Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 640

"I said that if you can only be a useless person in this life, then you can only be a useless person!"

Ye Tian stands aloof and looks at Wu Tianliang who has fallen to the ground indifferently. Every word is a light way.

Wu Tianliang turns black and white upside down. This kind of person disgusts Ye Tian to the extreme. Later, he wants to provoke qingmingzong to attack Qiu Changchun and bring his cultivation down to heaven level, which makes Ye Tian feel disgusted.

This kind of self-cultivation is invincible. If a person who ignores right and wrong and works for the tiger is allowed to occupy a high position, it is simply a tragedy of this era.

If ye Tian didn't meet him, that's all. But now, just because he was met by Ye Tian, he had to give each other a little color to see. Let him put himself in his place and feel what it was like to fall from the sky level old monster to an ordinary man with nothing.

A language falls, the field is silent, even, no one rushed to look at Ye Tian, for fear, ye Tian's anger burns to them.

Yu Qianfan, in particular, can almost swallow a goose egg with his mouth open.

Even if you kill him, you can't imagine that ye Tian can refine the elixir to help Qiu Changchun break through the heaven level. Moreover, if you kill him, you can't imagine that the middle stage of heaven level, such as Wu Tianliang, is so vulnerable in front of Ye Tian.

At this moment, he was extremely regretful. If he had known that ye Tian was so strong and had such incredible ability of refining pills, he would never treat Ye Tian with the same attitude as before.

"Now, who else has any opinions on master Qiu's breakthrough in the sky level?"

Ignoring Yu Qianfan's expression, ye Tian looks around the field and finally falls into the area where qingmingzong is located.

He saw that in the middle of the crowd of qingmingzong, there was a middle-aged man in a white moon suit, looking at him with a playful smile.

Although this middle-aged man's appearance belongs to the kind of public face that can't be distinguished when he is lost in the crowd, he stands out like a rooster standing in the crowd. He can attract everyone's eyes and become the focus of the crowd.

What's more, the breath in him is different from that of all the people around him. It is no longer the Qi of the mountain people, but the Qi of the practitioners. According to Ye Tian's judgment, it should be similar to the seven levels of his cave.

All over the world, except Liu Bufan, ye Tian can't think of anyone else who can emit this kind of breath.

"Ye Daoyou, since you've all come here, why show your true face in disguise?"

And at the same time that ye Tian looks at Liu Bufan, Liu Bufan is also looking at Ye Tian. Immediately, with a smile on his face, he says light.

"Daoyou?! In this world, can Liu Bufan, the first person of Taoism, be equal? Even apart from Qingming sect, there are two sect masters and sect masters who are not qualified to be the first one in the world? "

"Ye God, isn't it Is he With one's own efforts, ye Tian of taiyimen was annihilated! "

"It's him! It must be him! All over the world, besides Ye Tian, who can annihilate the Taiyi sect and be qualified to compete with Liu Bufan for the first person in the world, who else can do that? If there is nothing in the middle of the heaven level, just one blow, you can discard his accomplishments? "

Liu Bufan's words fell down, and the scene was like a pot of boiled porridge. The noise was incessant, and there was a strong shock on his cheek.

"Liu Bufan, we finally meet!"

Ye Tian hears the sound and smiles calmly. The muscles on his face suddenly change. The original Chinese character face suddenly changes and restores its original appearance.

"Oh, my God, he is as young as the legend. It seems that he is only in his twenties!"

"At this age, he had such a powerful cultivation. How did he do it? Even if you started to practice from your mother's womb, you shouldn't have such a strong cultivation strength at such a young age? "

"Look at his age, and then look at his cultivation strength, how can I feel like I spent so many years of hard work on dogs?"

When ye Tian recovered his young face, the scene was boiling, just like a roaring sea tornado suddenly hit, rolling up tens of millions of overlapping waves.

Although everyone in the venue has heard of Ye Tian and knows that ye Tian seems very young, none of them thought that ye Tian was so young.

In his twenties, he has such an amazing realm of cultivation. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, who can believe it to be true?

And the same, this strong contrast, how can not let people have a strong sense of frustration, as if, compared with Ye Tian, they are blunt idiots.

Even Liu Bufan's eyes twitched.

Although he has known all the information about ye Tian for a long time, and he knows that he is only a sophomore now, as the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing. Ye Tian's young face, as well as many of his deeds, have caused him an extremely powerful impact.He asked himself that when he was Ye Tian's age, he could never have such a strong cultivation.

And this, in addition to shock, let him feel a strong sense of crisis.

You need to know that ye Tian has such a strong strength at such an age, which means that if he doesn't stop him, he will be able to surpass himself in time with his age.

At that time, the position of the first person on the mountain will be changed!

For countless years, the position of the first person on the mountain has been firmly held in the hands of Qingming sect, which is not only a kind of glory, but also a powerful symbol of Qingming sect.

If this position is taken away by others, it means that other mountain people will feel that qingmingzong is nothing more than that.

Needless to say, ye Tian also has the ability to refine the elixir, and has the ability to compete with Qingming sect.

"It's better to meet you than to be famous. Ye Daoyou is as young as the legend. However, I'm really curious. How did ye Daoyou get this extraordinary cultivation realm at your young age? I don't know if you have any unique opinions on the way of cultivation. Can you explain them to us, which can be regarded as a contribution to the improvement of shanshangzongmen's strength... "

Liu Bufan was stunned, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ye Tian and said slowly.

Ye Tian hears the sound, and his eyes are suddenly cold.

He had thought that Wu Tianliang, who was a bully for the tiger, was shameless enough, but now he found that Wu Tianliang and Liu Bufan are really a little witch to see a big witch. This shameless thing can even say this kind of heart killing words.

Ye Tian is not a young man of practice. Naturally, he can hear Liu Bufan's overtones. What this guy means is to draw all the mountain people's attention to such a powerful thing that makes him so young, so that all the mountain sects will covet him.

Ye Tian can destroy one sect with his own efforts, but if, except Shuiyue sect, the remaining five sects of the two sects covet him and unite to fight against him, then it will be really troublesome.

Needless to say, Liu Bufan's goods even shamelessly played the pretext of "making a contribution to enhance the strength of shanshangzongmen"!

"Yes, dullele is not as good as zhonglele. Ye Daoyou is so young and has such a strong cultivation. Why don't you share it with us so that we can share some of our fortune, so that the overall strength of Huaxia mountain sect can reach a higher level!"

"I agree with Lord Liu that we are all mountain people and Chinese people. If the overall strength of the mountain clan can cross a step, we will be proud of each other!"

"If I can have such an extraordinary opportunity, I will not hesitate to share it with you, so that everyone can have the opportunity to improve!"

Sure enough, Liu Bufan's words fell. As soon as the eyes of the people around him turned, they immediately echoed and looked at Ye Tian as if they were looking at a fat little white sheep waiting to be slaughtered , the fastest update of the webnovel!