Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 607

A moment later, ye Tian returns to the welfare home with Zhu Yueyue.

With the sound of the cicada, he hypnotized the people in the welfare home again, rewriting their memories, so that these people only thought that after Lao Li Tou was attacked by evil, he stumbled into the mountain forest and forgot the picture of him and Zhu Yueyue taking him away.

"From now on, you can do what you want. Revenge, but you can't be blinded by it. "

After everything is done, ye Tian and Zhu Yueyue come to a secluded mountain forest, looking at her eyes and laughing.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Zhu Yueyue reddened her eyes and looked at Ye Tian. She sincerely thanks her.

If it wasn't for ye Tian, she didn't know when she would be able to find out the real murderer. Similarly, I'm afraid she would make a big mistake and let the whole Annam town bury Lao Li Tou alone. By then, her revenge might have been avenged, but I'm afraid she would never be able to live a peaceful life.

"Don't thank me. It's you who want to thank."

Ye Tian looked at Zhu Yueyue and said with a light smile.

As he said, the reason why he forgives Zhu Yueyue is not only because Zhu Yueyue is a victim, but also because of Zhu Yueyue's benevolence towards him.

That little benevolence shows that although Zhu Yueyue is eager for revenge, she is not willing to implicate those innocent people in her heart.

In this case, he doesn't mind pulling Zhu Yueyue out of the abyss of hatred, and helping her revenge, and cleaning up the head and tail for her, so that she doesn't have to worry about her hatred at the same time, so she will be blamed instead.

If, at that time, in the valley, Zhu Yueyue wanted to kill him, then, he didn't mind, and solved Zhu Yueyue with one sword.

"Live for yourself, not for hatred." Ye Tian said once more, and in a moment, he rose with his sword and flew to the sky.

Suddenly, his figure disappeared in the sky, such as melting with the blue sky and white clouds.

He came and went in a hurry, which made people feel that he was an immortal who happened to pass by in the sky. When he saw the injustice, he drew his sword to help him. When it happened, he brushed his clothes and left.

"I will live a good life, live for myself, to be a beam of light like you, to illuminate the lives of other girls!"

Zhu Yueyue stared at the direction of Ye Tian's departure. After a long time, she murmured word by word.

She is grateful to Ye Tian, not only for taking revenge for herself, but also for cleaning her head and tail. She is even more grateful that if she falls into the abyss and is about to be engulfed by the darkness, ye Tian reaches out a hand and gives her a beam of light to help her light up her life.

So, in the next life, she wants to do her best to become a person like Ye Tian.

"After casting the flying sword fragments, the speed of the flying sword has been greatly improved. Moreover, the mana is more channeled, and the flying time of the Royal sword can be longer!"

At the same time, ye Tian, who is walking on the sky with his sword, looks at the white clouds around him, and his heart is filled with emotion.

This visit to Annam Town, his harvest is too rich.

Not only did he get the cicada slough of Kongming cicada, but also he could refine the nirvana pill. When his cultivation was stable, he could break through the eight levels of the cave. Moreover, he also got the fragments of the flying sword of banxianbing, which successfully promoted the fierce flying sword to the level of magic weapon. His speed and power were greatly improved.

In this way, when he meets those who come and fights with them in the future, his chances of winning will be increased by several percent.

Ye Tian tried his best to run the flying sword. After flying five or six hundred miles, he pressed the flying sword and landed in a suburb adjacent to the city.

After landing, ye TianChao looked around, and then walked from the field to the next National Road, ready to follow the road, enter the city, and then buy a ticket to turn back to the South China Sea.

But not long after he walked forward, he suddenly saw a business car coming along the end of the road.

"Why is she..."

When ye Tianyi saw the half open window in the back of the business car, he could not help looking at the side face of the field.

This delicate side face is not as cold as jade, and which one can it be.

However, ye Tian didn't expect to see Leng Ruyu here.

Just as he was about to reach out and stop the car to ask Leng Ruyu why she had come here, he saw the business car carrying Leng Ruyu turning suddenly and driving along a path to a small village deep in the field.

"What's this woman doing in such a small village from Nanhai?"

Qin Hao can't help but pick his eyebrows. He can't help but feel confused. But he's not a gossip. What's more, as he just saw, except for the driver, Leng Ruyu is the only one in the car. This also means that Leng Ruyu's job here should be something more private and he doesn't want to be known by others, so he shakes his head Be prepared to leave these doubts behind and continue to the city.

But at this time, he saw that just as the business car drove into the village, along the end of the road ahead, there came another golden cup. The car was full. Moreover, most of these people had a bad look on their faces. At first sight, they were not good people.What's more, the golden cup turned around in the direction of Leng Ruyu's business car, and also drove towards the village.

"What's going on?"

Ye Tian saw this, and his brow turned into a big knot in one's heart.

He is very clear about Leng Ruyu's character. He knows that she is definitely not the kind of person who will make use of the guy in the golden cup car to satisfy his own purpose. In this way, it means that these people in the car are probably going for Leng Ruyu.

Although he is not a gossip, he is not a person who looks at others who may fall into danger but does not help them.

Needless to say, Leng Ruyu is still the best friend of Ning Xue and Qin Luoshen, so he can't sit back and ignore him.

Thinking of this, ye Tian immediately follows the car and goes to the village nearby. He wants to see what happened to Leng Ruyu.

A moment later, ye Tian arrived at the gate of the village.

"As I said, the only thing I can give you is this 500000 yuan. If you are too little, then you don't even have it. Besides, I warn you not to harass Yueyue any more, otherwise, I'll call the police and catch you in jail!"

As soon as he reached the village gate, ye Tian heard the angry voice of Leng Ruyu coming from the village.

You know, Leng Ruyu has always been as cold as ice, and her anger is not in color. Now, if you can make her angry like this, you can see that the other party has stepped on her bottom line.

Moreover, from this sentence, ye Tian also judged that this matter seems to have something to do with Lengyue.

But in this case, I can understand why Leng Ruyu is so angry at the moment.

After all, after what he had done for Lengyue before, he could see that although Lengyue was not lengruyu's own daughter, lengruyu still valued her more than her eyes. If anyone dares to do something to Lengyue, lengruyu absolutely dares to fight with those people.

"Call the police? Ha ha ha, don't laugh. We are Yueyue's biological parents. It's natural for parents to go to see their children. Even if you call the police, it's useless. The police won't care! Moreover, if you dare to call the police, I dare say that you are abducting and trafficking in children! "

As soon as Leng Ruyu's words fell, a female voice with a broken Gong voice began to ring. In her voice, she swaggered with a kind of pride and arrogance.

"Yes, we are Yueyue's parents. What kind of thing are you? Will the police help you? I tell you, if you don't want us to see the moon, it's easy. Give us a million, no, two million. Then we will promise that we will never care, and we will assume that we haven't given birth to this daughter! "

As soon as the female voice fell, a similarly rude and unreasonable male voice began to ring.

Lengyue's biological parents?!

Ye Tian hears the sound and moves his eyes. He has a general understanding of the truth.

I'm afraid it's Lengyue's parents. I don't know how to know that lengruyu adopted Lengyue. Then they come to her door and are ready to blackmail her.

After giving birth to a child, he abandoned it and ignored it. Now when he heard that his daughter was adopted by a rich man, he regarded himself as his own parents. This kind of person, let alone unworthy of being a parent, simply unworthy of being a human being! , the fastest update of the webnovel!