Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 273

"You Shameless! Damn it

Cheng Yuechan listens to Chen Qiming's words. Her face is covered with frost. She grits her teeth and says coldly that her eyes are killing. She wants to have Chen Qiming skinned and cramped!

When she was very young, she once hated her mother and felt that she had abandoned herself, so she let herself live a hard life.

But until now, she found out that Cheng Su had lived much harder than she did.

Because, at least, she was not used and betrayed by her beloved, but Cheng Su was used and betrayed by her beloved.

"Su I've already said that. Please spare my life

Ignoring Cheng Yuechan's rebuke, Chen Qiming kneels in front of Cheng Su with a flattering expression.

At this moment, there is no difference between him and a pug.

"Excuse me? Are you dreaming that you have done so much harm to my mother and made him suffer so much? "

Cheng Qingyi also angry, pointing to Chen Qiming, cold way.

"Qingyi, Yuechan..." But at this time, Cheng Su suddenly shook his head to Cheng Yuechan and Cheng Qingyi, then turned his head, looked at Ye Tian, and said slowly: "doctor ye, please hold your hand high and save his life."


Cheng Qingyi and Cheng Yuechan look at Cheng Su in amazement. They can't believe that Chen Qiming has done so much harm to her. She even wants to keep Chen Qiming alive.

"Are you sure?"

Ye Tianping gives Cheng Su a quiet look and says slowly.

"I'm sure."

Cheng Su nodded.

"As you wish." Ye Tian nodded slightly, then turned to look at Chen Qiming and said faintly, "you can roll."

Chen Qiming looks at Ye Tian in horror and turns around to leave.

"Have you forgotten something? She'll spare your life, and you're going to leave in silence? "

Seeing this, ye Tian sweeps his eyes at Chen Qiming.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm wrong." Hearing this, Chen Qiming shudders. After apologizing to Ye Tian, he turns around and kneels in front of Cheng su. He kowtows to her respectfully and says, "thank you for sparing my life."

Cheng Su closed his eyes and said nothing.

Seeing this, Chen Qiming timidly turns his head and looks at Ye Tian. When he sees Ye Tian nodding, he hurriedly stumbles to the door of the ward. It's no different from a lost dog.

"Mom, why did you spare this shameless man?"

Cheng Qingyi angrily looks at Chen Qiming after leaving, looking at Cheng Su, unwilling.

"If we kill him, our family will bear the identity of a murderer. I don't want to cast a shadow on our family's life because of such an insignificant person."

Hearing this, Cheng Su spoke out his thoughts.

Cheng Qingyi opened her mouth and couldn't say a word.

Killing Chen Qiming is really a relief. But what should we do after killing him? Are they not murderers.

"Qingyi, respect mom's opinion." At this time, Cheng Yuechan shook her head to Cheng Qingyi, motioned to Cheng Qingyi not to ask so many questions, and said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"I'll go too."

Leaf day smell speech, smile a, followed Cheng Yuechan out of the ward.

"Can I be willful once and make a mandala at last?"

After walking out of the ward, Cheng Yuechan looks at Ye Tian and prays slowly.

She once promised Ye Tian that she would not go back to the old days.

But now, she really can't tolerate such shameless people as Chen Qiming, and she can still live in the world.

What's more, it was Chen Qiming who led her to have no mother for twenty-one years. She was cruelly trained every day and regarded human life as a kind of life.

"I hope you can start a new life, but when did I say that when you meet a villain or someone who hurts you, you have to bear with it. And what do you think I'm saving his life for? "

Ye Tian smiles and looks at Cheng Yuechan. Then he takes out the bottle of acid from the storage ring, hands it to Cheng Yuechan, and says, "go ahead, just one drop, you can make everything disappear. But remember, be careful, don't use your mind. It's not worth destroying your life When you come back, bring some supper. Don't let them worry about it.... "

As ye Tian said, he never wanted to let Chen Qiming go, but it's better to do revenge by himself than by others. So he left Chen Qiming's life and gave it to Cheng Yuechan.

Cheng Yuechan reaches out to take the acid. Her eyes are hot and humid, and her nose is sour. After rubbing her eyes and nose, she nods to Ye Tian, and then walks quickly to the elevator.

She may be very unfortunate, so she can't meet her mother for 21 years, but she is also lucky compared with most of the killers in prison.Because, she met Ye Tian, from then on, fate will be different.

When ye Tian returns to the ward, he tells Cheng Su and Cheng Qingyi that Yuechan will go downstairs to buy supper. Maybe she won't come back for a while.

Cheng Su and Cheng Qingyi naturally have no doubt about him, so they are waiting quietly in the ward.

About half an hour later, Cheng Yuechan went back to the ward with two steamed dumplings, chopsticks and dipping materials in her hand.

When she handed the steamed stuffed bun to Ye Tian, she gave the acid back to Ye Tian.

With Danti's accurate instinct of weighing drugs, ye Tian accurately perceives that Cheng Yuechan gave him acid, half less than when he gave it.

This is the weight of a drop of very high density citric acid.

What disappeared from the world is not only this drop of acid, but also a guy named Chen Qiming.

"If there is anything else, contact me, or go to the Qin family to find me, I'll go first."

Ye Tian accompanies the mother and daughter to finish eating steamed stuffed buns. He gets up and looks at Cheng Yuechan and says.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of Ning Yao.

After his parents left, there was only one family member left in the world, Ning Yao.

"OK, I'll see you off."

Cheng Yuechan nodded, and then walked to the door with Ye Tian.

"Thank you, for me, for my mother and Qingyi..."

After walking out of the hospital gate, Cheng Yuechan looks at Ye Tian and says sincerely.

"You're welcome. We're friends."

Ye Tian smiles and shakes his head. He helps Cheng Yuechan, but he doesn't think so much. It's just that in this world, there are not many people he cares about, but Cheng Yuechan is just one of them.

"Yes, we are friends."

Cheng Yuechan heard the word "friend", her cheek trembled slightly and twitched for a moment, her mouth showed a smile, but her eyes were slightly sad.

It turned out that he was just a friend in his eyes.

"Well, you go back and spend more time with them. I'll go first."

Ye Tian didn't find the difference of Cheng Yuechan's fundus. After waving his hand with a smile, he said.

Cheng Yuechan nodded, then turned and walked toward the hospital.

"Don't frown. Be happy. Your name now sounds more pleasant than Mandala. At least, it's no longer poison!"

Ye Tian sees Mandala's look as if she is sentimental. He thinks that she is sentimental about killing Chen Qiming, so he laughs and comforts.

"Yes, I have my own name."

Hearing the speech, Cheng Yuechan turns her head and smiles at Ye Tian. She and the bright moon in the sky complement each other. The smile is so beautiful.

Such a smile was never seen on her face when she was a mandala in the past.

There is one less Chen Qiming in the world, but there is one more girl with a name and a surname, a mother, a sister, and so on. Her name is Cheng Yuechan!

After seeing Cheng Yuechan walk into the hospital building, ye Tian glances around, and then walks into a small secluded courtyard where no one is paying attention. After that, he releases his mind and flies to the direction of the Qin family manor.

A moment later, the flying sword hovers over the manor. Ye Tian glances over and sees that the light on the second floor is still on. Qin Luoshen is lying on the balcony, staring at the bright moon overhead.

Seeing this, ye Tian presses the flying sword and falls on the balcony. Then he looks at Qin Luoshen and smiles.

This picture is like a lover who has been away from home for a long time. When he returns home quietly, he looks at the girl who is thinking of you for a long time, but he doesn't know what to say. In the end, a thousand words turn into the most common but the most unusual one:

"I'm back!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!