Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 1099

Next, ye Tian didn't go directly to the Lingtong Pavilion he just asked, but still went into two stores that seemed to have enough scale.

The news we got was exactly the same as what we heard in the treasure Pavilion. It was said that three days later, a auction was held in another courtyard of the city Lord's mansion.

And in these two shops, there is no one for sale.

It seems that lingcai is very popular everywhere!

During the whole process, Du Mingyue didn't speak. She just followed Ye Tian silently and came to the Lingtong pavilion that ye Tian inquired about.

It's a grand hall. It's not just an attic, as the name says. In front of the hall, two tall stone lions are guarding by two Longmen monks.

"You two must pay ten pieces of fairy jade to enter Lingtong Pavilion!" Ye Tian and Du Mingyue were about to walk up the steps at the foot of the stone lion. When they wanted to enter the hall from here, they were stopped by the two monks without expression.

Ye Tian frowned, just about to say something, but he saw one of the friars pointing behind him.

Looking at it, ye Tian saw a stone tablet standing in front of the main hall, with a line of small characters engraved on it - those who entered the pavilion paid five pieces of fairy jade.

The stone stele has experienced wind and rain, and its color is a little dark yellow. It's obviously not newly erected, but it's not the two friars' random charges.

Since they had this rule, ye Tian took out ten pieces of fairy jade and gave them to the friar. He and Du Mingyue each had five pieces, a total of ten pieces, which was a high price.

Du Mingyue frowned a little. At ordinary times, he would not have paid such a high price just to enter the hall. But now, ye Tianma is the only one to look forward to everything, and Xianyu is also paid by Ye Tianfu. Naturally, she would not say anything more.

"Come with me, two of you One of the monks took Xianyu and led Ye Tian and Du Mingyue into the main hall. He came to one of the many rooms and was received by a beautiful young nun in the cave.

The nun first let them sit down, then gracefully made them two cups of spirit tea, and then asked with a smile, "I don't know if you want to inquire? Asking about things? Or do you want to listen? "

Ye Tian takes a look at the light green tea in the teacup and smells the refreshing fragrance of tea. He thinks that this Lingtong Pavilion is not too stingy. Lingcha in the teacup is absolutely a treasure of Lingcha, and the price is not cheap.

But he didn't drink a mouthful. It was a habit he had formed in his previous life to go out and eat without food. His eyes moved away from the tea. Ye Tian said, "people and things are inseparable, right? When people do what they do, it's up to them. I want to ask someone from the Xuans, one of the Taigu family, or something about the Xuans, as well as something about the Qingfeng valley. Please arrange it for me

"Xuanjia?" Smell speech that female repair facial expression a change, quite some accident ground eyebrow a wrinkly.

"What? Is there a problem? " Ye Tian asked deeply. This Lingtong Pavilion is just one of many. Just like the temple of Fangcun mainland, it is a chain organization specialized in selling news. Ye Tian naturally can't ask about Xuanjia and qingfenggu when he sees a passer-by. Let's leave professional affairs to professionals!

"Oh, of course, there are no questions. I'm just in charge of reception, and then report them to the higher authorities. The senior members of the cabinet should deal with the specific things that can be asked, those things that can't be asked, the questions that can be answered and those that can't be answered. Please wait for a moment The nun's color instantly returned to normal, said to Ye Tian and Du Mingyue, and then turned out of the room.

Ye Tian and Du Mingyue look at each other and feel a little worry in each other's eyes. Although the nun didn't say anything at last, the fierce reaction she heard from the Xuan family has already explained everything.

Both of them didn't speak, just waiting quietly. A moment later, the sound of footsteps started again, and a middle-aged nun came in from the outside.

Ye Tian and Du Mingyue got up in a hurry and said, "I've seen you."

From the breath, this nun is actually a monk in Yuanying realm. Ye Tian is in Longmen realm, and Du Mingyue is in Jindan realm. Now, if you ask for help from others, you can't cause each other's displeasure in etiquette.

"Don't be so polite. Please sit down!" The nun of yuanyingjing looks upright, dressed in palace clothes and long hair. She looks clean and neat. After sitting down, she says to Ye Tian and Du Mingyue.

Then, the nun's eyes slightly coagulated and looked directly at Du Mingyue: "please tell me, what do you want to ask?"

Du Mingyue did not speak, but looked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian naturally said, "we want to know something about the Taigu family and the Xuanjia family."

