Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 1100

The nun said, "if you have relatives and feelings, it depends on Yunqing's mood. But if relatives and friends come to visit, even if you don't see them, you won't go too far!"

Speaking, she does not know whether intentionally or unintentionally, lightly looked at Du Mingyue, and swept over Ye Tian's body.

It seems that ye Tian is guessing which of the two is the relative he said.

But ye Tian continued to ask, "just now, the elder said that Yunqing had a son. Can you tell me about him?"

Hearing that ye Tian finally asked the key, Du Mingyue looked nervously at the nun, even biting her lips.

Unexpectedly, the nun shook her head: "this news involves the people of the Xuan family, not in the scope of sale."

"Well, sir, who is the best relationship between Yun Qing and the Yun family?" Ye Tian knew that it was impossible to ask Xuanfeng directly, so he had to start from other aspects. But he obviously saw the disappointment on Du Mingyue's face after the black veil.

"The person who has the best relationship with the Yun family is naturally his father and mother. Yunqing is the only daughter of the Yun family, and has no brothers or sisters. She is the apple of the eye of Yunzhong and Huang Yanqiu. However, Yunzhong has encountered some troubles recently. According to my guess, Yunqing's recent abnormal behavior should be related to Yunzhong's troubles. It's just my guess. It's not part of the news. It's a gift. Daoyou can tell it by yourself. " When the nun finished, she emphasized a few words.

"Master, can you tell me what the trouble is?" Ye tianzhui asked.

"This news doesn't belong to Yunqing's basic situation. If you want to know, you need to pay fifty Xianyu!" The nun was really like a businessman. As soon as the question Ye Tian asked came out of the circle, she immediately asked for a price.

"Yes!" Ye Tian immediately nodded, after all, this is a trade, just take what you need. In terms of the proportion of remuneration, the female nun's asking price is reasonable, and the cost of cloud family information is low.

"Yunzhong was hunted down, and Huang Yanqiu died in the end of the world?" The nun looked at Ye Tian and said slowly.

Ye Tian was stunned and blurted out: "how can it be? Who is so bold as to chase and kill Yunzhong and his wife? They are the children and relatives of the Xuan family? Master, can you tell me something in detail? "

The nun shook her head: "it's about the previous agreement. I can't tell you. Otherwise, I would not have received only fifty pieces of fairy jade. "

Ye Tian also looked at the nun, and suddenly realized that the one who dares to have a kinship with the Xuan family must be the Xuan family itself, and the nun's last sentence seemed to verify this to herself.

Is the Xuanjia and the Yunjia in a stalemate?

Ye Tian looks at the nun and tries to find the answer from her expression. However, the nun says, "I've already said what I should tell you. The rest is your own speculation, which has nothing to do with me."

"OK, thank you very much, master!" Ye Tian stands up, salutes with his fist, takes out 550 pieces of fairy jade, delivers them to the nun, and then leaves the room with Du Mingyue. However, he was grateful to the nun, who did not directly tell him some information, but also indirectly provided some answers.

"What shall we do next?" Out of the Lingtong Pavilion and out of the distance, Du Mingyue asked softly, with a touch of worry on her face.

Ye Tian also frowned: "it's very troublesome. The cloud family should be in a stalemate with the Xuan family. Yunzhong and Huang Yanqiu are chased by the Xuan family, which shows that the matter is very serious. It's just that we can't judge whether it's caused by Yunqing. And the most important point is whether the pursuit of Yun Zhong's Xuan family has something to do with Xuan Feng's father, Xuan Xie. "

"If it's related to Xuanfeng, I'm afraid it's very difficult to get the news of Xuanfeng from Yunqing. You also heard the elder say that Yunqing seldom meets Xuanxie. Can you think that their relationship is not harmonious? "

Du Mingyue shook her head difficultly: "I don't know, Daoyou, just say what to do? I'll listen to you! "

Ye Tian pondered: "at present, the most important thing is to know why there is a contradiction between the cloud family and the Xuan family? Is it a conflict with the whole Xuanjia family or a part of the Xuanjia family? What kind of role did Yunqing play? What's the attitude of Xuanfeng's father, Xuanxie? If we do not make clear the situation, we must not take any actions blindly, otherwise it will backfire. "

"How exactly can we determine these?" Du Mingyue asked suspiciously. She also knew that it was simple to say. She wanted to make these things clear, but it was absolutely not a simple thing.

