Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 408

"Well, recently, a company approached me about exclusive overseas sales, and I made an appointment to meet in Haojiang. That company is specialized in acting for domestic enterprises in the overseas market. We are not familiar with the situation of the overseas market. If we had their help, things would be much better... "

At this time, Ning Xue worried about ye Tian's misunderstanding. After explaining, she hurriedly said, "if Miss Qin is convenient, you can take her with you."

"Well, I'll call Luoshen and get back to you later..."

Ye Tian sniffs Yan and looks at the calendar. He finds that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are weekends and there are no classes. Even if he goes to Haojiang, it won't affect Yan Bing's class. He decides to meet his old wish and his parents' last wish. After nodding, he hangs up the phone.

Ning Xue heard that ye Tian answered, and she was happy and annoyed. She regretted why she asked Qin Luo God.

"When to start, you come to pick me up. Luoshen has just returned to the Qin family. He is busy and can't go there for the time being."

Not long after, ye Tian a phone call, let Ning Xue heart chagrin instantly dissipated, like a little girl, happy way: "you wait at home, I'll go to find you now."

But after hanging up the phone, Ning Xue immediately felt a hot cheek.

What's the difference between my current mood and that of Xiao San who sneaks out with her husband while her original mate is away

"Master, are you going out again? Every time I come back, I have to leave before I get hot... "

The cicada listens to the voice of Ye Tian's conversation, doodles his little mouth, grabs the corner of Ye Tian's coat, and says unhappily.

Little guy is getting closer to Ye Tian now, but unfortunately, with the improvement of Ye Tian's cultivation and the gradually spreading industry, she can spend less and less time with Ye Tian.

"Do you want to go to Haojiang?"

Ye Tian looks at the cicada's big eyes, moves in his heart, rubs the cicada's head and smiles.

"Haojiang! God of gamblers! I want to go

Without any hesitation, the cicada immediately nodded.

"OK, then come with me." Ye Tian chuckled and said to the nearby fan Qing, "I'll take the cicada to Haojiang. Is that ok?"

"No problem, just..."

He Qing nodded, but then his eyes turned blue.

"Don't worry, I won't let the little girl hungry."

When ye Tian sees this, he can't understand that he Qing is worried that the little guy has gone to Haojiang and has no golden melon seeds to eat every day. He smiles and says.

The most important thing he needs now is the gold bar, which is more than enough to support the green cicada.

"Well. When you get to Haojiang, you should listen to Mr. Ye's words and don't run around, let alone make trouble for him. "

She nodded her head in a panic and became more determined. Ye Tian already knew the identity of herself and cicada. She felt uneasy. But after such a long time together, she also knew that ye Tian had no malice to herself and cicada, so she looked at cicada and told him.

Long live

When the cicada saw that he Qing agreed, he immediately cheered loudly and danced happily in the yard.

"Squeak Squeak... "

Looking at the cicada, Xiao Lizi jumps to Ye Tian's shoulder. Her two little claws press Ye Tian's neck tightly. Her big red eyes are full of hope. Obviously, she doesn't want to stay in the rental house alone.

It's OK to take a cicada, but it's a bit of a trouble to take a little chestnut

Seeing this, ye Tian's eyes changed, but immediately he showed a smile.

For ordinary people, it's troublesome to fly with a pet, but for him, what's more troublesome is to pack a plane.

"You don't want to be at home, you should be with cicada and Xiao Lizi. In this way, when I go out to do business, someone can help me watch these two little guys, so that they don't run around..."

Thinking of this, ye Tian looks at Yu Qing and says with a smile.

"Ah I'll go too... "

His eyes were full of anxiety and joy.

She has been in the South China Sea for so many years, and she has never been far away, let alone a metropolis like Haojiang, which makes her look forward to and uneasy.

"Little chestnut, here you are. Eat it..."

Ye Tian looks at the green oyster's hope and worries again. He shows the timidity of the green oyster to the extreme. He laughs in his heart. Then he takes out the lavender blue scale ice lizard demon pill from the storage ring and hands it to the little chestnut on his shoulder.

