Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 627

Although the snow brought by the avalanche is as fine as sand, but under the terrible impact of the avalanche, one by one, it seems to be as terrible as iron sand. Even if it is as strong as him, he feels a pricking pain in his skin.

Not only that, more terrifying than the impact of snow, but also the strong airflow impact brought by avalanche.

This kind of impact is extremely powerful. When the flying sword shuttles through it, it makes people feel that it is like falling into the torrent of breaking the dike and being blown around. Not only that, but also the air becomes extremely thin because of the terrible impact. It makes people feel almost suffocated when they walk through it.

Fortunately, when ye Tian was in Fangcun Lingyu, he and other friars used to fly swords. His sword skills were superb. He kept shuttling between the wind and snow. Although there were many dangers, it seemed that the next breath would be like a fallen leaf in the air, which was ruthlessly suppressed by the snow, he finally broke through this area smoothly.

"Sure enough, there are people!" Not only that, when ye Tian swept the snowstorm caused by the avalanche and appeared in the corner of the mountain shelter, he immediately saw that there were a group of guys wrapped in climbing suits, carrying a climbing stick and a huge package.

Sure enough, someone! So well equipped, are they mountaineers?!

Ye Tian saw this, and his eyes immediately passed a touch of joy.

When he came here, he was most worried about meeting a group of mountain people. Because mountain people often have confidence in their own physique, even if they have made preparations, they will not be so well prepared. There is no medicine for Qiu Changchun.

But tourists and mountaineers are different. Before they enter the mountain, they must be fully prepared and take all kinds of medicine.

"Dorje, don't you say the snow here is so strong that there can't be an avalanche? What's going on now? Three or four of my people are covered by avalanches. If you don't make things clear today, I'll ask you to pay for their lives! "

But just as ye Tian was about to come out from his hiding place and discuss with the mountaineers to see if he could buy some special medicine from them so that he could take it back to treat Qiu Changchun, a stiff voice of Chinese came from the front.

Not only that, he also saw that the guy who was talking, speaking, even drew a gun from his waist and pointed it at the forehead of a man in front of him.

Foreigner? What are these guys doing in Kunlun mountain? And with a gun! When ye Tian heard this, he frowned and hastened to say hello to them. He went back to his hiding place and listened. He wanted to know what these foreigners wanted to do when they entered Kunlun mountain.

"Mr. Chandler, I have walked here many times before. The snow here has always been very solid, and there has never been an avalanche. I don't know what happened this time. Maybe it was the big avalanche in Sanjiangyuan not long ago that shook the ground and made the snow here unstable."

After hearing the foreigner's words, the man named Duoji was obviously frightened, trembled, and then said in a panic: "I told you before that the situation in the snow mountain is changing rapidly, and the geological structure is very unstable. Although I have walked here nearly a hundred times, I can't guarantee that there will be no problem. I really don't understand. If you want to hunt Tibetan antelopes, you can do it in the previous valley. Why do you have to go inside again... "

While he is talking, ye Tian has already got enough eyesight to see the situation in the field.

There were fourteen or five people in the stadium. Besides, except for Dorje, who was wearing a wolf skin hat and had two plateau red cheeks, the others, who were dressed in mountaineering suits, wrapped up tightly, holding a climbing stick in their hands and carrying a big backpack, were all foreigners.

Hunting Tibetan antelope?! These foreigners are cross-border poachers?!

Closely following, the brow of leaf day couldn't help wring into a knot in one's heart, the eye ground shows cold awn.

Tibetan antelope is a very spiritual creature living in Kunlun Mountain, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau of China. Because of the severe cold, the fur of Tibetan antelope is very thin. In this case, the shawl made of their fur is extremely light. A good shawl only weighs a hundred grams, or even can be folded into strips Pass through the middle of the ring, so it has the reputation of ring shawl.

What's more, antelope cashmere is not only slim and light, but also has excellent warmth retention. There is even a very exaggerated saying that if a warm pigeon egg is wrapped with Tibetan antelope cashmere shawl, it can even hatch small pigeons.

Under such circumstances, Tibetan antelope shawl is very popular with the rich. In the black market, the price of a shawl is often hundreds of thousands of dollars.

However, the cashmere of Tibetan antelope is very rare. There is only a small part of each Tibetan antelope. To make a shawl, it is necessary to sacrifice the lives of three Tibetan antelopes. Therefore, as early as a long time ago, China decided that the Tibetan antelope is to protect animals, so that these Plateau elves can reproduce.

But ye Tian didn't expect that these foreigners had eaten bear heart and leopard gall, and dared to come to Kunlun mountain area to poach Tibetan antelopes!However, he was even more confused when he was angry. According to Doji, although these guys were poaching, they didn't go to the area where the Tibetan antelope lived. Instead, they wanted to go all the way to the deeper part of the snow mountain.

Is it true that their so-called poaching is just an excuse? In fact, they come for the sake of "immortal corpse"!

In a flash, ye Tian's heart suddenly moved, and carefully scanned the foreigners to feel their breath.

Just for a moment, he felt a kind of killing breath from these guys. This kind of breath could not be produced by poaching wild animals, but more like having experienced the baptism of blood and fire.

Not only that, this kind of breath, let him feel, especially familiar, just like where to feel the same!

"Prisoner killer! These guys are prisoners of heaven

The next breath, ye Tian suddenly reaction, the breath of these people, and he had met the day prisoner killer, the same!

It's just that he hasn't met these guys for a long time, so he didn't react for a while.

"Hahaha, Dorje, I'm just joking with you. We are friends. How could I hit you with a gun? Just now those brothers, it is their own bad life, did not see the right way, you continue to lead us, as long as we get to the Sanjiangyuan side, I promise, promised your reward, will not be less

At this time, the killer named Chandler, who was a prisoner in heaven, shook his hand, turned his gun around in his palm, and he pushed it back to his waist. Then he took Doji's shoulder and laughed.

"Mr. Chandler, you are a real joke. You scared me to death." After hearing this, Duoji took a long breath and wiped off the cold sweat he was scared out of even in the ice and snow. He looked at Chandler in confusion and said, "how do you say you are going to Sanjiangyuan? There is a protected area over there. If someone patrols and wants to beat antelopes, he will be caught."

"We don't need you to worry about what we are going to do. You just need to be your own guide." Chandler heavily patted Duoji's help, and then said with a smile: "as long as you are obedient and promise your reward, it will only be more, not less."

"Mr. Chandler, you misunderstood me. I don't think it meant any harm." Duoji quickly waved his hand, and then said: "it's just that there are many snow capped mountains on the other side of Sanjiangyuan. When we pass here, there are avalanches, and those places may also change. What's more, once there is an avalanche, the temperature will be greatly reduced, which may lead to plateau complications. In case of a cold and emphysema, the trouble will be great and it will be fatal. "

"Ha ha ha You don't have to worry about this little thing. We brought the special medicine long before we came here. "

Hearing this, Chandler raised his head and laughed. He patted his backpack and said with a smile, "we have prepared the special medicine before we come here. What plateau complications, what cold and anoxic emphysema, take one and have a rest for one night, we can recover!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!