Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 614

Ye Tian and qingmingzong have a grudge!

When Xu Kun heard this, his body trembled. The smile on his face solidified in an instant. His legs were even more uncontrollable and crazy. There was a feeling that the bones melted, turned into noodles and fell to the ground.

He thought that taking out Qingming sect, the first Sect on the mountain, could hold Ye Tian, but he didn't hold Ye Tian, and even hit Ye Tian's muzzle.

"I'm joking. I have a grudge against Qingming sect. I've been seeing their young master for a long time. If I have a chance, I'll kill him!"

After a long time, Xu Kunqiang squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and said in a trembling voice.

"Hahaha, it's a coincidence. I'm joking. I'm the ancestor of Qingming sect. How can you say that you want to kill my disciples and grandchildren in front of me?"

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows and a faint smile, looking at Xu Kun, playing with the taste.

A word falls, Xu Kun completely speechless, he is not a fool, how can not hear, see ye Tian's appearance, is determined not to let him go!

However, he didn't know that ye Tian's words were intended to tease him, but they were not completely regarded as. In a sense, he was indeed the ancestor of Qingming sect. However, the garbage of Qingming sect was all the garbage that deceived the master and killed the ancestor and needed him to clean up the door.

"Ruyu, if he wants to kill me, I'll kill him, don't you mind?"

Immediately after, ye Tian turns to look at Leng Ruyu and says with a smile.

That tone, understatement, like he is ready to crush a trivial mosquito.

However, the reason why he didn't ask Leng Ruyu directly is to see if Leng Ruyu can let go of her old feelings.

"Those who kill people will always be killed!"

Leng Ruyu shook her head and said one word at a time.

At this moment, she has seen the true face of Xu Kun clearly. It will make you feel sad to let such rubbish live in the world and breathe the same air as him.

"Ruyu, please, please help me beg for mercy. Let me go. I still have you in my heart. I didn't want to hurt you. I just want them to scare you. I swear, as long as you will let him let me go, no matter whether you will have children or not, I will marry you! "

When Xu Kun heard the sound, his head was buzzing. He almost collapsed on the ground and his legs were soft. After kneeling on the ground, he immediately knelt down and climbed to Leng Ruyu's body. He repeatedly kowtowed and begged.

At this moment, for him, as long as he can survive, let alone let him marry Leng Ruyu, even let him take Leng Ruyu to his home and give it up as his aunt, he will not hesitate to do it.

"Tut Tut, you are so shameless. At this time, you are so happy to mention whether Ruyu can have a baby again! Do you think it's a very proud and boastful thing for you to make such a sacrifice? Since you want children so much, find someone who can give you children. Why bother Ruyu? What? You still love Ruyu. In my opinion, the person you love is just yourself! Love her, would you do that to her? "

When ye Tian hears this, he laughs angrily. He looks at Xu Kun and shakes his head mockingly.

As he said, from beginning to end, Xu Kun kept on talking about Leng Ruyu's inability to have children. Even when he was begging for mercy, he was still mentioning it again. It seemed that under such circumstances, he could marry Leng Ruyu, which was a matter of great pride and even a kind of charity to Leng Ruyu.

However, he did not realize that he was stabbing Leng Ruyu's heart.

Moreover, from the beginning, this guy made a mistake. If he wants to have children, he should find someone who can have children. In this way, it may hurt Leng Ruyu, but it's nothing. After all, everyone has their own consideration.

But this guy, while hoping to find a woman who can give birth to him, also hopes Leng Ruyu to be his lover. It's a bit of a success.

Needless to say, after Leng Ruyu refused, he even planned to destroy Leng Ruyu without getting it.

Is such a person's love for Leng Ruyu really a kind of love?

No, it's not love at all. It's not even abnormal love. In fact, this guy only loves himself!

"By the way, there's one more thing I want to tell you. Do you think Ruyu can't have a baby? You are wrong. Ruyu can have as many children as she wants to have with the people she likes! "

Closely following, ye Tian looks down at Xu Kun, mocking.

"No way!"

Hearing this, Xu Kun shakes his head and refuses to believe Ye Tian's words.

Leng Ruyu went to many hospitals to have an examination after she was checked and found that she was infertile. Unfortunately, the doctors were at a loss to know what to do about her condition, and even could not say a specific reason.

As for Leng Ruyu, after hearing Ye Tian's words, she also looks at him in a daze. In her eyes, there is not only confusion but also strong expectation."Impossible? Sorry, I came to this world, is to complete all the impossible things! Including you, before I do it, do you think that today, you will kneel down in front of the ground like jade and cry to her? "

Ye Tian hears this, a smile indifferently, way.

Xu Kun is completely silent and looks at Ye Tian in a dazed way. As ye Tian said, before he made these decisions, he did not expect that things would develop to today's situation.

"Take your despicable and shameless, get out of the world, go to hell, and keep company with those who are similar to you!"

At this time, ye Tian had no idea to talk with him. With a slight hand, a blade of wind suddenly flew out and fell on Xu Kun's chest.


In a flash, a group of blood, along Xu Kun's chest, splashed out, scattered all over the ground, such as blossoming snow plum, dazzling.


Next, ye Tian's hand gently rubs, a huge fireball flies out, and turns Xu Kun and the black suit bodyguard's corpse into powder.

"You, don't run. Stay here!"

Immediately after, ye Tian sees that the remaining bodyguards in black suits are ready to flee. He laughs and shakes his head. With a raise of his hand, the fireballs roar out and fall on these people, directly turning them into ashes.

If you can follow the scum like Xu Kun, you can imagine it even with your toes. It's definitely not a good thing.

It's a disaster to keep them. It's better to kill them.

"I have cleaned up the rubbish that obstructs your life. From now on, you can be free. "

All over, ye Tian turns his head and looks at Leng Ruyu, slowly.

Leng Ruyu nodded, but at this moment, on her face, there was no relieved smile, only bitter tears covered her cheeks.

The trust is not human!

At this moment, she fully understood what these four words meant.

In the past, she couldn't put Xu Kun in her heart. She felt that if it wasn't for her body, maybe she and Xu Kun could be a perfect couple. But after what happened today, she realized that even if it took five years, sometimes you can't recognize a jerk and scum!

But there is no doubt that she also understands that from this moment on, she has completely cut off the connection with the past, and it will be a new life waiting for her.

And this brand-new life is given to her by Ye Tian.

"Let's go..."

Immediately after, ye Tian sweeps his eyes at the driver who has completely looked silly, and says.

When the driver heard this, he woke up. He could not help but nod his head, restart the car, hit the accelerator and drove out of the village.

However, his eyes, but constantly with the help of the car rearview mirror, scan Ye Tian's face.

What he saw today was completely beyond his cognition. Ye Tian's power made him feel like a God in the dust. He wanted to know if ye Tian was a kind of monster with a layer of human skin but a powerful monster hidden inside.

"You just said that you can help me solve the problem. Are you deceiving Xu Kun, or is it true?"

At this time, Leng Ruyu finally wakes up completely, remembers the words Ye Tian said before, and immediately reveals her uneasiness and hope, and slowly says. , the fastest update of the webnovel!