"I'm sorry, the Xuan family's business is not within the scope of the news sale!" The nun said without thinking about it. It seems that the nun had told this person about these things before, and she had already thought about her words.

"You can give the senior a high price!" Ye Tian said reluctantly, obviously, the other party just said that the news of Xuanjia was not in the scope of sale, and didn't say that he didn't know about Xuanjia. This means that lingtongge knows, but doesn't sell it to you. It just doesn't know if we can talk about the terms.

"Sorry, I said that the news of Xuanjia is not in the scope of sale!" That Yuan baby environment female repair powder noodles tiny heavy ground says, the voice also coldly many. This makes Ye Tian even doubt that if he asks about Xuanjia, the other party will probably throw himself out of Lingtong Pavilion.

Well, ye Tian is dead!

He didn't have any bad mood, but gave the nun a smile: "then can you inquire about qingfenggu?"

"The matter of qingfenggu is OK, but if it involves the matter of Xuanjia, I won't answer it!" The nun said simply.

Then he added: "however, this kind of news is very expensive!"

"How many fairy jade do you need?" Ye Tian doesn't care about the price, but Du Mingyue asks first.

The yuan Yingjing nun, however, chuckled: "this fellow is a layman. You haven't asked me your question yet? I can't say what the price is. If you want to ask where is qingfenggu? I can give this news for free. The price of the news depends on the degree of secrecy. The more secret the news, the higher the price. If you know all the things in the street, you will not come to Lingtong Pavilion! "

Du Mingyue's face turned red, and she lowered her head in silence, leaving the end to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian just smile, appears to be very tactful said: "as long as the information is accurate, the price is not a problem. Moreover, if you want to know the information, you may need to be more comprehensive. Please introduce the basic situation of master qingfenggu Yunqing! "

"Five hundred fairy jade!" The nun of yuanyingjing directly asked for the price.

"Five hundred?" Du Mingyue exclaimed in amazement, and then lowered her head under the gaze of the nun of yuanyingjing.

Ye Tian is also a frown, but then said: "five hundred is not a small number, I hope the news is worth it!"

"Well, remember, I'll just say it once." The nun said without expression and began to introduce.

"Master of Qingfeng Valley, Yunqing, female, 98 years old, is now in the early cultivation period of yuanyingjing. This is the portrait... "The nun of yuanyingjing said, and a scroll appeared in her hand. When she put it on the table in front of her, the scroll opened automatically, revealing the image of a woman on it.

Ye Tian looks intently, but sees the woman in the picture in a white skirt, standing on the top of a cliff. The mountain wind blows her skirt, which gives people a feeling of ecstasy, but her eyes are not complete. From the side face of the picture, you can see that she is a gorgeous woman.

"Please continue..." Ye Tian takes a look, and then moves her eyes away. It's just that Du Mingyue reluctantly takes back her eyes until the nun of yuanyingjing puts the scroll away. Her expression looks a little complicated.

The nun continued: "Yunqing was born beautiful and gentle. Since she married into Taigu family, she has always lived in seclusion in Qingfeng valley. His father, Yun Zhong, is one of the eight great families. He is a son of the Yun family. His mother, Huang Yanqiu, was born in sanxiu. Yunqing had a son. He was not by his side all the year round. He was protected by the cloud family in Qingfeng Valley and seldom met daolv. "

"Yunqing has a high talent for cultivation in Suri, but Su Lai likes to grow flowers and grass, and his cultivation advantage has not been brought into full play. He broke through Yuanying three years ago. Every month on weekdays, we have regular outings. Recently, we live in a simple place and haven't shown up for a long time. The reason is unknown. "

Speaking of this, the nun looked at Ye Tian and said, "what else do you need to ask? As long as it belongs to Yunqing's basic condition, there will be no additional Xianyu."

Ye Tian asked directly, "is that master Yun hospitable? If you visit, you can see her. "

The nun said: "Yunqing has always closed the door to thank guests. Most of his contacts are from the cloud family. It's hard for irrelevant monks to get close to Qingfeng valley. There are two monks guarding the valley. Those who break in rashly will be punished. "

Speaking of this, two wisps of eyes with a sense of warning swept Ye Tian one eye, meaning is very obvious, if you don't want to be punished, don't rush.

Ye Tian didn't care much about it, but continued to ask, "what if it's the person who is related to it? Such as her relatives and family members? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!