Ye Tian said: "I've figured out a way. Qingfeng Valley is going to go, but I can't go there openly. I'm going to go there to have a secret investigation. If I'm lucky, I'll get some news."

"I'm afraid not? The elder said that there are two monks guarding Qingfeng valley. I'm afraid ye Daoyou will be found before he gets near there. " Du Mingyue shakes her head in a hurry and sends a message back.

"Try it anyway. If you don't follow, you should have a great chance of success. Even if you are found, I'm sure I can leave qingfenggu safely."

Du Mingyue didn't seem to believe it. She glared at Ye Tian and said: "ye Daoyou, there are two monks who transform the divine realm..."

"I know, just two monks in the realm of God!"

Ye Tian is dumbfounded, not to mention the two monks in the realm of God. When they were chased by the monks in the realm of heaven, didn't they escape the same way?

After saying that, they called Du Mingyue and went through the city along the long street. They went out of the city gate and drove their swords to the direction of Qingfeng valley.

Flying thousands of miles, has entered the boundary of Yanming mountain, and Qingfeng Valley is in Yanming mountain.

They fall in a hidden place. According to Ye Tian's instructions, Du Mingyue enters Ziyan's Magic Cave. Ye Tian puts away the Magic Cave and walks through the mountains for a moment, then suddenly disappears into a dense forest.

After performing fengdun and Yinsha, ye Tian looks around. He doesn't see anything unusual, so he releases four heartworms and flies to the direction of Qingfeng valley.

Qingfeng Valley is more than 2000 miles away from here. Although the distance seems very long, it won't take much time to reach it if you can control the fierce sword.

Of course, ye Tian will not rush into Qingfeng valley. Before he goes in, he must know something about it.

At present, Yunqing is the only clue to connect with Xuanjia. Ye Tian doesn't want to give up until the last moment.

Besides, ye Tian doesn't want to have any conflict with Xuanjia unless he has to.

Therefore, ye Tian is not sure what to do next. He can only make a plan for the next step when he has the results of several things he needs to know.

This is the first spiritual realm he needs to go through to return to the earth star. There are twelve spiritual realms behind him. Up to now, ye Tian really feels that it is not so easy for him to return to the Earth Star alone.

Therefore, we must be careful in every step we take now.

Along the way, ye Tian walked cautiously against the wind. He didn't even dare to use his flying sword. He was always shining from the sky's eyes, for fear that there would be a hidden field around Qingfeng Valley, and he would not touch it again.

Along the way, there was no exception.

Seeing that it is less than 500 miles away from the location of Qingfeng Valley, lianxinchong has also arrived there. Lianxinchong has not found any wind and grass moving along the way, and has successfully transmitted the picture of Qingfeng Valley back to Ye Tian's mind.

It's a vast Valley, sometimes with beautiful houses, hidden among all kinds of wonderful flowers and trees, flowing springs and waterfalls, strange rocks and cold pools, Yingxiang and Hewu, Yuyue and Xiafei. It's like a fairyland in the world.

There are dozens of jingshe, which are scattered, dotted in the picturesque valley. It has a harmonious aesthetic feeling and natural scenery, which is monotonous.

There is also a large garden full of flowers, half of the valley, with bluestone winding in the middle, surrounded by pavilions and pavilions, winding paths leading to seclusion, connecting one cave after another.

It's really a good place to live in seclusion.

However, no one is seen in the picture.

Ye Tian didn't let lianxinchong continue to go deep into the valley. Needless to think, such a place must have a defense field. Once lianxinchong triggers the field, even if a flying insect won't attract anyone's attention, if it startles the other party, his next action may not be so easy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!