Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 628

"So amazing? Is it true or not? "

Doggie looked at Chandler in amazement, his face full of disbelief.

The complications caused by colds, especially emphysema, on the plateau are extremely terrifying. Once they get sick, they will be fatal. But now, Chandler even says that as long as he takes one of his medicines and takes a night's rest, he will be able to recover as before. It's really unbelievable.

"Believe me, I won't gamble my life! Continue to lead the way, move on, and take a more secure road. It's better not to happen again. "

Chandler a mysterious smile, looking at duo Ji, light way.

The special effect medicine that treats the plateau complication that cold causes?!

Ye Tian listened to Chandler's words, and a strange light burst out in his eyes. Qiu Changchun's condition is very serious. In fact, he is very worried. Even if he meets the mountaineering team and finds the right medicine, it can't achieve the desired effect. But it's really gratifying that Chandler has such a powerful special medicine.

Moreover, unlike Doji, ye Tian knows the prisoner very well, and knows that since these guys have the comers and those people as their backers, no matter what incredible things happen to them, it's absolutely not strange, let alone this kind of special medicine for the treatment of plateau complications.

"Chandler, stop talking nonsense and hurry up. This place is very strange. I always feel that there are people around us watching us!"

At this moment, a low voice came from the crowd behind Chandler.

The speaker was a middle-aged man who was not very tall. His cold hat was low and covered his face, but he was obviously the leader of the crowd. After the word fell, Chandler immediately nodded submissively. However, he looked around, and then murmured in a low voice: "Lewis, are you too sensitive, just after the avalanche, on the mountain, Besides snow, it's still snow. Where is anyone waiting for us... "

But before Chandler finished, Louis gave him a cold glance, which made him stop talking.

"Give me the telescope!"

After that, Lewis reached out to the side, took a telescope, put it in front of his eyes, and scanned in all directions.

Moreover, with his action, the expression of other prisoners' killers suddenly became nervous. They took out the gun from their backpack and aimed at the surrounding area. It seemed that as long as Louis found a little wind and grass, they would shoot the place into a sieve.

"Just after the avalanche, how can there be people in such an open mountain? Is that guy flying over here? "

Looking at these people, Chandler shrugged, still disapproving, muttering.

This guy's sixth sense is very strong, even my peeping can detect it!

At the same time, ye Tian saw Louis holding a telescope, looking to his side, but he didn't want to avoid anything. He stood up from his hiding place and looked down. He had a bright smile, but his eyes were murderous. He said: "who gave you so much courage to go to the ZuLong mountains in China? Or are you tired of living and want to die? "

Ye Tian and Tiangu had a deep hatred, especially when they found that Tiangu was dominated by the comer.

Now, seeing the prisoners of heaven appear in the Kunlun Mountains, ye Tian really can't find out the reason why he doesn't clean them up. Moreover, if he wants to get the medicine for Qiu Changchun to treat plateau complications, he also needs to start with these guys.

What's more, since these people are going to Sanjiangyuan, it means that they are also eyeing the "immortal corpse", or the secret of Kunlun, or even finding some information they don't know.

Under such circumstances, ye Tian wants to take down these guys and find out what they know.

"What, there are people here!"

Ye Tian's words fell down. Although they had been well prepared before, there were some killers in their hearts who didn't think so. They were suddenly surprised, and their backs could not help shivering.

"You Who are you It's human or ghost... "

Especially the guy named Chandler, when he saw Ye Tian, it was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight. Jilingling shivered and hurriedly raised his gun in the direction of Ye Tian. Just, because of too nervous, this guy didn't find out. In his hurry, what he aimed at Ye Tian was not the black muzzle, but the handlebar in his hand.

"You guys, are you the best ones in heaven prison? Otherwise, how could those guys send you scum to such an important place to die? "

Ye Tian looks at Chandler's appearance, raises eyebrow to smile lightly, light way.

"You are ye Tian!" To Ye Tian's surprise, when Louis saw his face, he immediately recognized his identity. After hearing this, he exclaimed in astonishment. Without any hesitation, he immediately cheered: "shoot! Kill himYe Tian, it's him!

Lewis's words fell for a moment. The expression on the killer's face suddenly became tense. Without any hesitation, he immediately pressed the trigger with his fingers!

Before they went to Kunlun Mountain, they were told by the organization to show them ye Tian's photos. The order they got was very clear. As long as they saw the young man, they didn't have any hesitation. They shot him immediately and tried their best to kill him!

Moreover, these people have more or less heard that ye Tian leveled the branch base of Tiangong by himself.

Although this matter is a taboo in Tiangong, and no one is allowed to talk about it in public, they have discussed it countless times in private, trying to understand how ye Tian actually made this amazing step!

However, no matter how they deliberated, they did not come to a conclusion or answer. They just felt that it seemed that only the gods could do it.

Even, in this case, when they were ordered to go to Kunlun, many people secretly prayed that they could get the blessing of the goddess of luck and successfully complete the task without meeting this terrible guy.

But unfortunately, now things go against their wishes, they are still very unfortunately and ye Tian bumped together.

"I advise you not to do such a stupid thing."

Ye Tian looked down at the scene, shook his head, light way.


But hearing what he said, Louis, with a look of awe in his face, yelled in a deep voice.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Louis fell, clear shot, immediately like fried beans, whistling, bullet after bullet, dragging a long air stream, to Ye Tian, the terrible bullet rain, straight let people feel, next breath, ye Tian whole person will be shot into a terrible sieve.


Ye Tian looks at this scene, smiles and shakes his head, and his mouth is full of disdain.

Immediately after that, the flying sword moved under his feet and took him forward. The speed was faster than bullets. Before the bullets fell, his body had moved to another area, and let the bullets hit the nothingness.

"So, he really flew up!"

Chandler looked at the scene in front of him in a daze, and his whole body was dull for a moment.

Not long ago, when he heard Louis say that people around him were peeping at them, he thought that Louis was too timid and sensitive. How could someone hide on the mountain just after the avalanche? Unless that person was flying, and one person could fly, how could that be?

But now, ye Tian is really, let him see, originally, people can really fly in the air!

"Now, it's my turn!"

Almost at the same time of avoiding bullets, ye Tian fingers gently, a wind blade, swept out a rainbow in the air, quickly and incomparably to those prisoners killer.


Although the blade of wind has a sharp sound, it is invisible. These days, the prisoner killer, before he can see what's coming to him, feels that his arm with the gun suddenly has a chill. Then he watches helplessly. His arm and the alloy gun fall in two and fall to the ground

Every broken wound looks like a cutting machine circling at high speed, neat and uniform! , the fastest update of the webnovel!