Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 611


Leng Ruyu looked at the bloody scene, could not help but shudder, Gudong swallowed saliva.

She really did not expect that ye Tian's hand was so fierce, but she also understood that to deal with these two rogues, they had to use such cruel hands. They had to pay the price for abandoning, no, murdering Lengyue. Only in this way, these two rubbish, from now on, dare not pester her any more.

"Let's go."

At this time, ye Tian looks at all this indifferently, turns his head and looks at Leng Ruyu, calms down, and immediately turns to walk outside the hospital.

In fact, at the beginning, he didn't intend to punish the two guys severely. He just wanted to punish them slightly so that they didn't dare to pester Leng Ruyu any more.

But he didn't expect that the couple were so vicious that they chose to abandon the cold moon in the cold winter and even just let her wear a single dress. What's the difference between treating a few month old child like this and animals?

When dealing with such people, there is no need to be merciful. One person has broken one hand because he does not want to be more bloody and take advantage of them.

Leng Ruyu is stunned and immediately follows Ye Tian, just like a frightened child and a trusted adult.

"Thank you, ye Tian."

Out of the courtyard, sit on the car, lean on the soft seat, breathing the fresh air outside, cold as jade, suddenly have a sense of survival, sincerely say to Ye Tian.

She can't imagine what will happen if ye Tian doesn't show up in time this time. I'm afraid that when she comes out of the yard again, she definitely doesn't feel like this.

Even this time, it's not too much to say that she was lucky.

"Don't mention it. I just happened to pass by. I saw you here, and there was a car behind. So I came to have a look." Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head, and then tells him in a deep voice: "you have to remember that if you meet such rubbish people again in the future, you should stay away from them. If someone dares to pester them, you should call the police. Don't go to the banquet alone. You are not Guan Er ye, and you don't have the ability to go to the party alone."

Leng Ruyu nodded in a hurry. This time, it really sounded the alarm for her, and made her realize that these things she did were too risky. In other words, she underestimated the evil in people's hearts, and thought that everyone was like him.

It may be impossible to have the heart of harming others, but it is also necessary to have the heart of defending others. Otherwise, it may be necessary to repeat today's mistakes again. At that time, he may not have such good luck to meet Ye Tian!

"Ten million, I'll give it to you when I get back to Nanhai."

Immediately after, Leng Ruyu looks at Ye Tian in a hurry and says sincerely to him.

"Ha ha, no, I'm just joking. Take the money and buy toys for Xiao Yueyue..."

Ye Tian heard the sound, waved his big hand and said with a smile.

Now, the most important thing he needs is money. It's 10 million more or 10 million less, and it won't make the number on the account zero more or zero less.

Moreover, when he helped Leng Ruyu, he didn't think about asking her for money.

"How can we..." Leng Ruyu shook her head and said firmly.

"Do you think I'm short of money?" Ye Tian raises eyebrow to smile lightly, looking at Leng Ruyu, smilingly way.

Cold as jade, hearing the sound, the whole person immediately became silent, and immediately shook his head with a bitter smile.

She is Ning Xue's best friend. She naturally knows better than anyone how much she can make money from the business of Xue Ji Gao. Moreover, she knows better that although Ning Xue is in front of the stage, in fact, ye Tiancai is the big boss of Xue Ji Gao. He pays a lot of dividends and goes to Ye Tian's bank card every day.

Ten million, this number is really big, but I can't see ye Tian's eyes.

All this, let her can't help but recall, Ning Xue once told her, and ye Tian first met when the scene, at that time, the young man around, even in the stall selling amulets, and, an amulet, also just received Ning Xue 5000 yuan.

Now, ye Tian's amulet, let alone five thousand yuan, can't be bought even fifty thousand yuan. It's only possible to add a few zeros at the back.

All the past and all the present make people feel like a dream. Let alone her, she thinks that even Ning Xue can't imagine that the young man who set up a stall to sell amulets at the beginning can go to the astonishing point that today 10 million is nothing!

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Leng, another car is coming in front of us!"

At this time, the driver in the front row, his face showing nervous color, turned his head and looked at Leng Ruyu and ye Tian, nervous.

Hearing the sound, ye Tian immediately sweeps forward. His eyes pass by. He immediately sees that a Mercedes Benz business car is winding along the path.

In such a village, it is obvious that no one can afford to drive a Mercedes Benz business car. The only explanation is that the car is driven as cold as jade.

"Did you tell anyone else about your coming here?"Seeing this, ye Tian turns to look at Leng Ruyu and asks in a deep voice.

"I didn't tell anyone..." Leng Ruyu shook her head without thinking and said in a deep voice.

As she said, in order to protect Leng Yueyue from being abandoned, she always abides by the secret of meeting Leng Yueyue's parents in this village. She even told the driver about her specific itinerary before she set out, and did not tell him what she wanted to do here.

She also does not understand, now how can suddenly appear such a Mercedes Benz business.

"Just wait. No matter who is on the bus or why, when he arrives, it will be clear."

Ye Tian smell speech, eyebrow also can't help wring into a knot in one's heart, at will after swinging a hand, light way.

Leng Ruyu nodded, and ye Tian was by his side. No matter who was good or who was bad, he didn't need to worry about fear.


At this time, the Mercedes Benz business car had already come. When it came to the back of the cold business car, it stopped and followed. Several young people in black suits immediately ran down from the car, opened the door, guarded a young man and walked down from the car.

"Like jade..." After getting out of the car, the young man tidied up his suit and strode to the yard. But when he was halfway there, he was surprised to see the cold jade in the business car.

The eyes, full of consternation and confusion, just as he did not expect, also completely unable to figure out, Leng Ruyu how can sit here without damage.

"It's you..." Leng Ruyu was stunned at the sound, and immediately covered his face with frost. He looked at the driver and said in a deep voice, "let's go!"

"Wait a minute." Seeing this, the young man quickly stretched out his hand, held the door, looked at Leng Ruyu, and said with a smile, "Ruyu, you haven't met your old friends for so many years. Once you meet them, you are going to leave. Isn't it too unkind?"

"I have no friendship with you, let alone your old friend!" Leng Ruyu looked indifferent and left a sentence coldly. In her tone, she said to the driver: "drive now. If he is willing to pull the car, let him fall down!"


The driver heard the speech and started the car in a hurry. With a shaking, he was ready to step on the accelerator.

"Can't you hear Kun say he won't let go?"

But just then, a black bodyguard standing behind the young man took a gun out of his back and pointed it at the driver in the driver's seat.

That tone, cold and piercing, as long as the driver dare to move, he will pull the trigger mercilessly.

"Xu Kun, do you think it's fun to do this?"

Leng Ruyu raised her hand to let the driver stop driving. She looked at the young man and said coldly.

"You remember my name, Ruyu..." When Xu Kun heard Leng Ruyu's words, he shrugged his shoulders at random, and then laughed: "I just heard your words. I thought our five-year love was in vain. You have forgotten the name of my first love boyfriend!"

Five years of love?!

Ye Tian can't help but gently raise his eyebrows when he hears the news. He didn't expect that Leng Ruyu, a big iceberg, would fall in love with someone for such a long time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!