it's just a secular family. Needless to say, when he was practicing in Fangcun spiritual realm, there were countless sects destroyed.

This kind of feeling, for him, is already numb, will not let the mood have any waves.

"We don't have to find someone to buy jade anymore. The jade veins of the Liu family are ours now. You can find someone to mine them here in the future, and we can produce and sell them by ourselves." Immediately after that, ye Tian smiles to Ning Xue, turns his head and looks at Xu Sanwang, and says, "brother Xu, I will have to give you trouble in the future."

Although there are some signs that Liu's jade veins are drying up and no high-quality jade can be found, the one that consumes the most amount of Xueji ointment is actually not the best jade like Lanzhi white jade. Ordinary grade jade is enough.

What's more, selling raw materials is never a business to make money. Reprocessing and selling with its own brand make the most profit.

"Brother ye, don't worry, I will try my best to help you! However, I don't think I need to help you at all with your ability! "

Xu Sanwang nodded without thinking, followed by, sighed repeatedly.

As he said, with Ye Tian's strength, even if he is not in the jade capital in the future and runs the jade mining business himself, who dares to blow hair in front of his people?

The four hundred year old Liu family has been cut off lightly by Ye Tian, which is a bloody lesson. But for all of you, I'm afraid that only a fool can do that kind of stupid thing, causing trouble, and following the Liu family's footsteps. You can't even use the warm wine time, and then you will die.

"Ha ha ha, let's borrow brother Xu's good words. Cheers." Ye Tian smiles and raises his glass to Xu Sanwang again.

This time, it can be said that both the guests and the host were very happy. Xu Sanwang was very drunk. Even ye Tian was slightly drunk. Ning Xue was flushed with pink cheeks, and his face was full of drunkenness. Although it was lighter than Xu Sanwang's, he left with a bit of a stagger step.Ye Tian has no choice but to help her and let Ning Xue lean on her body like a pool of soft spring mud. The soft, boneless touch and round shape, which can be clearly perceived even through the heavy down jacket, make ye Tian's breath and heart beat faster.

A moment later, Xu Sanwang's disciples came by car. One left with Xu Sanwang, while the other went back to the hotel with Ye Tian and Ning Xue.

After drinking, I am most afraid of bumps. As soon as the car bumps, and the heating in the car is so hot, Ning Xue's drinking will come up completely. The whole person nestles tightly in Ye Tian's arms. Moreover, no matter whether he resists or not, his hands tightly embrace him and don't let him push away.

Ye Tian tries to struggle a few times, but sees Ning Xue holding too tightly, and his face is a little uncomfortable, so he can only give up.

And think of, to the evening, two people also want to share a room, ye Tian is can't help but some big head, don't know what will happen.

"Ye ye ye, I'll go back first. You can have a rest earlier. This is my phone. If you need anything, please call me at any time."

A moment later, the car came to the door of the hotel. After stopping, Xu Sanwang's Apprentice quickly handed Ye Tian a business card and said respectfully.

At this moment, the news that the Liu family has been destroyed by Ye Tian has spread all over the jade capital. Everyone is shaking with this young man with amazing strength. The younger generation completely regards Ye Tian as an idol. After all, it's really amazing to destroy the 400 year old family by themselves! Xu Sanwang's apprentice is no exception.

"Well, thank you." Ye Tian smiles and nods. After putting the business card into his pocket, he takes Ning Xue and goes to the hotel room.

Along the way, everyone's eyes on Ye Tian were full of respectfulness. The front desk lady trotted to help Ye Tian open the door of the hotel lobby, and then sent him into the elevator. That kind of respectfulness can be said to be beyond the limit.

After all, this hotel is also the industry of the Liu family. After the collapse of the Liu family, it is Ye Tian's!

When employees see a new boss, they naturally have to work hard to make a good impression on the boss!

A moment later, ye Tian walked into the hotel room with Ning Xue on his back.

Although the girl was a little clumsy after she got drunk, she still had a clear mind and a lot of courage. After all, drinking makes people brave.

After entering the room, without waiting for ye Tian to put her down, her two hands tightly hooped Ye Tian's neck. The fragrant and hot breath sent out along the nose and lips made Ye Tian's ears and cheeks itch, and her heart was full of ups and downs.

"Ye Tian, do you like me?"

Suddenly, Ning Xue asks Ye Tianfa with wine strength.

Ye Tian did not speak, pretending not to hear.

The answer in his heart is like, or rather like, but that feeling is different from that between him and Ning Yao.

Ning Xue didn't wait for the answer, but he didn't stop. The warm fragrant smell in his mouth sprayed on Ye Tian's ear, put it close to his ear, and continued: "Ye Tian, I like you, do you like me? It's not like friends, it's like lovers! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!