Ah Chun

Chapter 369 - Lingxin

"What's her name?" Yu Yan asked.

"She wrote down Lingxin in the registration." Zhi Rou said as she walked up. "So, Big Sister Yan will now have a daughter, hmmm?"

"Are you jealous?" Yu Yan asked teasingly.

"Nooo… I think it is a good fit since you have always seemed like the mother type where I..." Zhi Rou's voice trailed off but the two girls knew what she meant.

"You will find someone, one day." Ah Chun said as she focused on Lingxin. She did not want to miss what this girl did.

Inside the illusion tower, Lingxin took out a sword from the rack and gripped it in her hands. "I have to join this sect… This is my last chance..."

Lingxin's eyes showed great determination, she had worked so hard just to reach the Against the Heavens Sect. It was a long journey and she had almost died many times. But it took a great deal of effort to escape her fate. She stood there with her sword at the ready as she remembered those days.

"Lingxin you little shit!" A man in tattered clothes yelled as he threw a hard object at Lingxin.

"Ow! Father!?" Lingxin looked down at the rock she was just hit with. She felt a warm substance flow down her cheek.

"Don't call me that! All you do is eat what little food we have and have no use! When I tried to sell you off, you ran and hid causing me to get beat up! Are you trying to make our lives even worse!? You will come with me now and be sold off to your new husband! I am sure he will treat you really well!" The man cackled as he gave a toothy grin.

Lingxin saw her father reaching out to her and quickly backed away. Her feet were covered in mud from running, her arms and legs scratched by the branches and bush as well. She did not want to be sold to that old man. He already had dozens of young girls like herself. But now she was tired and hurt all over. She had run into the woods near her house hoping that her father would not chase after her, but it seemed that she had thought wrong. Her father only cared about the money and nothing else.

Lingxin turned to run away again but her arm was quickly caught by her father and just when she felt all hope was lost and that her fate was set in stone, a loud roar came from their side. A demonic beast had shown up. Lingxin actually smiled seeing the demonic beast. Her only thought was, I would rather die than go to be sold to that man.

"Damnit!" Lingxins father yanked Lingxin's arm and tossed her towards the demonic beast and began running away. As for Lingxin, she did not make a sound, she laid in the mud as the rain pelted her face waiting to be torn to shreds. But all that came was a loud roar and then a scream off in the distance.

Lingxin raised her head and saw no signs of the demonic beast. "It went for my father instead? Were the heavens giving me a chance to change my fate!?"

Lingxin mustered up as much strength as she could and unsteadily got back on her feet. She looked up at the sky as the rain hit her face and smiled. "Since you want me to live then I will become so strong that no one in this world would think of trying to do anything to me."

Weeks passed and Lingxin had traveled a very long distance barely surviving off the land as she walked. Some strangers passing by her were kind enough to give her some food and water as well. But her will to live and continue on never faltered. She had finally entered a town far away from her village when she passed by some cultivators talking about a new sect opening its recruitment drive.

Lingxin who had no idea if she could even cultivate decided she would give it a chance. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to make sure no one could harm her again. She wanted to live a life of her own choosing. She now had a path to do so. She paused and asked the man she heard talking which direction the sect was in and even though he was surprised at first he gave her a smile and some money before sending her in the right direction. That man's kindness allowed her to finally reach her destination.

Lingxin who was used to being hit and abused at home was unaware of the kindness in the world. There were more good people than she had ever thought. To those who gave her food during her travels and the money that man gave her so she could make the long trip to the Against the Heavens Sect. Not to mention those who were patient enough to give her directions as she traveled. Lingxin owed so many people for their kindness she had no idea how to pay them back. She decided she would one day, after gaining the strength to do so, that she would try to meet those people again and see if they need any help with anything.

But before she could do that, she must pass the test. No matter what she needed to enter this sect. It was her only lifeline that she could see that would allow her to live a normal life. Otherwise, she feared she would starve to death before even getting a chance to live her life.

As an illusion of a demonic beast appeared in front of her, Lingxin's resolve grew even more firm. "I must succeed!"


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