Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 439

"Find out the real culprit?"

Rather snow a Zheng, looking at Ye Tiandao.

"Not bad. Don't worry. Before long, the fox's tail will show Ye Tian hears the speech and nods with a smile. Then he looks at the gambling king and says, "Mr. He, after we find the hotel to stay, you can tell Mr. Zhai the address of our hotel for me, and then you can take Ningxue back to Haojiang first. Pay attention to safety recently. Don't go anywhere except the manor and hotel."

Just as ye Tian said, before Zhai Chen came, his original plan was to help Zhai Mo stabilize his condition, and then lead the snake out of the hole, slowly leading to the real murderer.

But when Zhai Chen and Chen Rou arrived, he felt that there was something similar to Zhai Mo in them, so he opened Qiyuan's eyes and scanned them. He was surprised to find that there were strange insects similar to Zhai Mo in them.

However, the two strange insects have not yet fully attacked, so they still keep their mind clear.

More importantly, after discovering that there are strange insects in Zhai Chen and Chen Rou's bodies, ye Tian opens his eyes to the source of heaven. He surveys the bodies of Zhai and Zhai Xin and finds that there are no strange insects in them.

This scene makes Ye Tian think carefully.

After the Qin family and his party, he has learned something about the fierce fighting between the rich and powerful families.

Today's situation, so that he can not help but doubt that this time he is involved in a bloody feud among the rich.

Of course, all this is just his guess at the moment.

If it wasn't for a family fight, it would be better.

However, after discovering this situation, he changed his mind. Instead of saying that he could not see the situation of Zhai Mo, he pointed out that Zhai Chen and Chen Rou had similar situations with Zhai Mo, but he deliberately made some mistakes. Instead of pointing out the strange insects, he said that the three were poisoned.

In this way, it will give people a false impression that although they have the ability, they are not too strong. They will easily take it lightly.

As for the reason why he Laowang and Ning Xue are allowed to return to Haojiang first, one is for their safety, and the other is that if ye Tian is alone on Hong Kong Island, he can be much more free no matter what he does.

What's more, the real culprits behind the scenes against the Zhai Mo family are certainly not paying attention to them. If they leave, they will be much safer.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye. I will protect Miss Ning and the two girls even if I give up my life!"

He old gambling king hears sound, have no any hesitation, immediately force to nod, should come down.

"I'll stay in this hotel before it's too late. You can send the address to Mr. Zhai, and then go back to Haojiang as soon as possible."

Ye Tian is not polite to old gambler he. After leaving the hospital, he glances at the street around him. Then he sees a star hotel next to him. He points to it and says with a smile.

"OK, no problem! Mr. Ye, please be more careful. I'll take care of Miss Ning and them... "

Old gambler he nodded solemnly, accompanied Ye Tian to go through the check-in procedures, then took Ning Xue with them to leave Hong Kong Island and turn back to Haojiang.

Ye Tian sent old gambler he. After they got on old gambler he's private plane on Hong Kong Island, they just walked out of the building and felt that there were several jets of bad air coming towards him.

"Fast enough!"

Ye Tian feels this Qi machine, where can not know, should be the culprit has learned the news, so sent to watch him.

However, ye Tian didn't want to scare the snake now. Instead, he pretended that he didn't find anything. After pondering a little, he stopped a taxi and rushed to tiegutang.

Hong Kong Island and Haojiang bear the youth of a generation. Although many people have never set foot in Hong Kong Island and Haojiang in their lives, they still have a lot of place names, especially tiegutang. Because of a film, they have heated the blood of youth of a generation.

Even ye Tian, when he was in junior high school, there were many students in his class who called out the title of "iron drum pond carrying handle". Even if there was no such place for the boy, there was only a mass grave around the school.

Now that he has come to Hong Kong Island, he is happy to have a look around.

A moment later, the taxi arrived at tiegutang.

After walking out of the car, ye Tian immediately has a dreamlike feeling. Everything in front of him seems to be the same as what he saw in the film when he was a teenager.

Moreover, as in the movie, tiegutang is very lively. Although it's midnight when ye Tian arrives, there are still a lot of people. All kinds of stalls and entertainment places with old signboards have the flavor of old Hong Kong movies.

Ye Tian turns around a few times and feels a little hungry. He smells a good dry fried beef river nearby, and the store is clean, so he goes in and orders a bowl of dry fried beef river.

The boss's craft is good, Niuhe fried pot gas is enough, with some leeks, smooth and delicious, but also called Ye Tian eat."Boss, two bowls of fried beef river! Two more bottles of ice beer! Hurry up, dawdle, be careful we don't give money

But ye Tiangang didn't have two mouthfuls, and along the stall came two strong men with big arms and round waists. They sat down in front of the stall, patted the table heavily, and yelled at the boss.

Two ancient warriors!

But these guys look down on people too much. They only sent two Xuanji beginners to trouble me!

As soon as the two sat down, ye Tian felt the mountain people's breath from them.

However, the cultivation of these two guys is so tiny that they can't get into Ye Tian's eyes.

"Shit! Boss, why are you so slow! "

Not a few minutes later, one of the strong men suddenly raised his head, pointed to the boss and yelled at him, then threw the beer bottle forward.

However, these two guys are big hearted and timid. They even dare not smash Ye Tian, but smash them at his feet.

"The people on the mountain are a little too much..."

How can ye Tian be splashed with beer? With a move of his foot, he avoids to one side.

"These two people, just to test, there are still people watching!"

Immediately after that, ye Tian suddenly feels that after he sent Ning Xue and they left, the kind of bad Qi that he felt reappears.

"You two, don't you have eyes?"

Read here, ye Tian's eyes suddenly changed, his face covered with a layer of frost, looking at the two strong men coldly.

Words export, ye Tian mouth can not help but evoke a touch of fun arc.

In the past, he watched others perform in tiegutang on TV. Now, he plays in tiegutang himself, pretending to be arrogant and not to look at people.

"Boy, who are you scolding? You want to die, don't you Hearing this, the two strong men pointed to Ye Tian and cheered coldly.

"Besides you two blind men, who else do you think I will scold?"

Ye Tian sneers coldly and coldly.

"Brothers, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I'll treat you today... "

The owner of the fried flour shop runs over in a hurry and bows to Ye Tian and the two big men in a sweat. He hopes that they can be merciful and don't fight here. What's wrong with their store.

"Get out of here!"

When two big men heard the news, they slapped the owner of the fried flour shop aside. One was carrying a beer bottle, and the other was carrying his partner's bench. They suddenly raised it up, and with the wind of hunting, they hit Ye Tian's head heavily.

"Just you two rubbish things, dare to fight with me? I don't know what to do

Ye Tian smiles coldly and stands in the same place, motionless. When the two strong men come near, he holds their wrists tightly with his hands and shakes his hands. Along the wrists of the two men, there comes the "click" sound of broken joints!


In a flash, two howls like killing pigs resounded through the stall.

"The dead and the dead!" Immediately after that, ye Tian raised his hand, and the beer bottle and bench that he snatched from the two strong men opened the ladle on the heads of the two goods. In a flash, the blood flowed like a stream, and the scene was as tragic as a Shura hall! , the fastest update of the webnovel!