Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 604

With a sound, the welfare home is as silent as iron.

Although Zhu Yueyue didn't believe it, she was still staring at the people in the welfare home, hoping for a miracle.

Ye Tian looks calm, quietly looking at the people in the welfare home, with no doubt on his face.

He has enough self-confidence in his own strength. He attacks the mind with empty cicada, which makes people fall into a hypnotic state. Combined with his secret technique of soul taking and awe, as long as the animal's mind strength is not above him, he will be directly pointed at his heart and come out of the crowd.

And how can ordinary people in a welfare home be above him.

If no one comes out, it means that the killer is not among them.


And at this time, in the quiet, suddenly, along the welfare home, someone got up.

Zhu Yueyue hears the news and looks suddenly. After taking an incredible look at Ye Tian, she quickly walks to the welfare home.

Seeing this, ye Tian followed Zhu Yueyue and went to the welfare home.

As soon as they entered the yard, they immediately saw a white haired old man standing in the yard at this moment. Although his eyes were confused, his body was shaking wildly.

"It's him..." And when he saw the old man's cheek, ye Tian's look was even more fierce. He didn't expect that the old man who was out of line would be the old Li Tou who had been harassed by Yin Sha before and looked very honest.

"Mr. Ye..." Seeing this scene, Zhu Yueyue shuddered and turned her head to look at Ye Tian. Her eyes were full of the color of exploration.

Although she did not speak, but the meaning is very obvious, is to ask Ye Tian, the real murderer is not old Li Tou.

"It's him."

Ye Tianchen nodded, his mind offensive, absolutely will not make a mistake, if the heart is not dirty, then there will be no action.

"Originally, it was him..." Zhu Yueyue trembled all over and stared at Lao Li Tou's cheek. Her eyes turned red.

She still remembers that when she was in the welfare home, Lao Li Tou always hissed at her and helped her do all kinds of things, and after what happened, no one believed her, only Lao Li Tou helped her find all kinds of evidence, making her feel that there was still a warmth in the world.

But I didn't expect that the old man who looked so kind was the culprit, the beast!

At this moment, Zhu Yueyue only felt that her world was about to collapse. In her heart, there was a strong killing opportunity.

"Keep your heart, don't be harassed again, remember what you thought when you came back to Annam."

Ye Tian feels the strong evil spirit sent out by Zhu Yueyue. As soon as her eyes change, she immediately runs the idea of Suihuang temple, contemplates the big day, a breath of the big day, hits Zhu Yueyue, and clears away her negative emotions such as anger and murder.

Next, he reached out and took the Yinsha red thread off Zhu Yueyue's wrist.

Although she has a little spirit, she doesn't have the ability to control Yin Sha. Zhu Yueyue's wearing it on her will greatly affect her mood.

He worried that under such circumstances, even if the real murderer was found out, under the extreme anger, Zhu Yueyue would not be able to restrain her anger and repeat the previous mistakes.

"Wheezing Wheezing... "

At the moment when the red line of Yinsha was taken off from her wrist, the scarlet color of Zhu Yueyue's eyes faded immediately. But in her eyes, tears were shining, her body was more like a swing, and she was convulsed crazily. Moreover, along the wings of her nose, there were bursts of gasps after she was rescued from drowning.

"This is not the place to deal with him. Let's take him to the mountains!"

Ye Tian looks at Zhu Yueyue's appearance and knows that she is angry. He immediately reaches out his hand and lifts Lao Li's head. After winking at Zhu Yueyue, they quickly leave the welfare home. In a moment, they rush to the depths of the mountains and return to the valley where the red line of Yinsha lies.


After arriving, ye Tian shakes his hand and throws old Li's head on the ground at the mouth of the valley.

"Ouch..." When he fell to the ground, the sharp pain made old Li Toucai wake up from his lethargy. He rubbed RuRu's body and swept around. When he saw that he came to the valley, jilingling shivered. When he saw Ye Tian and Zhu Yueyue again, his face immediately showed confusion and asked: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhu, I was just in the welfare home? How did you get here? "

"I've caught the man. I'll give you what to do with it."

Ye Tian doesn't understand Lao Li Tou's words, and doesn't want to pay attention to him. He just turns his head and looks at Zhu Yueyue and says in a deep voice.

"Thank you." After hearing this, Zhu Yueyue expressed her sincere thanks to Ye Tiancheng. She turned her head and looked at Lao Li Tou, saying, "what did you want to say about 13 years ago?"

"Thirteen years ago? What's the matter? "

Looking at Zhu Yueyue's aggressive eyes, Lao Li's body trembled, but he followed closely, showing a simple, honest and flattering smile, as if he was at a loss."Did you really forget, or did you pretend to be stupid with me? 13 years ago, on the night of my 12th birthday, what happened? Did you forget? Was that man you? " Zhu Yueyue's eyes were cold. She looked directly into Lao Li's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"It was that thing..." Old Li Tou pretended to wake up like a dream. After shaking, he pretended to be confused and said, "that thing, you haven't forgotten it for so many years. Why don't I remember, I was still helping you to find out which animal it was! Just, you just asked suddenly, I didn't remember, so I asked you what it was. But Yueyue, how can you think that beast is me? "

"You're still quibbling!"

Zhu Yueyue looks at old Li Tou and shakes her head with a sneer. Her smile is full of contempt and anger.

She didn't expect that at this moment, Lao Li would like to continue acting with her.

"Yueyue, I really don't know what you mean..." Old Li Tou shook his head and continued.

"Mr. Ye, please help me and let him tell the truth!" Zhu Yueyue stares at old Li Tou for a moment, then looks back at Ye Tian and prays.

Ye Tian nodded, and immediately, the idea of Suihuang temple was working. It was like a body turning into a big day. A fiery breath suddenly diffused and swept over Laoli's head. It was like a God coming into the world, with a heavenly constitution in his mouth. He said one word at a time: "what have you done, say it!"

An exit, old Li Tou immediately a bottom falls to sit on the ground, the fear of looking at leaf day.

At this moment, he only felt that ye Tian in front of him looked like a real God, unattainable, and he was as small as a mole ant.

That kind of feeling, just like he as long as a little resistance, or dare to tell lies, will lead to the end of five thunder burning.

"That man, it's me I had a drink that night I've never had a woman before, so I thought Thinking about... "

Under this powerful attack, Lao Li Tou's heart suddenly collapsed, lost, trembled, and admitted the truth. Immediately, he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Zhu Yueyue, and begged for mercy: "Yueyue, please, please forgive me. I was really bewildered at that time. I knew I was wrong. After so many years, please let me go."

"A moment of bewilderment? After that, why did you go to my room and pry my door?! So many years? You know it's been so many years, but after so many years, how can you hide the truth all the time, even without a word of apology? "

Zhu Yueyue heard the sound, her face was full of sad smile, staring at old Li Tou's eyes, and asked repeatedly word by word.

Lao Li's face was flustered and his lips moved, but he could not say a word.

"Because of your brutality, you will destroy a girl's life, her life, and let her live in pain! Can you erase the pain of more than ten years with a word of light bewilderment and light apology? "

Zhu Yueyue sneered bitterly, gritted her teeth and asked coldly.

"I I... "

Lao Li opened his mouth and tried to explain himself and find out the reason.

"It's no use apologizing! You, go to hell

But unfortunately, this time, Zhu Yueyue did not give him any chance to speak at all. His blood red eyes showed a fierce light. He picked up a stone the size of his head and threw it at Lao Li's head.


With a crisp sound, Lao Li's head fell to the ground. The blood overflowed and made the surrounding ground red , the fastest update of the webnovel!