Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 621


Ye Tian's eyes suddenly changed when he heard the news, and he suddenly thought of a lot of information about Kunlun. At the beginning, he saw some broken utensils in the secret library of taiyimen, on which there were some ancient bird and insect seal characters written "Kunlun Palace In the same way, he thought of what the policeman said when he was in the valley of death! There is no doubt that in that ancient land, there must be many secrets waiting for him to dig!

Now, as soon as Lingming stone monkey is released from the repression, the first thing he has to do is to invite him to Kunlun, which proves the conjecture in his mind. In the towering Kunlun where there are too many legends, there must be more secrets of a long time.

"It seems that you have noticed Kunlun's excellence. How about going with me?"

Lingming stone monkey has the ability to understand people's heart. Looking at the change of Ye Tian's expression, he smiles and sends out an invitation to him again.

"What are you going to look for there? Or, what's good for you with what's there? What good will it do me if I go there? "

Ye Tian was silent for a moment. He immediately gazed into the eyes of Lingming stone monkey and asked in a deep voice.

When he was in Fangcun Lingyu, ye Tian knew that Lingming stone monkey's wind rating was not too bad, and he should be a reliable partner, but no one knew whether his mind changed greatly after 2000 years of suppression, and whether he would do anything for what he wanted.

Therefore, ye Tian must carefully consider, determine the gain and loss, and then make a decision.

"I once lost something in Kunlun. I want to see if it is still there now..."

Lingming stone monkey was a little silent. He looked up at the end of the sea and sky, laughed and murmured, and then said: "as for why I want to find someone to go with me, it's very simple, because my current strength is not enough to explore Kunlun by myself, so I need a helper, and it can be recognized by me. And you, you have that qualification. "

Ye Tian looks at the shape of Lingming stone monkey, and his eyes change. He faintly feels that what Lingming stone monkey said was lost in Kunlun, maybe not a thing, but a person.

Is it possible to say that in the majestic Kunlun Mountains, there may be an existence that has been suppressed for two thousand years, like Lingming stone monkey?!

However, what kind of person or thing can make Lingming stone monkey exist? After two thousand years, it still lingers on.

"Kunlun used to be a blessed place for cultivation. It can be said that Kunlun is the most prosperous place in the ancient cultivation world on earth. Although the aura of this heaven and earth is declining and everything is sinking, there may still be some spiritual roots there. If you can get them, you can see the sea, Longmen can expect them, and even your future cultivation can be promoted to a more powerful level It's good for you. Moreover, in today's world, when it comes to the familiarity with Kunlun, no one can go beyond me. Without me, no one can enter Kunlun and then retreat. Do you think this reward is worth your attention? " Lingming stone monkey looked at Ye Tian and continued to him.

The sea view is expected, the dragon's gate can be expected, and even the cultivation in the future can be improved, which is also of great benefit!

Ye Tian's eyes are changing. He feels a kind of honesty from Lingming stone monkey's words and knows that the other party didn't cheat him.

"However, there is one thing that I have to make clear. Apart from chance, there are also dangers. Heaven and earth change. I don't know what Kunlun looks like today. I can't be sure what the things I remember can do in Kunlun. Therefore, there will be certain dangers, even the danger of life and death. I will not force you to decide whether to go or not, but I can guarantee that as long as you get something, it will be a worthwhile trip. "

At this time, Lingming stone monkey is very calm to say that this trip in addition to the income, there is danger.

"Kunlun, I'll go!"

Ye Tian's eyes changed and he immediately made a decision.

He had the idea of exploring Kunlun for a long time, but he has not been able to do so. Now that he has Lingming stone monkey with him, if he doesn't go there once, he will feel regretful and even regret all his life.

"Hahaha, I knew you wouldn't refuse. Pack up and get ready to go. I've been waiting too long. I don't want to waste any more time. "

Hearing this, Lingming stone monkey raised his head and laughed. Immediately, he looked at Ye Tian with burning eyes and said in a deep voice. Then he was embarrassed and grabbed his ass and said, "however, I don't have that little piece of plastic. I can't live in a shop or sit in your iron bird. You have to think about it."

Iron bird?

Ye Tianyi was stunned, and immediately understood that what Lingming stone monkey said should be the plane. He immediately nodded with a smile and said, "don't worry, I'll find a way."

After a few words, he took out his mobile phone and called Qin Luoshen, telling her that he was going to Kunlun. After that, he asked her to arrange a private plane that could support long-distance flight to take him and Lingming stone monkey to Kunlun.

Qin Luoshen naturally obeyed Ye Tian's words. Not long after receiving the call, he arranged for people to prepare the private plane, and hired an experienced and experienced captain to fly the plane.Over the plateau, the weather is changing rapidly. Many pilots who dare to fly International Flights dare not challenge this dangerous flight.

Ye Tian and Lingming stone monkey boarded the plane. When the plane took off and appeared in the sky, Lingming stone monkey looked at the white clouds outside the window of the plane and said with emotion: "heaven and earth are already in decline. Unexpectedly, people on the ground still have the ability to soar above the nine heavens."

"It's heaven and earth that changes, not people. If there's no way to go, we'll find another way. Living people will never be suffocated by urine."

Ye Tian smiles and says slowly.

As he said, although heaven and earth are changing, human beings remain unchanged. The decline of aura and cultivation does not mean that this is a dead end. In the era of aura decline, human beings can still create brilliant scientific and technological civilization.

This is the man who does not despair because of the change of heaven and earth. Even though there are many thorns, he still has to wade a new road.

"What you said is very similar to what someone once said to me when I first came to this world. Although a person is weak, his heart is strong. As long as he wants to do something, even if there is a sea of fire ahead, he will continue to move forward as long as he has a breath to go to the end!"

Lingming stone monkey smile, slowly way, eyes, more exposed a touch of memory.

This look, let Ye Tian see, although Lingming stone monkey did not say who that person is, but there is no doubt that he is one of the most important people in his life!

The captain's posture is very skillful. At dusk, the plane arrived at Nachitai in the northwest frontier.

When I got out of the plane, the sun was setting and red, like oil paint, splashed on the towering mountains in the distance. The snow covered mountains were dyed into light gold. From a distance, they were like huge dragons lying on the earth.

Nachitai, a transliteration of Tibetan, translated into Huaxia, is a platform in the swamp.

When it comes to nachtai, very few Chinese people know it. But when it comes to the old Kunlun spring in nachtai, many Chinese know it.

According to legend, the queen mother of the West entertained the gods in the Kunlun Mountains, and the gods were invited to the meeting. During the banquet, the gods expressed their contributions to the creation of God fanmo, who said that the north of Kunlun mountain would be transformed into a place with grass, fat, water, strong cattle and sheep, green fields and fragrant milk. When the queen mother of the West heard the great joy of the speech, she gave wine to fanmo. At the end of the banquet, on the way back, fanmo held the wine and spilled it on the ground. The wine spilled on the ground turned into the immortal Kunlun spring.

There is no way to tell whether the legend is true or false, but the old Kunlun spring is indeed a beautiful scenery of Nachitai, known as the wonder of Kunlun. All around the spring pool are granite fields, but a clear spring in the center of the pool spouts out from the ground, forming a crystal mushroom shape, throwing countless Jasper like water around, just like a blooming lotus.

However, to Ye Tian's surprise, when he arrived at the airport, he found a very interesting scene. The mountain people, who are very difficult to meet in all parts of China, now seem to gather in the old Kunlun spring. In a short time, he met more than a dozen people!

Mountain people, unlike ordinary people, will go sightseeing because of the beautiful scenery.

There are so many people on the mountain. It must be something extraordinary happened here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!