Ah Chun

Chapter 368 - Against The Heavens Sect Part Three

Bao Chen gave a slight nod and a smile. He also did not want to deal with any crap. Ah Chun left things in Boa Chen's hands and made her way over to the illusion tower. This tower was built in a way that would allow people to fight to their heart's content but once they died to the illusion, they would be ejected out. No real harm would come to them except maybe some trauma. But if one were to let that bother them then they were not meant to be cultivators.

"Is Misaki joining the sect?" Yu Yan asked. She had been wondering why she had not seen the girl that Ah Chun would stick to like glue when she was here. It had actually been a few years since she had last seen the girl around.

"She does not know we started recruitment. You may not know, but Big Sister and her wife had gone to explore a mystic realm that opened up on the mainland a few years back, I haven't heard from them since." Ah Chun's good mood was slowly turning sour. One could tell how worried she was for Misaki.

"I am sure she will be fine. Isn't she very powerful? What can a mystic realm in the Mortal Realm do to her?" Yu Yan tried to brighten the mood a bit.

"I know you are right but I can not help but worry. You should give the introduction I will watch from the side." Ah Chun said as she pushed Yu Yan to the front.

Yu Yan, turned and gave a worried look to Ah Chun but felt a bit more relaxed when Ah Chun smiled back at her. She then turned to the first group of cultivators and smiled. "This next test is to test not only your combat ability but your ability to handle certain situations and the ability to show how strong your mind truly is. To pass this test you must last more than five minutes in the illusion tower and show no signs of trauma when you leave. There are a thousand of you here, I only expect maybe one hundred of you to pass."

Yu Yan was not lying, the illusion tower was to train every aspect of a cultivator. Inside the illusion, one could die a cruel death of being ripped to shreds and eaten alive. This all weighed heavily on a person's mind causing trauma and making them unable to even face the weakest of demonic beasts. Ah Chun had made sure to set her recruitment tests at a high standard. Even her son had gone through this and he was only fifteen. But he also was prepared for it ahead of time.

"Okay, first one hundred please enter the tower!" The way this worked was one hundred people would go inside the tower and then as they were kicked out another person would enter to replace them. As they entered they would be warped into their own illusion space separated from others.

The first group made its way into the tower, within that group was a small girl around nine years of age. She had ragged clothes on and looked as if she had not eaten for a long time. Right away she caught Ah Chun's eye. A thought came to her mind and Ah Chun sent Yu Yan a voice transmission. "Big Sister Yan, the little girl who was in that group. Whether she passes or fails, she will join the sect. Also, make sure she does not get eaten alive. Eject her right away if she looks to be in trouble. But wait until the last second."

"Okay, I will. What do you plan to do with her?" Yu Yan asked.

"She will be raised by my lovely Big Sister Yan. She reminds me of me when I was all alone in the world. I have children of my own so I hope you can take her in and raise her." Ah Chun was basically not asking and was forcing this on to Yu Yan but Yu Yan did not seem to mind. She smiled and said: "Then I will have to be a good mother to her."

"Mm… I know you will." Ah Chun knew Yu Yan was longing for a child of her own. The way Yu Yan's eyes softened when it came to Ah Chun kids as she cared for them and played with them, was proof of that. This was why Ah Chun made such a hasty decision. She wanted Yu Yan to have a child to take care of and raise as her own and this little girl was perfect for that.

Ah Chun did not realize that years down the road, the little girl she saved this day, would be the rising star of the Mortal Realm and also gain the love of her own son, Zhi Fen. But that is a story for another time.

Ah Chun watched the little girl as she stood in the illusion tower looking around. Her big eyes looked in all directions. The illusion world was covered in a thick fog making it hard to tell which way was which. Yu Yan snapped her fingers and an assortment of weapons appeared on a rack in each illusion world. "Take a weapon of your choosing and prepare to fight!" For the little girl, Yu Yan had made sure to make the weapons more her size so she could handle them. She was already showing her care and concern for the little girl.

Ah Chun smiled when she noticed this and mumbled to herself: "Acting like a mother already."


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