Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 272

"Why are you still alive? It's impossible

Chen Qiming stares at Cheng Su, his face full of disbelief.

He thought Cheng Su was dead, but now, Cheng Su is living well, which can't help but surprise him.

"If mom really died, she would call you heart, right? It's a pity that you had a daydream... "

Cheng Yuechan looks at Chen Qiming with a sneer.

Chen Qiming's action just now has made her see this man thoroughly.

This guy doesn't deserve to be a father for himself and Cheng Qingyi, let alone a husband for Cheng su. I'm sorry for Cheng Su's obsession with him all these years!

"No, it's not! You should be dead! "

Chen Qiming doesn't care about Cheng Yuechan at all. He just looks at Cheng Su coldly. His face is changeable, and his mind is also very confused.

The development of this scene was completely unexpected.

If the surgeon does not die, the seed will not take shape.

Did you come a step earlier?

But according to time, Cheng Su should die today. How can she be so full of vitality?

Is it difficult for Cheng Su to solve the problem? But this array is found in a secret place. Few people know it. Even they have no way to solve it. How can someone help Cheng Suhua solve it?

"She should have died, but she was lucky enough to meet me."

But just then, the door of the ward opened, and ye Tian came in slowly from the outside.

At this moment, in his body, where there is a little tired look, the whole person is in high spirits, and the momentum of his body is more like a sword out of sheath, fierce and unparalleled!

"Who are you?"

Chen Qiming looks at Ye Tian in surprise. His eyes are awe inspiring and he says in a deep voice.

The strong momentum of Ye Tian's body makes him tremble at this moment. He even has a feeling that he is like a mole ant in front of Ye Tian.

However, ye Tian's age made him think that he might have thought too much because of his surprise.

How can people of this age have such high accomplishments!

"you, and the people you tianxinzong can't provoke!"

Ye Tianping smiles quietly.


Chen Qiming snorted coldly and then attacked Ye Tian. At the moment of his hand, there was a sharp breath of Jin Yuan on his hands, which made people feel that his fist was like a real shell!

"Shake the tree!"

Ye Tian chuckles and raises his hand lightly. He pinches Chen Qiming's fist.

Who is this guy? At this age, how can he have such profound cultivation?

Chen Qiming tries his best to resist, but no matter how hard he tries, he finds that he can't break away from ye Tian's palm.


Closely following, leaf day hand lightly a shake, his body is uncontrollable then kneel to the ground.

This guy is really the one I can't provoke! His strength cultivation is at least the level of heaven!

Chen Qiming looks at Ye Tian in panic. At this moment, he is completely sure that what ye Tiangang said is the truth. Ye Tian is really the person he can't provoke. As long as the other party wants to raise his hand, he can crush him like a small insect.

He couldn't understand how Cheng Su could have known such a powerful person, but he knew that if he didn't think of something else, he might not have to leave the ward today and give his life to him.

"Su Su, please help me beg for mercy. Let me go. I know I'm wrong. Really, I know I'm wrong. One of the most wrong things I've ever done in my life is that I shouldn't have left you at the beginning, but I swear that as long as you are willing to forgive me, I will be with you for the rest of my life, and I won't go anywhere to make atonement for my previous mistakes. "

Thinking of this, Chen Qiming immediately kneels down to Cheng Su, kowtows to her and prays.

Hearing this, Cheng Su looks down at Chen Qiming. His eyes are complicated, but in the end, he turns into indifference.

If it was in the past, she might have been fooled by Chen Qiming's sweet words, but now, after Chen Qiming started on her and said that, she no longer believes Chen Qiming.

She knew that in this man's heart, there was no love at all, only himself.

"Chen Qiming, don't be paranoid any more. My mother won't listen to you any more!"

Cheng Yuechan looks at Chen Qiming coldly and scolds coldly.

"Yuechan is right. You and I have nothing to do with each other. Your life and my life and death have nothing to do with each other.... "

Hearing this, Cheng Su looks down at Chen Qiming and calms down.

As she spoke, she felt cramps in her heart.But when she said that, she felt that the whole person became relaxed, just like a big stone that had been pressing on her chest, suddenly cracked, no more burden.


When Chen Qiming heard Cheng Su's words, his face sank. Suddenly, a fierce light came over his eyes. As soon as he bit his teeth, he immediately made a decision. He jumped up, raised his hand, and grabbed Cheng Su's neck on the bed. He planned to hold Cheng Su and threaten Ye Tian to let himself live.

"Dying, is it useful?"

But before his hand touched Cheng Su, he felt a strong force on his back, which made him fall to the ground without any resistance.


The next second, a foot is fast like lightning, point in his elixir, in an instant, his elixir gas sea suddenly burst open, a painstaking attainments for cultivation, all empty.

"You dare to abolish my cultivation Tianxinzong won't let you go... "

Chen Qiming perceives the disappearing cultivation like flowing water and looks at Ye Tian. His facial features are twisted and ferocious, and his voice is hoarse.

"You are not the first one in tianxinzong to threaten me! But if they really want to do me a disservice because of you, they are stupid

Ye Tian sniffs at Chen Qiming and laughs. Then he turns to Cheng Su and says, "his accomplishments have been abandoned by me. Now he is an ordinary man. His life and death are up to you."

It's over!

Hearing this, Chen Qiming shuddered and felt as if he had seen the end of his life.

After all, she abandoned Cheng Su at first, and now she's been so cruel to her. How could she let her go.

"I can spare you from dying..."

Cheng Su stares at Chen Qiming for a long time and then says slowly.

"Su Su..."

Hearing this, Chen Qiming's body trembled and his face immediately showed a look of ecstasy.

"Don't call me that. I'm sick!" Cheng Su looked at Cheng Qiming in disgust and said, "I can spare you, but you have to answer my two questions. The first question is, why did you leave me? Second, why are you doing this to me this time? I want to hear the truth, you don't want to live, say some meaningless words to disgust me, in that case, I won't forgive you

These two questions are Cheng Su's biggest doubts.

She asked herself that she was deeply attached to Chen Qiming at the beginning. Even if Chen Qiming's heart was made of iron, she couldn't be indifferent. This time, she couldn't understand how Chen Qiming could count on her!


Chen Qiming was just about to say some nice words to fool him, but he saw Cheng Su's cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I did like you in those years, but I prefer to become stronger and more want to be the patriarch than I like you. When I went back to the clan, I was going to tell the school to take you back, but the three elders were willing to let my granddaughter marry me, which would be very helpful for me to become the leader of the clan, so I agreed. "

"As for this time, it's because the three elder's life is not long. He once promised me that he would help me go to Qingming sect and ask for a heavenly elixir, so I will continue Shouyuan for him and let him live. Although there are many people at the foot of the mountain, you are the only one I am familiar with, so... "

Although Chen Qiming didn't finish what he said, it was obvious that he chose Cheng Su because he knew that other people were wary of him and it was inconvenient for him to start.

Horizontally and vertically, he has hurt Cheng Su once, so he thinks that even if he hurts this "stupid" woman again, it's nothing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!