Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 606

The harvest of these pieces of flying swords is bigger than that of Kongming Cicada!

Ye Tian carefully put away the fragments of the flying sword on the ground, and his heart was filled with emotion.

With these pieces of flying swords, he has 90% confidence in upgrading the fierce flying swords to the level of magic weapon. You should know that the grade of weapons is the same as that of monks. Every leap will be a dramatic change.

As long as the fierce soldier's flying sword is transformed into a magic weapon, it will be able to display more power. As long as the array pattern is engraved in it, the flying speed of the sword can be greatly improved, and it will also be able to display the abilities of flowing fire and strong wind. As long as his cultivation is strong enough, a sword can wipe out the mountains and seas.

"The Yin Qi of this valley is originally caused by these fragments of fierce soldiers..." After putting away the fragments of the flying sword, ye Tian immediately felt that the Yin Qi that had gathered here, like the tide, suddenly retreated and slowly changed to a normal state.

Not only that, but he did not find any other fragments or traces of the cave.

Presumably, it was the intention of killing the half immortal soldier in the terrible war that broke him down. In addition, the fragments of the fierce sword itself attracted Yin Qi, which made the valley a gathering place of Yin Qi and a forbidden Jedi in Annam town.

Today, he took away the fragments of the flying sword. In the future, people in Annam town will no longer have to worry about being attacked by Yin Qi.

"Well, I'll eat it for you. It's very acute!"

Immediately after that, ye Tian smiles and shakes his head. Immediately, he sits on the ground with his knees crossed, and releases the fierce sword from the original spirit fire of Dantian.

"Zheng! Zheng! "Zheng

As soon as the fierce sword appeared, it immediately circled around Ye Tian and made terrible trembling sounds. The sound was full of eagerness, which made people feel like a dog saw a snack.

"What's this..."

Zhu Yueyue looked at this scene, the whole person shocked inexplicable, head buzzing.

In the past, she only saw such a picture on TV. She thought it was an artistic achievement created by her magnificent imagination. But today, she really saw someone who could fly a sword out of her body, and it was also a flying sword that could fly by herself!

Even at this moment, she couldn't help pinching herself. After feeling the pain, she decided that this was not an illusion, but a real situation.


At this time, a scene that made Zhu Yueyue even more shocked appeared. With Ye Tian's fingers moving gently, a flame suddenly flew out of his fingertips, followed by the fierce soldier flying sword. It was very active to reduce the body of the sword, and became as big as a needle, flying into the flame.

"Training troops, cooperation!"

After that, ye Tian's hand flicks, and the pieces of the fragments fly up into the flame. The original spirit fire just turns a few turns, and then melts the fragments into a golden liquid. Then, the fierce flying sword is like a greedy fish. It can't help but start to circle in the flame, devouring the strands of golden liquid and entering the sword body.


As soon as the golden liquid entered the fierce soldier's flying sword, it suddenly began to shudder. The colorful golden veins spread rapidly along its body, forcing out many impurities. People feel that this flying sword is undergoing a transformation.

"Wind, fire and thunder! Soldier pattern! Cast

At this time, ye Tian drank low and immediately raised his hands lightly, which aroused the aura of heaven and earth, sketched out a series of military patterns, and entered into the flying sword.

These soldier patterns can construct the field of the flying sword, and greatly improve its sharpness, firmness, and flying speed. Moreover, other soldier patterns can make the flying sword burst out more powerful power, such as wind, fire, thunder and so on.

After entering the flying sword, a series of soldier patterns swayed and outlined, slowly changing those golden patterns into various mysterious Rune patterns.

In a short period of time, the flying sword is like a world shaking transformation. All kinds of Rune patterns are intertwined. It makes people feel that at this moment, it doesn't look like a powerful weapon with great lethality, but a beautiful handicraft.

"Magic weapon, success!"

After a long time, the essence of Ye Tian's eyes flashed, the original spirit fire dissipated, and the fierce flying sword suddenly took shape. The body of the sword trembled slightly, and the streamer was surging. It kept flying around Ye Tian's body, bringing forth a series of terrible sound bursts. Even people could not see its essence, only the light was flying.

This kind of speed is definitely tens of times higher than before.

Without any hesitation, ye Tian leaps onto the flying sword and pours his magic into it. With a Shua, he only feels that the light in front of him has changed, and then he feels that the sky is blowing. Looking around, people have appeared in the sky, surrounded by clouds.

The explosive speed of this instant flying is more than 100 times faster than before!

"Chop!" What's more, when ye Tian reaches out to hold the hilt of the fierce flying sword and cuts it forward, not only does the sharp sword Qi fly out of the sword body and fight forward, but also there is a terrible thunder around the sword Qi, which is like a power grid!"Boom!"

When the sword fell down, a huge crack about half a meter wide and five or six feet long was immediately opened along the ground, and all the surrounding vegetation turned into coke.

"After casting the fragments, the fierce flying sword has been greatly improved!"

Ye Tian looked up and down at Feijian with joy. His eyes were full of joy. In the past, Feijian could not do this.

What's more, he felt that he didn't show all the power of the flying sword. It's not that the quality of the flying sword is not good, but that his current cultivation level is too low. The cultivation of the seventh floor in the cave and the operation of the flying sword are just like a horse pulling a cart. He can't show the most powerful power at all.

As long as he breaks through the sea view, everything will change dramatically. By then, the power of flying sword will be in full bloom.

However, even so, ye Tian believes that the magic weapon flying sword is in hand. No matter where the earth is, he can go!

Immediately after that, ye Tian moves his mind and puts the fierce sword above the original spirit fire of Dantian. He continues to cast it to improve the quality. At the same time, he tries his best to control the ferocity of the fierce sword so as not to backfire.

After all, as a magic weapon, the internal ferocity of a fierce soldier is stronger than before.

If he doesn't control it well, in case of backfire, he may be confused and become a killing tool with only terrible killing thoughts in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, are you a fairy?"

Zhu Yueyue saw that the flying sword was put away by Ye Tian. She was relieved. Then she looked at Ye Tian and asked in a trembling voice.

Just now, ye Tian's means have gone beyond her understanding. She feels that there is no difference between Ye Tian and the legendary immortals.

This kind of power is really shocking.

"Ha ha ha, I'm not a fairy!" Hearing this, ye Tian shook his head with a smile, then looked at Zhu Yueyue's suspicious eyes and said: "believe me, according to the cultivation method I gave you, you have been practicing. One day, you will find that you will become an immortal at some time."

I can also become a god!

Zhu Yueyue hears the sound and looks at Ye Tian in consternation. She can't believe it, but she immediately shows her determination and nods her head.

Now her hatred has been avenged, but in this world, there are too many girls who have had similar experiences with her, but they live in pain and can't find the real murderer or the person who can help them to do justice.

Now that ye Tian has given her a chance to become strong, she should cherish this opportunity and try her best to make herself strong from now on. She can be as strong as today's Ye Tian and become a beam of light in the hearts of those girls to illuminate the darkness in their hearts! , the fastest update of the webnovel!