Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 622

"What happened here? How could so many mountain people gather?"

Not only Ye Tian, but Lingming stone monkey also found this abnormality. After scanning around, he frowned and murmured.

"I'll go to find someone to find out what happened here..."

Ye Tian shakes his head and asks a mountain man why they went to Kunlun.

"There's no need to ask. I'll call someone to ask."

Lingming stone monkey waved his hand, a light sentence, and immediately, he patted the shoulder of the mountain man who passed by.

"What are you doing..."

The mountain man was walking in a hurry when he was suddenly patted. He turned his head and drank angrily. But before he said a word, he saw a flash of gold in the eyes of Lingming stone monkey. The unhappy color on his face suddenly solidified, and the whole person became dull.


When ye Tian saw this, he immediately realized that Lingming stone monkey should have used some kind of soul taking secret technique to this monk.

However, the soul taking skill of Lingming stone monkey is obviously much better than that of him. It doesn't need to frighten the other person's mind first, and then make a search. Just a flash of such understatement makes the other person lose his mind.

From this point of view, Lingming stone monkey, which was once famous in Fangcun spirit field, really deserves its reputation!

"Why do so many mountain people gather here?"

At this time, Lingming stone monkey looked directly into the eyes of the mountain man and asked in a deep voice.

"We're all here for the dead."

The mountain man's mind was under control. When he heard this, he immediately said everything he knew like a bean in a bamboo tube.

It turned out that just yesterday, a huge and rare avalanche suddenly occurred in Kunlun mountain. What's more amazing is that when the avalanche ended and the snow dispersed, several monks looking for a panacea in Kunlun Mountain found a corpse in the avalanche area.

Kunlun Mountain is not only a mythical place, but also a forbidden area for life. It is very common for corpses to appear in avalanches. But this time, it is very unusual that the corpse appeared after the avalanche. I don't know how many years it has passed away, but he still has the power of cultivation.

You know, under normal circumstances, when a monk dies and his life withers, the cultivation prestige will disappear.

This vision can't help but make those mountain people curious about it, and want to know why all this happened; or, can't help but let them fantasize about whether they can get the cultivation method from this corpse which still retains the powerful cultivation prestige, or the cultivation resources to improve their cultivation, and reach the peak and change their destiny.

Therefore, after the news of the immortal corpse in Kunlun Mountain spread, countless mountain people immediately gathered here to try their luck and see if they could get the chance.

However, according to the mountain man, although the immortal corpse appeared in the avalanche area, countless mountain people climbed along the mountain. Although they tried their best, they didn't know why, but they always felt that the immortal corpse was so close, although it was so close, they couldn't get close.

"Lost field!"

When ye Tian and Lingming stone monkey hear this, they look at each other and say four words with one voice.

Clearly close at hand, it seems that as long as you work hard, you can reach it, but you can't get it. All these are unique to the lost field.

Moreover, according to the mountain man, I'm afraid that the lost field around the immortal corpse in Kunlun mountain should still be a powerful lost field.

More importantly, as ye Tian and Lingming stone monkey know, this kind of field is often arranged at the entrance of some religious sects to obstruct people with ulterior motives.

However, the maze field is treacherous and unpredictable, such as watching flowers in the fog and the moon in the water. In particular, if some powerful maze fields can't be solved and fall into them, even if they spend their whole life, they can't get to the place they see.

"It seems that even God is helping us to enter Kunlun."

Next, Lingming stone monkey looks at Ye Tian playfully and says with a smile.

"Maybe it's God who has drawn us here on purpose, so that we can give up our lives here."

The leaf day hears speech, toward spirit bright stone monkey joked.

However, what he said was not entirely a joke, because what happened was so strange. Almost when he and Lingming stone monkey made up their mind to go to Kunlun Mountain, there happened to be an avalanche and the "immortal" body.

If all this is just a coincidence, it's a bit of a coincidence.

"Whether it's God's help or a trap, go and have a look, and you'll know." Lingming stone monkey chuckled, and then said to Ye Tian, "you won't retreat, will you?"

"To go, or to go with the sword?" Ye Tian smiles a light sentence. Although he doesn't directly answer Lingming stone monkey, the meaning of the words is obvious. He wants to go to the location where the "immortal" body appears to find out."If you can defend the sword, why use that strength?"

Ling Ming stone ape smile, light way.

When ye Tian heard this, he stopped talking. He and Lingming stone monkey found a secluded place, and then he stood up with his sword. According to the guidance of the mountain people, he rushed to the immortal's body.

After the fierce soldier's flying sword melted the half immortal soldier's fragments again, its speed has been greatly improved. Just in a short time, it has swept over the town and appeared above the Kunlun Mountains. Looking from the high forest, Kunlun is towering, with mountains running from west to East, like the ancestor of mountains.

However, the Kunlun Mountains are extremely bitter and cold. When you look down from a high position, you can only see the white snow except for the withered and yellow vegetation.

"In the past, this was the biggest spiritual vein in the world. It was full of green and luxuriant plants and rare herbs."

Lingming stone monkey looks at everything below, sighs gently, and tells Ye Tian a secret.

Kunlun used to be the biggest spiritual vein in this world, and it was not desolate, on the contrary, it was full of vitality and lushness

Ye tianzha's tongue, scanning the mountains, can't imagine how magnificent the scenery is when the aura is strong here!

At the beginning, the monks who can live on the biggest spiritual pulse of this world will create amazing cultivation civilization in this magnificent place!

"Why is he here?"

At this time, ye Tian looked down, and immediately saw a familiar figure.

This figure is not Yan Bing's master Qiu Changchun, but now Qiu Changchun no longer looks as red as before, but is full of dust. Not only that, but also there are traces left after fighting with others on his body. Not only his down jacket is cut, but also his chest and back are covered with bloodstains, which seems to be the reason It's a lot of trauma.

It seems that Qiu Changchun is also for the sudden appearance of the "immortal" body on the Kunlun Mountain, and I'm afraid he has encountered some trouble!

Seeing this, ye Tian frowned and swept to the mountains behind Qiu Changchun. As far as he could see, he immediately saw two early day monks. At this moment, they were following Qiu Changchun and chasing him.

Winter in Kunlun mountain comes much earlier than other places. The mountain is covered with ice and snow, which is not only rugged, but also easy to slip.

Although Qiu Changchun was a top monk at the prefecture level, he was seriously injured, and he was old and frail. Although he tried his best to escape, he fell into a snow den with his chest level because he stepped on a hard stone covered with snow.

"Qiu Changchun, hand over what you have, and we can leave a whole body for you. Otherwise, you will feel like being thrown on the celestial burial platform and eaten by vultures!"

It's Qiu Changchun's wrestling skill. The two Tianji players are already in pursuit at the beginning. Looking at Qiu Changchun who is struggling in the snow, but can't get away, he cheers coldly.

"Shi Hao, Xie Jin, I warn you, it's better not to mess around!" Qiu Changchun struggled fruitlessly. He could only look at the two monks who pursued him and said in a deep voice: "don't blame me for not reminding you two. My apprentice's son-in-law destroyed Ye Tian of taiyimen! Are you ready to be destroyed by my apprentice and son-in-law if you break the fist door to me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!