Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 664

"What's so special about this trap? Do you want to hunt wild animals or harm people?"

Even ye Tian can't help sweating when he looks at those bright sharp spikes that have been cut down all over the ground by fierce soldiers' flying swords. Fortunately, his inspiration is very sharp, his reaction is timely, and the fierce soldiers' flying swords are sharp enough. Otherwise, he will have to suffer a lot, even if he doesn't die.

After wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead, ye Tian shakes his head speechless and follows him closely. With a move of mana, the fierce soldier's flying sword appears at his feet, supports him, flies steadily and rushes out of the trap.

"Isn't this kind of trap harmful to people? Even if the beast steps on it and loses his life, if it's a person who steps on it, he really doesn't know how to die..."

Ye Tian thought in his heart that he would raise his hand and smash the surrounding gravel into a trap to cover it up and bury it, so as to avoid passers-by around him. If he was as unlucky as himself, he accidentally fell in, but he didn't have his own strength, he would really have to die.

"Well, it's you!"

But before ye Tian started, there was an old low cry behind him, followed by a series of barking dogs. When he looked around, he was surprised to see that an old man with a blue cotton hat on his head and a fur coat on his body was pointing at himself, holding a Tibetan mastiff with a shotgun in his hand.

The old man seems to have been walking through the wind and snow for a long time. Let alone his eyebrows, even his eyelashes are frozen to frost. However, although he is very old, he has a good spirit, especially his eyes, which are extremely sharp. At first glance, he is the kind of old hunter who has been accumulating years.

"Gunzhseng, up!"

And at this time, the old man has released the hand holding the rope of Tibetan mastiff.


This Tibetan mastiff is an extraordinary horse. Its hair is black with gold, and its long hair is floating. When it roars, it gives people a kind of dignity like the lion king.

There is no doubt that a Tibetan mastiff, not to mention an ordinary person, can't stand being attacked by it, even if it's a leisurely mountain person.


But it's a pity that ye Tian is neither an ordinary man nor a leisurely mountain man. His strength is incomparable. When the Tibetan mastiff named gangrisenge came, his eyes were cold and his whole body was suddenly assassinated. His mind rushed to the Tibetan mastiff and cheered coldly.


Although gangrisenge's appearance is extraordinary, he is just a Tibetan mastiff after all. When he is attacked by this terrible killing and powerful idea, his body just comes to the air, then he sends out a shrill scream and falls into the snow nest. Looking at Ye Tian, he shivers all over.

"Gunzhseng, what's the matter?"

Seeing this scene, the old hunter couldn't help looking at the shivering gunzhseng in the snow den and exclaiming.

You know, gangrisenge is the most beautiful Tibetan Mastiff in their village and even in this Tibetan area. He is a lone wolf, and he is invincible. Otherwise, he would not give it a name representing the guardian God of snow mountain lion. At the beginning, a city man gave him five million yuan, but he was not willing to sell it, so he stayed by his side.

But now, this God Jun incomparable gangzhiseng, unexpectedly is others just a word, scared to shrink in the snow, shivering, such a situation, not only for the first time, but also let his heart bursts of confusion.

"The old man..."

At this time, ye Tian also reflected that the old hunter should regard himself as the guy who dug this trap. Even when he arched his hand to him, he wanted to say hello and explain the truth clearly.

"I don't care how you frighten gunrisseng like this, but I leave my words here. In Kunlun Mountain, I'm Lu Yanzhao. You guys who go into the mountain for poaching, don't try to succeed. Go back to your trap and stay!"

But without waiting for ye Tian to finish his words, the old man was already very sharp. He took down an old style but shining shotgun from his back. The black muzzle pointed at Ye Tian and scolded her. Then without thinking, he pulled the bolt and shot Ye Tian's leg.


This old hunter, Lu yanzhao, is holding an old hunting blunderbuss of the last century. Although it looks old, it is actually used to hunt big game in the mountain. What's more, what's inside is not a bullet in the modern sense. Instead, it's used to press mercury with toilet paper and then pour some iron sand into it.

No matter who is hit by such a shot, even if he is not hit by a shot, he will be hit as a big blood sieve.

"Old man, how can you be so angry when you are so old..."

Ye Tian looks at a group of firelight, whistling to fly towards himself, in the heart suddenly a surprised, dare not have a cent to hesitate, jump up abruptly, can avoid those iron sand.

"Boy, you can jump, right? I don't believe it. One more shot, you can hold it!" Seeing ye Tian's appearance, Lu Yanzhao jumps from the corner of his eyes and follows him. He suddenly raises his shotgun and aims at Ye Tian in the air. Pulling the bolt, he wants to hit Ye Tian again!"Old man, have you taken any medicine?"

Ye Tian looks at Lu Yanzhao's crisp action. He is speechless in his heart, but his scalp is numb. Although he is on the seventh floor of the cave, he is not completely invulnerable. If he is hit by these iron sands, he will surely suffer some crimes.

Thinking of this, ye Tian's body twists and turns in midair like a ghost, and suddenly falls behind Lu Yanzhao. In a moment, his hand sticks forward like lightning and holds his wrist. With a slight shake, the old man only feels that his wrist is numb, so the shotgun falls off and is held by ye Tian.

"Old man, you are so old. Why are you so angry? Can't you ask the truth before you shoot? "

Ye Tian looked at the position he had just stood. He was swept away by the iron sand. His heart was cold. Then he raised his hand and aimed the black barrel at Lu Yanzhao's head. He joked with a smile.

"I don't want to say a word more about you poaching rubbish! Kill if you want, cut if you want, stop talking nonsense! I'm sorry to hear that today! But I put my words here. I can't deal with you for the dirty things you've done, and the mountain god grandfather won't let you go! "

Lu Yanzhao is very tough. Although Ye Tian aimed his gun at his head, he was still angry and said high spirited.

"Old man, you are really mistaken. I'm a donkey friend in the mountain. How can I do such kind of ungrateful things as poaching..."

Ye Tian Wen Yan, completely determined that the old man really regarded himself as a poacher, then shook his head with a bitter smile, put away the shotgun, explained.

"What? You are a donkey friend. How do you know there are traps here? " Lu Yanzhao was stunned, and then he was still puzzled.

"Can only the people who dig traps know that there are traps here? I just fell into the trap by accident. If I didn't have some skills, I'm afraid I'd be cold enough to wear... " Ye Tian chuckled, then looked at Lu Yanzhao and said, "I wanted to find something to fill in the trap, but I didn't think that you would come up and shoot without asking for anything! Fortunately, I still have some skills. Otherwise, I'm lucky and lucky. I'm not trapped, but I'm shot by you. That's too unfair. "


Lu Yanzhao stares at Ye Tian's eyes. He doesn't feel like he's lying. His face immediately looks embarrassed, but he runs to the trap carefully and takes a look. When he sees that all the nails on the nail board at the bottom of the trap have been cut off, and there's a big hole on the wall that seems to be pulled out by hand, he can't help gasping

At this moment, his mind, can not help but come up with a picture of Ye Tian accidentally falling into the trap, hanging in the air, and then hitting the pit wall with one hand, taking out a big hole, and then flying out from inside.

However, what puzzles him is how ye Tian cut all the nails on the nail board , the fastest update of the webnovel!