Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 641

Ye Tian is so young that he has such amazing accomplishments, which is not only shocking, but also unavoidably envious. He even wants to exchange his identity with him, or brazenly take advantage of his opportunity to take possession of himself.

But their strength is limited after all, scruple to Ye Tian's powerful strength, dare not to rashly start to him.

But now, since Liu Bufan takes the lead and wants to seize Ye Tian's opportunity, they suddenly move their mind and want to overthrow Ye Tian, to find out why he is so young and powerful, so as to grab some benefits from it.

Ye Tian listens to these words without saying a word, but with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes are as cold as a knife, sweeping towards those mountain people who are making gibberish. When these people and ye Tian's eyes meet, they feel that if there is a sharp blade hanging around his neck, they can't help shivering and swallowing it back.

"Liu Bufan, I thought that you, the first person on the mountain, should have some bearing, but I didn't expect that you are not only the first person on the mountain in cultivation, but also the first person on the mountain in shamelessness." Immediately after that, ye Tian's eyes fell on Liu Bufan's body. After glancing at him at will, he said faintly: "since you are so selfless, why don't you share the inheritance of Qingming sect and the way you refine tianlingdan with us?"

"Why should we share the inheritance of qingmingzong with others?"

"Joke! The method of refining the elixir is the secret of Qingming sect. Why should I tell others? "

"Even if we qingmingzong dare to take it out, do they really want it?"

When ye Tian's words fall, those disciples of Qingming sect immediately boil. Ye Tian, who are covetous, is full of ridicule. It seems that this sentence of Ye Tian is a big joke.

"You know, why should you share your own things with others..."

Hearing this sound, ye Tian sneered and said, "I thought you were so selfless as Lord Liu. You had inherited the inside information of Qingming sect and shared it with other sects and other mountain people. It turned out that you were hiding it and didn't dare to reveal it."

As soon as ye Tian said this, the faces of the disciples of Qingming sect immediately showed a strong color of embarrassment.

Just now, they only covet the chance of Ye Tian, so they can't hear the deep meaning of his words, and they are put by him carelessly.

At the same time, the faces of the other mountain people were also embarrassed, and at the same time, they had more other looks in their eyes.

As the saying goes, it's no good seeking skin with a tiger.

They just thought that ye Tian could have such a refined cultivation when he was young. He must have a big secret and a big chance. As long as he got it, he would surely be able to make his family and his own strength to a higher level.

But these people forget that Qingming sect is such a good match. If it's really like Liu Bufan's saying, to revitalize the sect on Huaxia mountain and enhance the overall strength, why is it so expensive to find Qingming sect to refine a heavenly elixir?

Why is Qingming sect superior to all the sects on the mountain, but never thought of passing on its own cultivation methods to other sects?

He and qingmingzong work together to deal with Ye Tian. Even if they can really deal with Ye Tian, how can they share the benefits of Ye Tian with them because of their overbearing personality?

Maybe, at that time, qingmingzong felt that there were too many religious sects on the mountain at the end of the day. It would be better to become a religious sect and swallow them up directly. By that time, they really had no place to cry.

Now, ye Tian stands up against Qingming sect and stands side by side. For these sects, it is not a bad thing, but a good thing. At least, it can give them more choices and make Qingming sect more afraid.

If they are really blinded by lard and join hands with qingmingzong to deal with Ye Tian, then everything will return to the dominant state of qingmingzong.

At that time, what is waiting for them will be the end of being overwhelmed by qingmingzong.

Needless to say, ye Tian's strength is incomparable, even if they join hands, they may not be able to leave each other.

At this age, ye Tian has such a powerful strength. In the future, it will be limitless. If you annoy him, it will be absolutely harmful but not beneficial. At that time, you may have to repeat the mistake of taiyimen.

"Hahaha, ye Daoyou, just now we were just joking with you. In my opinion, the most important thing for shanshangzongmen to improve as a whole is to have a sense of competition. A single show is not spring. A hundred flowers bloom in order to have a more beautiful spring."

"It's true that only when you are competitive and under pressure can you improve. Moreover, personal opportunities come from hard work. How can you easily give them to others?"

Soon, the leader of xueyingmen and xuankongmen, who had already thought clearly, immediately nodded to Ye Tian with a smile, indicating that the party he represented wanted to withdraw from qingmingzong's proposal and make a good relationship with Ye Tian."Elder martial brother Qiu, please advise Mr. Ye to give his income to qingmingzong. In this way, there may be a way to live. Otherwise, it will be a dead end. Even if he doesn't die, he will be tired of pursuing and killing..."

However, there are only a few smart people, such as Yu Qianfan, who is afraid that ye Tian and Qiu Changchun are getting closer, which makes qingmingzong resent shangtiangang gate. After a change of vision, he turns to Qiu Changchun and advises him.

Hearing this, Qiu Changchun looked at Yu Qianfan in a daze. In his eyes, he was full of disappointment.

Even if he was killed, he did not expect that Yu Qianfan even said the absurd words.

As the leader of a clan, especially the leader of a small clan, they don't even understand the reason why they can survive in the confrontation between the two powers. Yu Qianfan, the leader of the clan, is really at the point of failure.

He found that Yu Qianfan was not only timid, but also stupid.

"If you don't want to say these words, elder martial brother Qiu, please proceed from the overall situation. For the sake of our Tiangang sect, try to distance yourself from him, and don't mix with him too much, so as to avoid that Qingming sect will do harm to him in the future, and make you angry, which will lead to unhappiness to our Tiangang sect..."

Yu Qianfan saw Qiu Changchun's expression and thought that he was unwilling to persuade Ye Tian. He quickly changed his words and continued to persuade him.

There are such masters as Yu Qianfan in Tiangang gate. It's really heaven that will kill them!

Ye Tian's ear power is so strong that Yu Qianfan's words have fallen into his ears word by word, and he shakes his head repeatedly.

"Master Qiu, I have also created a sect now. It's the time for talents from guangluo. I wonder if you are interested in joining us in the Miluo palace?"

Read here, ye Tian without thinking, looking at Qiu Changchun, issued an invitation.

Ye Tian, also created a sect?!

Ye Tian's words fell down, and the field immediately fell into a clamor. No one thought that ye Tian had set up a power of his own in silence.

Not only these people, but also Qiu Changchun was surprised.

"OK, I'm in!" When Qiu Changchun heard the sound, his eyes changed, he laughed and nodded. Then he looked at Yu Qianfan mockingly and said: "Master Yu, now you don't have to worry. Ye Tian and I are close, and Tiangang gate is burning! From now on, I, Qiu Changchun, have nothing to do with Tiangang gate any more! "

Yu Qianfan's behavior really disappointed him to the extreme. Now his nostalgia for Tiangang gate is gone.

"Elder martial brother Qiu..."

Yu Qianfan completely did not expect that things would develop to this stage. He looked at Qiu Changchun in disbelief and almost could not believe his ears.

"Master Yu, now I'm not a disciple of Tiangang sect. You don't have to call me elder martial brother any more." But without waiting for Yu Qianfan to finish, Qiu Changchun waved his hand, interrupted him, and then said: "you don't have to worry. In my life, I will never fight against Tiangang gate again. Similarly, I will never pass on the Tiangang gate method I learned to other people."

"Master Qiu has been worried about the leakage of skills." Hearing this, ye Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "we in the Miluo palace don't like your leisurely way! Master Qiu, after you join the Miluo palace, you should overthrow the previous cultivation method, and do it again! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!