Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 612

Five years of love My first boyfriend

But immediately, ye Tian's heart suddenly moves, can't help but think of a paragraph of words Ning Xue had said to him before, she said, before cold as jade, is not like this now.

All this, combined, let Ye Tian suddenly feel, cold as jade now abnormal, perhaps, and in front of this Xu Kun.

Especially, when he thought of Leng Ruyu's love for Leng Yueyue and her special situation, he felt that everything became more clear.

"Xu Kun, what happened in those years is over. There is no relationship between you and me now." Leng Ruyu said coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "however, compared with mentioning those things again, I am very curious about why you are here."

Her coming to the village is very secret, and no one knows about it at all. But now Xu Kun suddenly appears. Not only that, his appearance is different from that of Ye Tian. It's not a coincidence, but he directly rushes here, which makes her curious.

"Who is this?"

Xu Kun didn't answer Leng Ruyu's words. After glancing at the business car, his eyes fell on Ye Tian and said with a playful smile.

"He's my boyfriend now. What's the matter? Do you have any opinion?"

Cold such as jade calm a, closely followed, tightly grasped the leaf day's arm, moreover, was a face to take to beg of see leaf day one eye.

It seems that Leng Ruyu did not like her performance, has put down that period of five years!

Ye Tian can feel it. Leng Ruyu is holding his two hands. At this moment, he is trembling slightly.

All this showed that although she tried to keep calm on her face, her heart, I'm afraid, was not like this, but set off waves.

"Boyfriends? Why didn't I hear that? " When Xu Kun heard Leng Ruyu's words, he raised his eyebrows gently and continued to ponder and smile: "Ruyu, your boyfriend, can't you just confirm the love relationship with you?"

Cold as jade, hearing the sound, a face immediately became a little pale.

"I didn't expect that after breaking up for so many years, you still care about our family Ruyu. You even know whether she has a boyfriend recently. However, it's no wonder that our family Ruyu is so charming..." Seeing this, ye Tian raised his eyebrows and gently laughed, pondered over it, and then said faintly: "however, whether we were together a long time ago or now, as long as we have established a love relationship, it is a man and woman friend. Now, I only regret one thing. I didn't meet her earlier. In this way, I can take good care of her, so that she won't waste precious time on some unimportant rubbish. "

"Who do you call a garbage man?"

Xu Kun hears the sound, the facial expression immediately sinks down, a pair of eyes, gloomy stare at Ye Tian, full of displeasure.

"Things that don't matter to you are not rubbish. Are they still treasures?"

Ye Tian just like can't see the kind of displeasure in his eyes, shrugged, smile still way.

Hearing this, Xu Kun's face suddenly darkens. He looks at Ye Tian with extreme displeasure. Deep in his eyes, he even reveals his murderous intention.


At this time, one of his bodyguards in black came out of the yard quickly, looked warily at Ye Tian and others, and then came to Xu Kun's ear and whispered.

"A bunch of trash!"

Xu Kun heard each other's words, angrily scolded, followed by, toward Ye Tian swept an eye, in the eye light, unexpectedly revealed a touch of shock and fear.

"Those people, are you looking for?"

Seeing Xu Kun's expression, Leng Ruyu suddenly realizes everything in her heart. She looks at Xu Kun in disbelief and asks coldly.

"What do you think?" Xu Kun is very single. He didn't deny it. He nodded his head casually and said with a playful smile.

A language falls, cold as jade eyes, immediately become more cold, that kind of chill, such as to freeze people into ice.

She said that after so many years, Lengyue's parents suddenly came to her. You know, the place where she found Lengyue was far away from Jinling. Because she insisted on adopting Lengyue, she came to Nanhai with Lengyue after falling out with her family.

These things, even within the family, only a few people know about them.

But Lengyue's parents, just two rural people without much energy, were able to find one on her head.

It turns out that behind all this, Xu Kun is fueling the flames.

Of course, only Xu Kun has this energy. She not only knows that she is in the South China Sea, but also can find Lengyue's biological parents from the vast sea of people.

Of course, compared with these, what shocked her even more was that Xu Kun's meaning was not only Lengyue's biological parents, but also brother Xiong's group. Although her five-year relationship ended in unhappiness, which made her black and blue, she did not expect that Xu Kun would treat her like this after many years.

All these made her heart feel more angry and sad when it was as cold as ice.Not to mention Leng Ruyu himself, even ye Tian was stunned for a while, and even couldn't help sympathizing with her.

It's easy to imagine the pain of being treated so cruelly by the person you loved most in the past, even to destroy her completely.

Similarly, Xu Kun is really a beast!

"Before that, I gave you a choice. Your family called you and asked you to be my lover, but you refused. You know my character and what I can't get, just destroy it. No one else can get it."

There was no sympathy on Xu Kun's face. His smile was still bright, and he even shrugged casually. His face didn't matter.

"Who do you think I am, Leng Ruyu, and you want me to be your lover

Leng Ruyu's chest heaved violently, gnashing her teeth, roared one by one.

"Wishful thinking?" Xu Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "if you don't want to be my lover, what would you like to be my wife? Do you deserve it? "

Cold as jade, snow-white teeth, clenching lips, eyes are covered with blood.

"Oh, by the way, as Leng Ruyu's ex boyfriend, or prospective fiance, I need to remind you that when we were together, she had a physical examination, and she had no fertility." Xu Kun didn't care about Leng Ruyu at all. He just looked at Ye Tian in the car and said with a smile: "this kind of woman who can't even lay eggs, do you think it's suitable to be a wife? By the way, don't tell me that if you want children, do you have a throne to inherit? Yes, our family really has a throne to inherit! "

Cold as jade, hearing the sound, the body trembled wildly, and the scallop teeth had bitten the lips out of strands of bright red blood.

Xu Kun said this thing, is her biggest secret, but now, it was so naked tear in front of everyone.

"Honey, I'm really curious. What's the matter with your eyes before? In this world, there are so many people to like, but why do you want to find a boyfriend in the garbage? "

But at this time, ye Tian shrugs with a smile, and then gently holds Leng Ruyu's hand. Just like Xu Kun's words, he asks with a smile.

At this moment, he is really a little distressed, cold as jade.

Five years of love, there is no doubt that Leng Ruyu must have paid a lot, but she was abandoned because she was unable to have children. Moreover, after so many years, because she refused to be the other party's lover, she was retaliated by scum, which can't help but sympathize with her.

In the same way, it is impossible for people not to sneer at Xu Kun.

Want to have children, there is nothing wrong with this, feel that the other party can not have children, so do not want to be together, then break up is.

But on the one hand, because of these, I dislike the other side, and on the other hand, I want the other side to be my lover!

What is rubbish? Isn't that rubbish!

What's the scum man? This is the scum man!

Ye naivete is very curious, who gives this guy the courage to jump and shout here so rightfully.

Is it Liang Jingru?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!