Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 438

"It doesn't matter how I know. The important thing is that if you two don't have any treatment, I'm afraid you will become vegetative just like Miss Zhai mo before long."

Ye Tian chuckles a light way.

Zhai Chen and Chen Rou look at each other with doubts and fears in their eyes.

Doubt, is they really don't want to understand, leaf day is how to know they two appeared this kind of headache eye astringent situation.

Fear, because, ye Tian that if they do not timely treatment, will become like Zhai Mo, become a vegetable.

It's worrying enough to have a Zhai Mo whose life and death are uncertain. If there are two more of them, the whole Zhai family will be in chaos.

Moreover, if there are three vegetative people in Zhai's family, then the rumors that "Zhai's family has done something bad and led to natural calamity" spread on Hong Kong Island will be even more true. By that time, I'm afraid that Zhai's family will not be able to clear up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

"You charlatan, don't be alarmist here! How can my elder brother and sister-in-law become vegetative

Hearing this, Zhai Xin points to Ye Tian and shouts out.

"Mr. Ye, you are exaggerating. Although we are not feeling well recently, we are not going to be vegetative, are we?"

Chen Rou hesitates and looks at Ye Tian slowly.

But her attitude has become much more relaxed than before, and her address has changed from "liar" to Mr. Ye.

"Exaggerated?" Ye Tian smiles, looks at Zhai Chen and Chen Rou, and says faintly, "if you don't believe me, you can try to press the center of your eyebrows and make a little effort to see what happens."

Zhai Chen and Chen Rou look at each other as they hear the news. Then Zhai Chen slowly raises his hand and presses it heavily toward the center of his eyebrows.


When he pressed his finger, Zhai Chen immediately felt as if someone was beating his head with a chisel. The terrible pain made his mouth burst into heartbreaking howls, and the whole person squatted directly on the ground.

Not only that, in just a few seconds, Zhai Chen not only had a layer of sweat the size of beans on his forehead, but also his back was drenched with cold sweat. He looked as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Wheezing Wheezing... "

After a long time, Zhai Chen got rid of the terrible pain, but he was still squatting on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Doctor ye, this What the hell is going on? "

When Chen Rou looks at Zhai Chen, she is almost ready to cry.

At this moment, as long as it is not a fool, you can see that Zhai Chen's body is absolutely a fatal problem.

Even Chen Rou can't imagine that if it wasn't for ye Tiangang's warning, when the couple would realize that there was a big problem in their bodies.

Not only Chen Rou, but also Zhai Xin is staring at Ye Tian with a layer of sweat on his forehead, and his eyes are flustered.

"It's very simple. Someone has to deal with three members of your family and poison your body!" Ye Tian chuckles and glances at all the people in the room. He says slowly.


Zhai Chen and Chen Rou look at each other and look at each other. Their bodies can't help shivering.

However, Zhai Laozi, he Laowang, Ning Xue and others can't help feeling confused.

They remember that ye Tian said that there was a kind of strange insect in Zhai Mo's head. How could it be poisoned now?

"Doctor ye, please, help our Zhai family."

At this time, ye Tian looks at Zhai. Zhai immediately wakes up, embraces his hands and pleads.

Although he doesn't know why Ye Tian changed his story, he feels that ye Tian seems to be deliberately concealing it. Moreover, since Ye Tian can see these, it means that he must have a way to solve these problems. It's right to ask him.

"Doctor ye, please help us." Hearing this, Chen Rou quickly helps Zhai Chen to stand up from the ground. She also looks at Ye Tian respectfully and pleads.

"Am I not a charlatan?"

Leaf day picks eyebrow to smile, light way.

"Dr. ye, I'm sorry. I just had eyes and didn't know Taishan. Please don't forget the villain's life. Don't have the same opinion with me."

When Zhai Chen heard this, he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground. He lowered his head, blushed and said.

"Doctor ye, please, help us and save Mo'er. As long as you can help us, no matter what the conditions are."

When Chen Rou hears the speech, she also looks at Ye Tian praying. She keeps crying in a low voice.

"Xin'er, don't apologize to doctor Ye as soon as possible!"

Seeing this, Zhai shouts to Zhai Xin."Dr. ye, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were so skillful. If you have a large number of adults, you don't want to have the same opinion as me."

Zhai Xin heard Zhai's words, flustered for a while, and then hurriedly prayed to Ye Tianjiao.

"For the sake of Mr. Zhai, I'll help you, but I'll take three days to prepare. In the past three days, you have prepared 200 million yuan in cash for me. At that time, we will pay money and cure diseases on one hand! "

Seeing this, ye Tian raises his head and looks arrogant.

How does Mr. Ye compare with before, like a different person?

Zhai old son full of confusion, feel Ye Tian at the moment some not right.

It's not only Zhai, Ning Xue and he Laowang are also in a murmur. The two of them know very well that with Ye Tian's wealth, let alone 200 million yuan, even adding zero at the end is not a big deal.

Moreover, ye Tian is not such a person who only knows money.

"Two hundred million, why don't you rob it!"

Zhai Xin is stunned at the sound and looks at Ye Tian losing his voice.

"Oh, I made a mistake. For three people, it should be three hundred million." Ye Tian smiles, then looks at Zhai's father and Zhai Chen and says, "I'll go first. You can have a good discussion. In your opinion, money is important or life is important. If you think about it, if you want to find me, please contact old gambler he. "

As the words fall, ye Tiangen doesn't give Zhai's family a chance to talk. He winks at Ning Xue and he Laowang and walks out of the ward.

Before leaving, he looked deeply at Zhai and nodded his head.

"Dad, this man is so arrogant! Why didn't he rob three hundred million? "

Zhai Xin wait until ye Tian leave, immediately looking at Zhai old man, dissatisfied.

"It's fair to save three people with three hundred million." Zhai was full of doubts, but when he thought of the look in his eyes when ye Tian left, he faintly felt that the things in it must not be simple. He immediately turned to Zhai Chen and said, "Zhai Chen, go to raise cash."

Although the Zhai family is a top-notch rich family, they need to raise money to spend 300 million yuan in cash at one time.

"Well, no one else can see it. He can see it. Dad, have you ever thought about it? Maybe it's the poison he has done to big brother and Mo'er! "

Hearing this, Zhai Xin suppressed his dissatisfaction and hummed.

Zhai Chen's eyes changed when he heard the speech.

So many people help Zhai Mo test, there is no solution, but ye Tian said he has.

As for his own situation, Zhai Mo didn't see so many miracle doctors before, but ye Tian saw it. All this makes people doubt whether ye Tian is the person behind the scenes.

"Doctor Ye is not like that. Don't talk about it any more! Even if he is, it's important to save people now! "

Hearing this, Zhai waved his hand and gave a cold reprimand.

Meanwhile, in the elevator.

"Ye Tian..." After Ning Xue enters the elevator, when there is no stranger around, she can't help but look at Ye Tian and stop talking.

"What? Do you think my attitude has changed too much before and after? I'm not the same as I was in peacetime? " When ye Tian heard the speech, he picked his eyebrows and gave a smile. When Ning Xue nodded her head, he said with a smile, "if I don't, how can I help Zhai find out the real murderer?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!