Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 428

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

Ye Tian looks at Tang Jie condescending, light way.

Tang Jie was dumb.

No matter what is the reason why Ye Tian let old gambling king he treat him so respectfully, he can be sure that in his other party's identity, he would never cheat him out of Ye Honglie's hands.

But the more so, the more panicked he was.

Because in this world, things that can be solved with money are often simple things.

Money can not solve the problem, that is really a big trouble!

"Mr. Ye, I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. I'll do what you say..."

Tang Jie cried and kowtowed to Ye Tian, then begged.

"Do as I say?" Hearing this, ye Tian picked his eyebrows and then said, "my way is very simple. Go back to the mainland and give all the money you cheated from others back to the people you cheated. Then, I will accept the punishment of the law."

There is no deep hatred between Tang Jie and ye Tian. It's just that this guy made him miss the last chance to travel with his parents. Although this made him unhappy, he could not be punished to death.

Moreover, ye Tian understands that nothing in the world is as important as money to a liar like Tang Jie.

Let him take out all the money that he cheated from others, and then accept the punishment of the law, which is more painful than letting this kind of person die.

His parents have died, but other people who were cheated by Tang Jie in the past may still be alive, and because of this liar, life has changed dramatically.

It's a relief to kill this guy, but there's no way to change those people's lives.

"Mr. Ye Please, don't do that. As long as you spare me, I'll give you double money. No, three times money. I can't go to jail! "

As ye Tian expected, Tang Jie immediately became flustered when he heard this. He knelt down and walked up to Ye Tian. He kowtowed to him and then trembled.

"Three times? Even if you pay ten times as much, do you think I'll see it? What I lack is not money, but justice

Ye Tian sneers at Tang Jie, light way.

Hearing this, Tang Jie limped to the ground.

"I advise you to abide by Mr. Ye's words, otherwise, if I meet you again in Haojiang, I will let you understand what life is not like death!" He old gambler now also has understood the cause and effect, looking at Tang Jie, cold voice way.

"Yes, I do."

Tang Jie's eyes were despairing, and he nodded bitterly, but in his eyes, a touch of cunning appeared.

He decided to leave Haojiang immediately after leaving from here, and then change his face and live in another place.

Maybe Ye Tian and he Laowang have a lot of energy, but he doesn't believe that their tentacles can reach every corner of the world.

"If you dare to disobey what you said today, then your fate will be the same as your car..."

But at this moment, ye Tian looks at Tang Jie with his eyes. As if he could see through his heart, he gently raises his hand, and the fierce sword suddenly appears in his palm. Then he cuts to Tang Jie's bulletproof BMW not far away.


A bright streamer passed by. In a flash, a huge roar suddenly rang out. Immediately after that, a terrible crack appeared in the middle of the strong bulletproof BMW, which was divided into two parts.

This This

Tang Jie looked at the BMW in horror, his legs trembling wildly.

He didn't understand what was going on, how his car became two halves when a light passed.

Not only him, but also the young followers who followed him showed fear one by one and trembled all over. Without any hesitation, they fell on their knees in front of Ye Tian, their forehead against the ground, and even dared not take a breath.

He, the old gambling king, is also full of panic, but looking at Ye Tian's eyes, in addition to fear and worship, more hope.

Ye Tiangang's method is something he had never seen in Cheng Bo before.

All this, let him suddenly add a bit of confidence, feel that his gamble, perhaps really bet on the right treasure!

"If you think your neck is harder than the car, just try..."

Ye Tian looks at Tang Jie and says with a faint smile.

"I I dare not... "

Tang Jie swallowed hard and shook his head in a hurry.

Ye Tiangang this uncanny hand, let him completely give up the idea before.

He thinks that if he really dares to run away, I'm afraid that the days waiting for him will be more painful than turning himself in to prison, because turning himself in can save at least one life, but if he runs away, it will really be a dead end.

"One more thing, this evening, we will deliver the control of Taiyi international to old gambling king he. We only need this brand. As for the funds on the book, we will bring them back to surrender and return them to those who have been cheated!"Closely following, ye Tian looks at Tang Jie, light way.


Money is gone, where can Tang Jie pity Taihe international an empty brand, smell speech, immediately bitter nod should be under.

"Go away..."

Ye Tian waved his hand casually and said faintly.

Tang Jie didn't dare to hesitate. He kowtowed his head to Ye Tian in a hurry, and then, together with his subordinates, stumbled to the city.

However, compared with the previous expectations, at the moment in their faces, they are all suffering and lost.

They thought that this would be a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity, but what they thought, waiting for them, was such a result!

"Mr. He, it's up to you to deal with Taihe international. But you can rest assured that your cooperation with me will not make you suffer. "

Ye Tian waited until Tang Jie and others left, looking at old gambling king he, arched his hand and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye. I will try my best to help Miss Ning get things done!"

How can he not know that ye Tian wanted to leave the brand of Taihe international to him because he didn't want to disappoint Ning Xue. He immediately nodded his head and made a promise. At the same time, he looked at Ye Tian and said curiously, "I just don't know, Mr. Ye, what are the products you intend to expand overseas? I'm ready to... "

"Snow cream!"

Ye Tian chuckles and says every word.

Snow cream!

He old gambling king hears the sound, eyes blink stare big, can't believe looking at Ye Tian.

He didn't expect that the effect was amazing. As soon as it was put on sale, it was sold out. Even in Haojiang, some people spared no effort to spend twice or even three times the price to buy the miracle scar removing ointment, which turned out to be ye Tian's industry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!