"Demon Dan!"

He Qing sees this thing, can't help but lose one's voice immediately, stunned way.

"Yes, it's a demon pill."

Ye Tian nodded his head with a smile, and then looked at Yu Qing more.

Since she can recognize the demon pill, it shows that she doesn't know a thing or two about cultivation, and there should be a secret in her.However, she did not want to say, and ye Tian did not ask. He believed that one day, she would tell him the secret of why she and cicada appeared in the South China Sea.

At the same time, when she heard the news, she immediately realized that she had lost her words. Her face became more and more worried, and her face became pale and changeable.

"Squeak Squeak... "

Fortunately, after taking over the demon pill, Xiao Lizi jumped up and down with joy, holding the demon pill. After taking a deep breath, he held the demon pill and began to nibble like a peach.

Just a short time, a walnut sized demon Dan was swallowed by little chestnut.


Demon Dan into the belly, small chestnut is like drunk, in the leaf day's shoulder staggering walk a few steps, and then a fall.

Thanks to Ye Tian's quick eyes, he grabbed Xiao Li in his hand and swept away his eyes. He immediately saw that Xiao Li's eyes were closed, but his whole body was filled with a strange smell. Moreover, the color of his hair not only became clearer, but also every snow-white hair was like a jade. At the moment, it was like a faint shimmer, which looked like a luminous snowball magical.

Not only that, except for the change of hair color, when ye Tian visited the little guy's body with divine thoughts, he found that the seven character Sanskrit sound echoed in his body became clearer than in the past. Even when he shone through the source's eye, he saw a Golden Shadow in the little Chestnut's body.

"This demon pill has made this little guy reach the fourth level of the cave. Unfortunately, it has a simple mind and can't hurt people with secret skills. However, it is also consistent with the true meaning of doing good together with Brahma. No wonder it can cultivate Brahma's divine brilliance with such a state of mind..."

Ye Tian looks at the appearance of the small chestnut, slightly tongue.

"Master, what's the matter with little chestnut?"

The cicada nervously poked little Chestnut's big hairy tail. Seeing that it didn't respond at all, he asked nervously.

"Don't worry, this little thing is too greedy, too much to eat, there is no way to fully digest, let it sleep on it."

Ye Tian smiles and hands the chestnut to the cicada.

These two little guys are very close to each other. Jiao does not leave Meng. Meng does not leave Jiao. During the time when he is not renting a house, they both accompany each other.

Dudu Dudu

At this time, along the door, there was a knock.

When ye Tian opens the door and looks, he finds that Ning Xue has arrived outside.

"Well, I'll charter a plane and let's go there together."

When Ning Xue learns that she Qing, she Chan and Xiao Lizi are going to Haojiang together, she is disappointed for a short time. She smiles and nods.

"Thank you, sister Ning."

The cicada politely thanks Ning Xue.

"You're welcome. If you want to thank you, thank your master..." Ning Xue likes this little girl with dark skin very much. After rubbing her head, she turns to look at Ye Tian and says, "are we ready to start?"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile. In a moment, the party rushed to the airport.

"What's the name of the company we met in Haojiang? How about the company's risk assessment? Are you sure it's reliable? "

On the way to the airport, ye Tian looks at Ning Xue and asks.

He doesn't mind selling Xueji cream overseas, and is happy to see its success. After all, it can not only make more money, but also help more people relieve their troubles.

But he worried that this company, like Jinling pharmaceutical, would have the same ulterior motives, which would be troublesome. In other words, it would be inconsistent with his original intention to make Xueji ointment an intelligent thing for a few rich people to enjoy.

"That company is called Taihe International..." Ning Xue hears Ye Tianyan and business affairs, the facial expression immediately half a bit solemn, reply a way.

Taihe international?

When ye Tian heard this, he could not help being slightly stunned. His eyes were slightly awe inspiring and he said, "how are they..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!