Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 407

"Fight with me? Do you deserve your little accomplishments? "

Ye Tian sneers indifferently and doesn't dodge. He doesn't push forward until he is late and far away.

This palm seems to be light, and seems to have no strength at all. But just as soon as it was pushed out, Chi Yuan's body immediately flew upside down like a broken kite. After hitting the wall of the courtyard heavily, it fell to the ground and coughed up blood. At the same time, the breath of heaven level cultivation that originally emanated from his whole body suddenly disappeared like a torrent of water

Not only that, with the disappearance of breath, Chi Yuan, although thin before, gave people a kind of dignified momentum like tiger old, which disappeared quickly. Instead, it was a kind of drooping old state. Even his eyes became blurred and his hands and feet trembled. It seemed that as long as the wind was a little bit stronger, it would blow him to the ground and take away half his life.

"Heaven level old monster, one palm will be abandoned cultivation!"

The master of the Taiyi gate looked at the scene, and his heart was cold.

After all, the story of Ye Tianyi's extermination of taiyimen only exists in legend. Although the leader of taiyimen knew Ye Tian was very strong, he did not know how strong Ye Tian was.

But now, ye Tian's performance, but let him completely understand, ye Tian is powerful to what kind of situation.

At least, what he can be sure of is that if he is the one who has just shot Ye Tian, then the end will not be better than Chi Yuan. Waiting for him, he must be full of accomplishments and turn into a bubble.

"Forgive me, sir. We don't dare any more. We really don't dare any more..."

Chi Shan, Wen Yuan and Chi Xiaowan shudder when they see this. They dare not go to see how Chi Yuan is now. They kneel on their knees, wriggle on the ground, kowtow to Ye Tian and beg for mercy. They have a lot of tears.

Chi Xiaowan, in particular, wriggled his knees to the front and back of Ye Tian's heel and deliberately pulled his neckline wide. When his head was down, a piece of white and a deep gully could be easily captured by Ye Tian, who was in a commanding position.

"Master, please spare our family. As long as you agree, I can do anything. I'm willing to serve you as a slave."

Not only that, Chi Xiaowan's face is like a pear blossom with rain. Behind him, he is going to hold Ye Tian's legs and grind his soft chest.

She is very confident about her figure and believes that as long as ye Tian sees it, she will have a coveted heart.

Moreover, now she doesn't think it's shameful to be a slave to Ye Tian. On the contrary, she thinks that if she can rely on Ye Tian, who is so powerful that she can annihilate an extremely powerful clan by herself, it's absolutely a good thing for her.

At least, ye Tianneng can bring her vanity and complacency, which can't be compared with Chi Yuan.

"If you're cheap again, I don't mind killing you!"

But in Chi Xiaowan's mind, she fancies that even if her grandfather's cultivation is abandoned, she can still be the little princess of Tianxin gate as long as she is attached to Ye Tian. Ye Tian is condescending and looks indifferent after a glance.

The eyes, cold like a knife, called Chi Xiaowan excited Lingling a shiver, originally to the leaf day leg stretch to the arm, also flurried down, dare not close to the leaf day a bit.

However, Chi Xiaowan really can't understand. Although she is not a man of great power, she is just gorgeous. She is very proud of her figure. When she was in tianxinmen, many martial brothers looked at her like they wanted to eat people. How could ye Tian be indifferent?

Is he blind and can't see beauty or ugliness?

Is it difficult that he actually likes men?

But she didn't know that ye Tian was not blind. He didn't see beauty or ugliness, and he didn't like men. On the contrary, he liked beautiful women. No matter Qin Luoshen or Yan Bing, Ning Xue, Cheng Yuechan, Yun Fei and Mu Qingqing, who were closely related to him, they were all peerless in the world. Even if she was a little girl, her face might be a little dark, but she was definitely a girl who didn't grow up Beauty embryo

But what ye Tian looks at is not only a face, but also a heart.

