Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 427

All the way.

More than half an hour later, the extended bulletproof Rolls Royce came to the resort opened by he Laowang in the coastal area.

At the moment, the resort has already been cleared in advance, and the several principal persons of Taihe international are waiting at the gate of the resort early.

"Here it is! coming! Hurry up and make a good impression on old gambler he! "

The leading middle-aged man, as soon as he saw the extended bulletproof Rolls Royce coming, immediately reprimanded several young people around him, and then hurriedly arranged his tie and neckline, for fear that there would be a little inappropriate place, which would arouse the disgust of the old gambling king.

This middle-aged man, named Tang Jie, is the boss of Taihe international. Although he didn't know why old gambler he suddenly thought of calling him over, he knew that this was a golden opportunity when he received the phone call.

As long as Taihe international can get on this line, it will bring them countless benefits.

Even if there is no cooperation, just taking two group photos or letting the outside world know that old gambler he has seen him in person is tantamount to plating a layer of gold on Taihe International's signboard. Some companies that originally had doubts about Taihe international would be more relieved to leave the overseas market affairs to them to take care of, so that they would be the empty handed white wolf He made a lot of money.

A moment later, the car slowly stopped at the gate of the resort.

Without any hesitation, Tang Jie hurried over to help old gambler he open the back door.

But before he started, the door was opened from the inside first, and then the old gambler he, with a clear face, came down from the car.

"He Lao..."

As soon as he saw the old gambler, Tang Jie immediately lost his voice. He bent down in a hurry and raised his hands respectfully. He was going to help the old gambler to leave a better first impression on the old man.

But at this time, let him feel incomparably incredible scene appeared, saw he old gambler unexpectedly is not pay attention to his hands, even the eyes did not look at him, but trembled to the other side of the car door, respectfully opened the door.

"Mr. Ye, here they are, and so are their people."

Following closely, he old gambler Wang looked in the car, made a please action, and said respectfully.

That look, like a dutiful old housekeeper, more than like a powerful old gambler!


Old gambler he opens the car door himself!

Tang Jie listened to the old gambling king he's address to the people in the car, as well as his respectful attitude, his chin almost fell to the ground.

What kind of identity can old gambler he have? He can be called a gentleman and open the door respectfully. How amazing is the position of Mr. Ye in the car?!

In a flash, Tang Jie's throat was dry in bursts, and his heart was more excited and was about to jump out of his throat.

"Mr. Ye, you..."

Without any hesitation, Tang Jie hurriedly trotted to the other side of the car door, then bent to 90 degrees, and said hello to the flattery in the car. But before a "good" word was said, he was stunned.

Mr. Ye, why are you so young?!

To kill Tang Jie, he never thought that the man sitting in the car was a young man in his twenties.

And he really didn't understand how such a young man could let old gambler he treat him with such a respectful attitude.

And he didn't know why. He thought Mr. Ye looked familiar, just like where he had met each other. But for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had met each other.

"Why, do you think I look familiar? Where do you think you've seen it? "

Ye Tian sweeps his eyes at Tang Jie and gets off the car.

"Mr. Ye, you look familiar to ordinary people like us. You should have seen it on TV or in some magazine..."

Tang Jie hastily pile up flattering smile, good words like don't want money, to Ye Tian compliment and go.

"Noble man?" Ye Tian looked at Tang Jie with a faint smile. A touch of fun and ridicule appeared in the corner of his mouth and said, "do you remember ye Honglie?"

Ye Honglie!

Ye Honglie of the South China Sea!

When Tang Jie heard this, his head exploded.

How can he not remember this name? The reason why he left the mainland and came to Haojiang was that he cheated Ye Honglie's company when he was in Nanhai. Then he filed a lawsuit against Ye Honglie and went to court. Then he fled and came to Haojiang.

It's only a while since he came to Haojiang, and he has long forgotten what happened in Nanhai. He really didn't expect that one day someone would mention this name in front of him.Moreover, the moment he heard Ye Tian's words, he finally understood why he was familiar with Ye Tian, because he and ye Honglie, who he had dealt with, looked very similar.

Because of the age gap between Ye Honglie and the man in front of him, he can't be a brother, so of course he is a father and son.

However, he really didn't understand why Ye Honglie's son suddenly took on the line of he Laowang, and let him treat him with such a respectful attitude.

"Look at your expression, you should remember the name."

Ye Tian looks at Tang Jie and smiles indifferently.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"

He old gambling king hears the sound, respectfully inquires to the leaf sky.

He can hear that ye Tian seems to have deep prejudice against the boss Tang of Taihe international.

Being in the stage of asking for help from ye Tian, he naturally does not want to give up the opportunity to help Ye Tian.

"Let him talk about it..."

Leaf World Ba toward Tang Jie light a pick, way.

"Boss Tang..."

He old gambling king hears the sound, eyes instantly cold down, looking at Tang Jie, deep voice way.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong..." When Tang Jie heard this, he trembled and fell on his knees in a hurry. He kowtowed to Ye Tian and said: "don't worry, I'll give you back the money that I cheated your father, with interest."

At this moment, he has understood that the reason why he old gambling king suddenly finds himself is not to give himself face, but to help Ye Tian.

How can ye Tian be provoked by people who respect Ye Tian so much as he is an old gambler? Apart from begging for mercy, he really can't think of anything else to do , the fastest update of the webnovel!