Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 603

Living, disabled, dead

Although Ye Tian's voice is calm, Zhu Yueyue feels a strong sense of confidence and determination from his words!

Even suddenly, she felt that the real murderer, whom she had tried hard for several years, could be found by Ye Tian.

"I want to live, revenge this matter, absolutely can't fake the hand of others."

Immediately, Zhu Yueyue looked at Ye Tian and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'll find out the real murderer and give him to you." Ye Tian nodded and immediately said, "but I have a request. I want to borrow your Kongming cicada, that is, your little green. I need it to cooperate."

"No problem." Zhu Yueyue nodded.

"Come on, go back to the welfare home. Find out the real murderer, today! " Ye Tian nods, then takes Zhu Yueyue and turns back to the welfare home.

Zhu Yueyue looks at Ye Tian's back. After a little silence, she follows Ye Tian.

I don't know why, she has a strong trust in this man, and thinks that maybe he can really help himself.

On the way back to the welfare home, Zhu Yueyue also told the reason why she got the red line of Yinsha and the reason why she was empty and bright.

It turned out that after the tragedy, Zhu Yueyue did not dare to live in the welfare home every night. She was afraid that the animal would come to the door again, hide in the forest, and be found by him. So she went to the valley where Yinsha red line and kongmingchan were.

She tried to protect herself with the strange power she didn't know at that time, so that she would not be hurt any more.

In this way, over time, she and Yinsha Hongxian and kongmingchan became friends and became friends.

At that time, she was still young, only knew how to avoid, but did not want to revenge, but with the growth of age, she gradually had the intention of revenge. So, after graduating from University, she returned to Annam town. At the beginning, she was investigating the events of that year to find out the real culprit. However, although she tried her best, she never found the real culprit, or even any clues.

In such a strong sense of revenge, she gradually wanted to revenge all the people in Annan town and let them pay the price of bleeding.

Later, it was simple. She used the red line of Yin evil to put Yin Qi into all the people in the town and let them suffer.

"Do you remember the reason why you came back to Annam at the beginning, besides revenge, other ideas?"

Ye Tian listened to these stories, sighed gently, then looked at Zhu Yueyue and asked in a deep voice.

Another idea?

Zhu Yueyue's face was puzzled when she heard the news. But immediately, her heart was suddenly shocked, and her eyes were full of insight.

"When I went back to Annam, I hoped that if there was another little girl in the town who suffered that kind of pain, someone could stand up, protect her, trust her, and let the original tragedy never happen again..."

After a long time, Zhu Yueyue's eyelids trembled and slowly said word by word.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered what she thought when she came back to Annam town. Besides hatred, she also wanted to protect other girls.

But gradually, she was completely occupied by hatred, only hatred remained in her eyes, and she forgot what she thought of protecting others.

Just, she didn't understand, what's the matter with her, and suddenly forgot those thoughts in her heart at the beginning.

"You have daily contact with Yin Sha. Although they have no intention, they will also help to raise the negative emotions in your heart. Over time, they will make you more and more extreme. Have you ever thought that when the real murderer is punished, you will choose to go on the road of cultivation like me, and let yourself have the plan to control the red line of Yin evil, and let it be used by you without being disturbed? "

Ye Tian sighs gently and tells Zhu Yueyue the truth, then inquires.

As he said, the red line of Yinsha, although it is a top-grade spiritual treasure with a little spirituality, is a thing of Yinsha no matter what.

If a person's mind is not so powerful and often contacts with it, his heart will be affected, not to mention Zhu Yueyue, who has hatred in her heart.

It can be said that when Zhu Yueyue came to this stage, the influence of the red line of Yin evil also occupied 50% or 60%.

"I will!"

Zhu Yueyue heard, without any hesitation, looking at Ye Tian, nodded solemnly.

She wants to be strong, but also want to be able to let themselves not be affected, can not forget the original intention of the past, can protect the other girls in Annan Town, give them a wall, wind and rain; similarly, she also hopes that when danger comes, she can effectively protect them!

"When it's over, I'll give you the method. Your future achievements depend on you."

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, but looking at Zhu Yueyue's eyes, there was more hope.

You know, it's still very difficult to get the recognition of Lingbao and spirit beast. Although Zhu Yueyue didn't set foot on the road of cultivation, she has been recognized by Lingbao and spirit beast such as Kongming cicada, which means that her starting point will be much higher than other practitioners, especially on the earth.He believes that as long as Zhu Yueyue abides by her heart and is no longer harassed by the hatred in her heart, she will be strong in the future.

During the conversation, the two returned to the welfare home.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Ye, have you found anything?"

As soon as they saw them, the children in the welfare home gathered around and asked.

And those old people, also looking at Ye Tian and Zhu Yueyue nervously, want to know whether they will be harassed like Lao Li Tou.

"We're fine. It's almost clear. "

Ye Tian light a, then toward Zhu Yue Yue make a wink, Zhu Yue Yue see, quickly put the shoulder of empty cicada, handed Ye Tian.

"Cicadas sing happily!"

Catching the empty cicada, ye Tian's magic power suddenly turns and comes into the cicada. Immediately, he drinks softly.

"Cicada Cicada... "

In a flash, along the body of the empty cicada, there were bursts of cicada chirping. One after another, the terror was like the sound of a high pitched horn. In an instant, it spread all over the welfare home.


Zhu Yueyue looks at the scene in front of her. Although she has been in contact with Kong mingchan for many years, she never thought that it could be so loud.

Not only that, when the sound wave of the cicada's chirping spread out, along the welfare home, no matter the children or the old people, their eyes suddenly became blurred and swayed on the ground. Finally, they leaned on the ground, and their eyes were full of dull color.

"The mind attack of Kongming cicada, combined with the mana, is really powerful. Zhu Yueyue, when she grows up in the future, is absolutely qualified to stand at the top of the pyramid!"

Even ye Tian, also slightly tongue, is some envy Zhu Yueyue's good luck.

Yinsha red line, empty cicada, no matter which of the two, are rare treasures, but now, they are all got by Zhu Yueyue's chance.

However, he also understood that all these gains, I am afraid, can only be regarded as God's compensation for the girl.

If there is a choice, what Zhu Yueyue hopes for may be a peaceful 12th birthday, not everything now.

However, now, I want to help her find out the real murderer, for many years ago that night, the helpless little girl, get back a justice!

Similarly, he also wants to let the culprit understand that the punishment for the evil doer is not that he does not report it, but that the time has not come! No matter how time goes by, the truth will come out and the crime will be severely punished!

"In those days, those who blasphemed Zhu Yueyue set out!"

Thinking of this, ye Tian opened his mouth slowly, and suddenly swept the whole welfare home.

The voice, both grand and ethereal, seemed to go straight into the soul of the listeners, directly into their heart, and catch the evil devil.

That's how he got justice for me?!

Zhu Yueyue was shocked by the strangeness of the sound, and at the same time, she was also at a loss.

If, just shout, the real murderer will appear, then she in the past so many years, also don't have to find the truth so hard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!