Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 721

The devil's name, used in them, is indeed not wrong, this thing, there is no spirit, only the instinct to kill!

This vision, at first contact, immediately let Ye Tian's heart sink, and then he realized that the monster in the original stone had no ability to communicate with people, and the only thing left was the instinct to kill and survive.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian's mind immediately withdrew from the original stone.

"What the hell is this? Their breath is very old and seems to span endless time and time

After the withdrawal of shennian, ye Tian's mood is still not calm, and his mouth is murmuring.

There is no doubt that the origin of these things must be very remote. To a large extent, it may be the same as his conjecture that they are related to the ancient monks in the mythical age.

But, although I don't know what these monsters are, what ye Tian can be sure is that once these monsters are released, it will definitely be a disaster for this heaven and earth. Undoubtedly, more than 100 monsters with six or seven levels of the cave will cause disaster, which must be too terrible to imagine. Life will be ruined.

Although Ye Tian has a heart to try, to release a monster in the devil jade for further exploration, or even exchange views, to explore the secrets of them, but after pondering for a long time, he finally chose to give up.

He doubted that although the monsters in the devil jade lacked spirituality, they might have the instinct to rescue their companions.

If we say that after releasing one end, it will release more monsters because of its carelessness, then the situation will collapse.

"Here, no one can come any closer! Besides, you will leave Yudu from tonight. I don't want to see another Liu family in Yudu! "

With this in mind, ye Tian finally chose to give up untiing the original stone to find out. Instead, he planned to use the monster in the jade mine vein of the Jade Emperor to analyze and insight. He immediately reached out and grabbed the alloy pieces chopped up by the fierce soldiers' flying swords, and then melted them with the fire burning technique to completely seal the gate. Even if other people could not blow them open with cannons, it would be full Meaning nodded, immediately, looking at the stunned Liu people, word by word.

Starting from tonight, I will leave Yudu. Starting from tomorrow, I don't want to see a Liu family in Yudu any more!

Ye Tian's words fell, and the look of the people of the Liu family immediately became hasty.

Four hundred years of foundation, four hundred years of glory, four hundred years of heritage, at this moment, completely draw the end.

However, I'm afraid the ancestors of the Liu family who created this family property could never have imagined that all the things they worked so hard to create were destroyed just because of one person. It's just that this person's strength was beyond their expectation, just like a God.


However, under the extreme power of Ye Tian, although they were unwilling and unwilling, they didn't dare to resist at all. They could only sigh and nod, and they should do everything.

Next, a Liu family, like a lost dog, reluctantly looks at everything in the ancestral home and turns to leave.

Although they didn't give up, they knew that it was a fluke for them to survive. After all, according to Ye Tian's ability, if you want their lives, you can achieve it.

The wind and snow swaying, spanning the Yudu for 400 years, the brilliant Liu family, in this way, came to an end.

But this storm will not subside. Tomorrow morning, it will sweep the whole Yudu like the most terrible hurricane, causing endless waves.

At the same time, ye Tian's mind moves. After putting all the jade in the secret room into the storage ring, he rises with his sword and rushes to the stall. The wine is still warm. Ning Xue and Xu Sanwang are still waiting for his news. He wants to go back early so that these people won't worry.

"You two, do you know what that monster was?"

On the way to the big stall, ye Tian sends a message to Taisui and the secret hand. He wants to know whether they know the clue of the monster.

"I've never seen such things before, but I can feel that they have a very strange Qi. It's better not to touch them easily, otherwise, you may get into trouble." Taisui gave a negative answer and warned Ye Tian.

"Bullshit, just like them, fools know it's weird." The secret hand disdains to retort to Taisui.

"You're so good. Tell me, what are they?" Tai Sui is furious and questions the secret hand, asking it to give an answer.

"I..." The secret hand was speechless. After a while, he said, "I think they are very familiar with this kind of situation. It seems that I have seen them somewhere. But for a moment, I really can't remember it. I have to think about it again."

"Ha ha Think of the end of time... " Taisui sneered coldly.

"Laozi never deceives people. Let me think about it carefully, and I will come up with the answer!" The secret hand was furious and said angrily.

Tai Sui sneered at himself, as if mocking the exaggerated words of the secret hand. He was so angry that the secret hand was furious that he wanted to fight again.Ye Tian listens to the noise of the two, shakes his head in tears and laughter, but he is too lazy to pay attention to the two goods. He puts them into the storage ring, which makes the world clean again.

The speed of the fierce soldier's flying sword was very fast. It was only a short time before he reached the stall.

Ye Tian by the wind and snow, fell on the ground, stepping on the wind and snow, walked back to the stall.

"Brother ye..."

As soon as Xu Sanwang saw Ye Tian's figure, he immediately stood up, his face full of uneasiness.

Although Ye Tian's return has shown whether his trip is successful or not, there are still some doubts in his mind.

After all, the Liu family has been in Yudu for 400 years. It is unimaginable that they have a profound foundation. And not long ago, they heard the terrible gunfire like fried beans. Ye Tian's body, of course, is not gun, so the only possible use of firearms, no doubt, is the Liu family.

Although Ye Tian is powerful, a gun can't scare him, but the sound of the gun is obviously not a gun, and it's not a hunting gun.

He felt that with the blessing of firearms, perhaps Ye Tian would return without success.

Ning Xue looks at Ye Tian with the same hope, and wants to know the final answer.

"Is the wine warm?" Ye Tian did not give a direct answer, but looked at Ning Xue with a smile and asked.

"Just right, it's just hot now!" Rather snow smell speech, quickly take out the bottle, give ye Tian poured a glass of wine, wine this moment, just right temperature, in the cold weather, upward swaying slightly white steam.

"Good wine!" Ye Tian took up his glass and drank it. He immediately felt that the chill brought by the wind and snow was dispelled by the strong wine in an instant.

"Brother ye, don't play the game. Tell us what the result is? I just heard the gunshot. Are you ok?! How's the Liu family doing? "

Xu Sanwang looks at Ye Tian's appearance, a burst of laughing and crying, toward him, curious to ask.

As soon as a word falls, the ears of the people around the stall all rise. I want to know what kind of answer Ye Tian will give.

If, this is a futile words, then, ye Tian left before, said those words, but also too face!

But think about it, even if ye Tian loses, it's normal. A family with 400 years of history, plus guns, no matter how strong a person is, he's not an immortal. How can he say that he can easily destroy each other?

"Liu family? What's the Liu family? This jade capital, from now on, has no Liu family! "

When ye Tian heard Xu Sanwang's words, he put down his wine glass and said calmly with a faint smile.

This jade capital, from now on, has no Liu family!

Hearing this, Xu Sanwang's expression immediately stagnated. He looked at Ye Tian in disbelief. At this moment, he felt his head humming.

It's not just him. Around the stall, those people who are eavesdropping with their ears up are all absent-minded and full of disbelief.

Four hundred years of aristocratic family, four hundred years of glory, four hundred years of details, just like this, it's only time to warm up a pot of wine, and then it's gone?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!