Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 663

"I'll go. What's this?"

Ye Tian is creepy, a chill suddenly swept his heart. Although he just didn't do his best, he is definitely not his opponent even at the top of the sky level. But that dark shadow can drive him back with a wind blade. The strength is obvious.

However, with the other side's amazing strength, he was forced to retreat by one blow, but he ran away quickly without half hesitation, which is incomprehensible.


But immediately, ye Tian saw that the pot of chicken soup he had simmered on the campfire had disappeared, leaving only a few charcoal embers shining in the night.

This guy is here for this chicken soup?!

When ye Tian saw this, he couldn't help being silly. After the appearance of such a powerful existence, he fought with himself only for half a pot of chicken soup, which is really speechless.

"Ye Tian, what's the matter?"

At this time, Qiu Changchun and others, who were resting, heard the news and ran out of the tent. Looking at Ye Tian, they asked nervously.

"Someone just came to steal a pot of chicken soup. Take a rest. I'll meet that guy. If I haven't come back after dawn tomorrow, you can go down the mountain by yourself, either to Nanhai or to Jinling. The Miluo palace is in Jinling. When you get there, you can go to Qin Luoshen."

The leaf day is simple, really can't restrain the curiosity in the heart, without thinking, quickly follow the direction that the shadow leaves, chase and go.

Just now, he felt that when the other side used the wind blade, it was a pure cultivator's breath, not the mountain people's breath. This place belonged to Kunlun, which made him doubt that it might be a monk who inherited the tradition left by Kunlun.

However, the successor of Kunlun Xiu was reduced to stealing half a pot of chicken soup, which is a bit too shameful.

But in any case, he has to catch up and have a good look at what secrets exist in each other.

Although it's late at night now, in Kunlun Mountain, the snow is white and the moon is bright. Ye Tian can see from a long distance that the dark shadow is running towards the snow mountain with half a pot of chicken soup. What's more, this guy is more fierce. He has time to take the pot and drink chicken soup.

That natural and unrestrained appearance, even ye Tian, can't help but have some silly eyes.

What's more, what makes him speechless is how greedy this guy is. He even has no time to sit down and drink when he gets there. He runs and drinks at the same time.

At this time, the dark figure running all the way with the chicken soup pot has noticed that ye Tian's pursuit in the rear does not have any hesitation. His speed improves again. Moreover, the frequency of holding the pot in both hands and taking a breath to his mouth from time to time is getting higher and higher.

The speed of both of them is so fast that they are appalling. Although the snow is deep on the glacier, and the altitude reaction makes it difficult to walk, they are walking on the ground like flying. It's only a short time, and they have already run for ten or twenty miles.


And when ye Tian is frightened by the endurance of the other party, this guy suddenly turns back, a dark shadow with fierce wind, like a sharp blade, attacks Ye Tian.

Ye Tian doesn't have any hesitation. With a slight shake of his hand, he pinches the dark shadow in his hand. When he touches it, he feels greasy. When he looks at it carefully, he finds that it is the leg bone of a chicken leg.

This drumstick is what ye Tian keeps for breakfast tomorrow, but now it's cheaper.

"This guy..." He grabs a chicken bone, which makes Ye Tian angry and surprised. To his anger, his breakfast just disappears. To his surprise, after being thrown out by the other party, a chicken bone can burst out as sharp as a gold and iron blade, which is really amazing.

"Whew Whew Whew... "

At this time, the shadow kept turning around, and the chicken bones, like hidden weapons, flew to Ye Tian to block his pursuit.

But ye Tian has just suffered a loss, where can he eat it again? His body is like a butterfly flying in the air, twisting, and all the chicken bones are avoided to one side.


However, although Ye Tian avoided, the rocky rocks around him suffered. After he was hit by a chicken bone, it was like being hit by a heavy hammer. Immediately there was a terrible roar, followed by stones the size of a nail, whistling in all directions!

This guy's strength is not under me! Maybe even better than me!

This scene, let Ye Tian moved, heart shocked, although he thought, can also do this step, but also can not make these at the same time, can maintain such a strong offensive.


At this time, the shadow ran and drank all the chicken soup. Then, with a shake of his hand, the whole pot roared towards Ye Tian.

"It's very nice of you to drink my chicken soup and smash me with my pot!"At this time, ye Tian had already seen that the other side's method of throwing chicken bones was fierce, but he didn't mean to kill him. Otherwise, the position of those chicken bones would not be the position of his legs, but the key to him.

With the other party's strong and incomparable skill, it is absolutely impossible to make such a big mistake.


At the same time, without thinking, ye Tian raises the fierce sword in his hand, cuts it down, and cuts the roaring pot in two!


But just as the pot was scattered on both sides, he immediately saw that the dark shadow, which had been running in front of him, was strange and disappeared from the snow.

"Escape the law!"

This scene, let Ye Tian just a Zheng, spin even understand the reason.

At the beginning, dark shadow was carrying chicken soup. It was inconvenient to walk, and she could not bear the delicious chicken soup. So she drank it while walking. Now, when the chicken soup was finished, she naturally did not want to continue to entangle with Ye Tian, so she used the escape method and disappeared in the boundless glacier and snow mountain.

"Is this guy Kunlun monk or not?"

Ye Tian frowns and scolds in his heart. At the same time, he rushes forward to the position where the shadow disappears. He wants to see if he can find any clues from its disappearance.

As far as he could see, ye Tian immediately saw that the footprints on the snow were not shoes, but five toed footprints. It seemed that when the guy was walking in the snow, he didn't wear shoes on his feet, but barefoot.

"This is..."

After that, ye Tian saw several golden long hairs from the footprints. In the footprints, ye Tian scattered his mind and searched for the surrounding ice and snow, but did not find anything similar. Moreover, when he retreated, he also found similar golden long hairs on the ground.

Obviously, all these should have fallen from the shadow.

"This guy, why is he so hairy?"

Ye Tian twisted a long golden hair and scanned it carefully. After confirming that it was not his hair, he thought that when he was chasing the shadow, he did see a little gold on his body occasionally when he ran.

"Isn't he human?"

Ye Tian twists his long golden hair, frowns, and feels confused. If he is not human, he can explain why he is so greedy for chicken soup.


But when ye Tian's mind changes, his feet suddenly slide, and his body falls down uncontrollably.

Snow nest?!

Ye Tian is stunned. Even if he wants to hold his hand on the ground and send himself out, but before his hand is patted down, his heart is suddenly awed. He has a very bad feeling. Without any hesitation, he uses a fierce flying sword to sweep down the wind.

Keng Keng

In a flash, the sound of gold and iron was heard everywhere, spreading around.


At the same time, ye Tian has also hooked his hand on the side wall of the hole and stabilized his body. When he sweeps down, he is surprised to see that the snow den he thought was a trap. At the bottom of the trap, there are a lot of nail boards. Each nail is half a foot long. If he just patted it unconsciously, he would have to poke a few transparent blood holes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!