Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 615

"Of course, it's true. The reason why you can't have children is very simple. Your constitution is too Yin cold, and you lack pure Yang. As long as you supplement pure Yang and harmonize Yin and Yang, you can have children naturally. For other doctors, there may be no way to treat this disease, but for me, it's just a trivial problem. "

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said faintly.

When he saw Leng Ruyu for the first time, he found that Leng Ruyu's body was abnormal. However, Leng Ruyu's attitude was extremely bad at that time. At that time, his help was due to Lengyue's pity and her love for Lengyue.

As for later, although the relationship between the two eased, ye Tian also forgot about it and didn't take it seriously, so he didn't mention it again.

"Then you Can you help me? You can do whatever you want. As long as I can do it, I will try my best. "

Cold as jade, smell sound, look suddenly become excited, looking at Ye Tian, full face hope way.

Unable to bear this matter, has become a knot in Leng Ruyu's heart, has had Lengyue this lovely elf, she may not care about whether she will have children in the future, but she hopes that, at the beginning, let yourself hurt the culprit, can be eliminated.

"Now that I've said that, I'm going to help you solve this problem. As for the reward, needless to say, I don't need money, and you can't get what I want... "

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, then said casually.

As he said, all he needs now are cultivation resources. Leng Ruyu may be a strong woman, but where can he get these things.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Cold as jade, hearing the sound, her eyes immediately turned red, and she said thanks to Ye Tian.

"Take this elixir, but don't be in a hurry to take it now. You'd better take it after you get home. Before taking it, you'd better put a bath of water and light some incense. Otherwise, with your character, I'm afraid that when the disease is cured, there will be more psychological shadows..."

Ye Tian waves his hand, indicating that Leng Ruyu doesn't need to be so nervous. He takes out a Huangji pill and gives it to Leng Ruyu.

The reason why Leng Ruyu's body is Yin cold is very simple. It is because a meridian in her body is blocked, which leads to the circulation of Yang Qi in her body is not smooth, resulting in the situation of Yin flourishing and Yang declining. Huangji pill has the ability of cutting bones, washing marrow and opening channels.

As long as Leng Ruyu takes Huangji pill, cuts bones and washes marrow, and stimulates the opening of that meridian. At that time, if he wants to have a few children, he can have a few children. As long as he finds someone he likes, even if he gives birth to a football team, it's nothing.

"But I have to remind you that after your constitution improves, you can have children, but you don't have to find someone you don't like to get pregnant."

Closely following, leaf day to cold such as jade exhort a way.

Unable to conceive is Leng Ruyu's heart disease. He is very worried that after her recovery, Leng Ruyu will find someone to fall in love and get married, and then have a baby. In that case, it's easy to encounter people who are not well behaved, and it's not easy to deal with them in case of any moth.

Leng Ruyu clenched the jade bottle with Huang Jidan. After nodding her head, her tears whirled. She didn't know what to say.

At the beginning, she went to have a physical examination and found that she was not fertile, and the hospital had no way to do so. After calling Xu Kun, he asked herself, what is the qualification of a woman who can't have children to be a wife for others, and then chose to abandon her.

This kind of situation, and the contrast between the leaf day, should be a great disparity to the incomparable, in the end not!

She originally thought that her next life was like this, but unexpectedly, ye Tian gave her real hope again.

"What's the matter with you and Xu Kun? You've been together for five years, and you haven't found out what kind of person he is? "

Ye Tian digs away from the topic and turns the matter to Xu Kun, hoping that through this way of letting Leng Ruyu tell, she can completely open her heart and let this famous iceberg in the South China Sea fall apart and completely walk out of the shadow left by Xu Kun.

"Xu Kun and I were classmates in high school. When we were in grade one in high school, we were together. After three years in high school, we had a very stable relationship. We agreed that we should go to the same university, go to graduate school with the same tutor, and choose to get married after graduation Everything is very smooth, everything is very calm, even we don't even have occasional disputes, perfect like a dream, whether we are high school students or college students, all think that we are standard model lovers.... "

"At that time, I always thought that my life might be so peaceful. He was the one I identified, the one who would spend the rest of my life with me. A lot of times, I was imagining what our wedding would be like, and even thinking about what our children would be like. However, what I didn't expect was that when he graduated from University, he suddenly chose to give up and continue to study for postgraduate, instead, he went back to work in his family's company.... ""I made an agreement with him that no matter what I did, I would do it together. At that time, I felt that if I didn't go to graduate school with him, even if I went alone, it would be meaningless. Therefore, although I had been admitted at that time, I still chose to give up and graduate. After graduation, we met our marriage. Our parents had already met each other when they were in college, and everything came naturally. "

"It's just that what I didn't expect was that when I was doing the physical examination before marriage, I suddenly found out that I didn't have the ability to have children. At the beginning, he accompanied me to many hospitals to comfort me. At that time, I was very grateful to him, and I increasingly believed that this man would be the man who would accompany me all my life.... "

"But one day, when we went to almost all the doctors and they were helpless, he began to change. He went out to fool around and even showed up in front of me with other women. I questioned him. He said that a woman who can't lay eggs is qualified to question him? Then he abandoned me. In fact, I can understand all of these. After all, in the matter of children, one person has his own choice. Not everyone can do it without children. "

"But what I didn't expect was that after a period of time, he found me again and said he wanted to get back together with me, but one condition was that he had a child with a girl at that time and asked me to be his employer. He and the girl did not interfere with each other. I like him, but that doesn't mean that I can tolerate anything he does, especially if he asks me to do it, so I flatly refuse. "

"After that, the two of us broke up completely. It was also from that time that I began to doubt myself. I felt that no one in the world was worthy of my nostalgia and dependence. I lived in the ice and made myself a piece of ice. "

"What's more, I left the place where I used to live and came to Nanhai. The day after I arrived in Nanhai, I saw the cold moon shivering and crying in the cold wind on the street. I think that since I can't have a child, it may be a good choice for me to adopt a child, especially if this kind of abandoned child is taken care of by others. As for the rest, you should be very clear.... "

"I'd like to thank you for this. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what Yueer would be like now, and you saved my life and my family..."

At this moment, Leng Ruyu has completely put down her heart knot and whispered to Ye Tian, telling the truth of the past.

Not only that, in her story, tears in the corner of her eyes have been wet, it seems to bear those hardships, all emerge on the mind.

But ye Tian can see that when she tells the truth hidden in her heart, the loneliness and loss on her face has obviously improved! , the fastest update of the webnovel!