Qin Luoshen, Yan Bing, Ning Xue and others, which is not beautiful, the heart is more kind.

Chi Xiaowan is really good-looking and proud, but unfortunately, at a young age, he has a vicious mind. He is not as good as Qin Luoshen in appearance. Even if he is beautiful and looks like a devil, ye Tian will not be moved.

"If you want to be good this time, it's not enough. Chi Yuan just said that he would take all his wealth in exchange for cultivation. Now he will take all his wealth in exchange for the peace of tianxinmen. Within three days, I hope to see in my home the miraculous medicine and other things he has accumulated over the years, as well as the information about the relics of cultivation. If I haven't seen it in three days, or if I think something you sent is missing, I will bear the consequences! "

At this time, ye Tian glances at the master of Tianxin gate, coldly.

"Yes. Don't worry, I will try my best to satisfy you. "

Tianxinmen's forehead is full of cold sweat, and he nods like a chicken pecking rice in a hurry.At this moment, he has completely determined that the life and death of tianxinmen is just between Ye Tian's thoughts. If he wants tianxinmen to continue to exist in the world, the only way is to do his best to satisfy Ye Tian and put out the killing heart.

"Take these people and disappear from my eyes. Next time, I don't want to see so many people around my door."

Ye Tian sweeps his eyes toward the master of Tianxin gate, and says faintly.


The master of Tianxin gate nodded, without any hesitation. With Chi Yuan and others, he left respectfully and quickly.

"From now on, your late family will have nothing to do with tianxinmen. Please take good care of yourself."

After going out of the rental door, the owner of Tianxin door sweeps Chi Yuan's eyes and says in a cold voice.

He feels that ye Tian is very unhappy with Chi Yuan and others. In order to avoid another dispute, he wants to cut these people, so as not to affect the life and death of tianxinmen because of the people who have become waste.

"Ha ha ha, you are afraid of Ye Tian, tianxinmen is afraid of him, right?"

Chi Yuan was stunned. Even though he understood the meaning of the master of Tianxin, he laughed hoarsely.

"Live and die."

The head of Tianxin gate was livid and left with a cold word.

However, when he turned around, he felt that his words were still in his mind.

Tianxin gate, one of the three sects and six sects, has been running for hundreds of years. As the leader of Tianxin gate, he is a heaven level master. Even if he met Liu Bufan in the past, he was polite and always flattered by others.

But now, it turns out that he's groveling to please others, and he's so cautious that he's afraid that a little wrong action will bring great disaster.

This feeling not only made him feel unwilling, but also made him feel that it was a great shame to Tianxin gate.

"On my head, on the head of tianxinmen, there must be no father! My tianxinmen family may not be your opponent, but I don't believe that qingmingzong would like to see you so big, and I don't believe that the other two four schools would also like to have more dads on their heads! "

After a long time, the owner of Tianxin sect suddenly pinched his fingers and looked back at the location of the rented house. A cold look passed at the bottom of his eyes. He suddenly made a decision. When he got back to the mountain, he immediately went to Qingming sect and paid a visit to other sect.

In the past, sanzong and liumen had reached a balance, and achieved the situation that the nine giants completely dominated the world of shanshangren. He did not believe that except Tianxin gate, now the remaining sanzong and liumen would like someone to rise up and share these with them!

Ding Ling Ling

At the same time, ye Tian's mobile phone suddenly rings, which shows Ning Xue's number.

"Ye Tian, do you have time recently? If you have time, can you accompany me to Haojiang? "

And after the phone is connected, there comes the sound of Ning Xue's uneasy and expectant.


Ye Tianyi is stunned. He can't help thinking of a series of wonderful casino blockbusters shot by Wang pangzi.

In his last life, he was infatuated with the marvelous technology in the movies and dreamed of going to Haojiang for a show. Unfortunately, during the winter vacation before his parents died, he had made a plan to go to Haojiang with him, but because of taiyimen, he finally failed to make the trip , the fastest update of the webnovel!