After the Rebirth, I Was Targeted By the Boss

Chapter 709: Qin Jingxiu's hidden illness

Chapter 709 Qin Jingxiu\'s Hidden Disease

These words touched Qin Jingxiu\'s heart, making him less dissatisfied with Mo Shaoshen\'s occupation of his daughter\'s time.

"It\'s all in the past..."

Mo Shaochen is his prospective son-in-law, and he has been taught chess by Qin Dahai since he was a child. He is also his own. Qin Jingxiu told the story of his injury without concealment.

After listening, Shao Mo pondered for a moment, "Do you suspect that your hidden illness has something to do with Mrs. Chen\'s drugging in your wine?"

"Almost, I was injured during the mission, mainly on the head and back, and other parts were not injured.

Over the years, my memory of that time has not recovered, until I found out about the existence of Qiqi, the old man and I investigated the past, and based on Tang Xiu\'s statement, we made a guess.

But the real situation remains to be verified. Unfortunately, Tang Xiu fell into a vegetative state two years ago and was seriously injured. Otherwise, I must ask her to clarify. "

Mo Shao Shen answered: "Even if you find her, she may not be willing to tell the truth."

Qin Jingxiu was silent and looked up at him, "You came to me specifically, just to talk about this? It\'s nothing, I can spread it as I like outside, I didn\'t plan to find a stepmother for Qiqi anyway, I don\'t care about fame or not. "

But I want you to find a wife so that you don\'t have to focus on him and Kiki.

Mo Shao Shen looked at him with a little deep meaning, "Do you know Qiqi\'s ability?"

"I know." Qin Jingxiu looked inexplicable and suddenly became nervous, "Qiqi also heard those rumors?"

Mo Shao Shen was noncommittal, "Qiqi is very concerned about your body."

Qin Jingxiu was stunned for a while, and suddenly thought of something, "Shao Shen, don\'t tell Qiqi the reason for my injury, just say that I was injured during the mission."

After    finished speaking, he was still worried, "Forget it, I\'ll go tell Qiqi myself!"

Mo Shao Shen can understand the other party\'s mood, because he is afraid that Tang Qi will feel guilty after knowing the truth.

But the fact is that Tang Qi can cure Qin Jingxiu\'s hidden illness with her supernatural powers, and she doesn\'t need to blame herself.

"Dad, can I see your genitals?"

"Cough cough cough!"

Qin Jingxiu almost choked to death on his own saliva, he couldn\'t believe his ears, "What are you talking about?!"

Facing Qin Jingxiu\'s glaring eyes, Mo Shao Shen explained calmly: "Qiqi\'s powers actually have therapeutic effects, as you can see, my body can recover so quickly, in fact, it\'s all thanks to Qiqi.

My life was saved by Kiki with all her might.

In this life, my life is hers.

I am her person in life, and also her ghost in death. No one or anything can separate us. "

Mo Shaoshen\'s words, on the surface, are expressing his feelings for Tang Qi, but in fact, he almost told the other party directly that your daughter is very affectionate to me, so don\'t waste your time trying to stop us.

Qin Jingxiu was so angry that he couldn\'t crush Mo Shaochen to death.

At this time, Qin Jingxiu finally realized how the old man was so angry that he smashed the teacup last night. He didn\'t just want to smash the teacup.

Seeing that Qin Jingxiu was so angry with himself, Mo Shaochen brought the topic back to the right track, "Qiqi wants to help you heal your hidden illness, but it\'s not convenient for her to check your injury."

Hearing this explanation, Qin Jingxiu\'s anger dropped a little.

He opened his mouth suspiciously and said, "Qiqi\'s ability can still heal, why didn\'t I know?" After speaking, he suddenly realized something, "Qiqi has been staying abroad for the past two years, just to treat you?"

Thinking of this, the anger he had just lowered rose again, and his face was even more ugly than before, "Qiqi told me at the beginning that the person who kidnapped her had something from her, which could help her power level up, so She just decided to stay abroad.

It turns out that she risked staying with those people to save you? "

Mo Shao Shen replied truthfully: "Yes."

At this time, Mo Shaochen thought that Tang Qi stayed in El Paso to facilitate the stealing of the power stone from Antonio\'s hand.

He thought that Tang Qi and Antonio were the relationship between the hunter and the prey, but he didn\'t know that the truth was just the opposite, Tang Qi was the "prey" under control.

She didn\'t even know that in order to save him, she was cold and arrogant, and had to live under the same roof with a man she hated for two years.

Qin Jingxiu was so angry that he didn\'t know what to say. In the end, only his heart was full of sadness and sadness.

He couldn\'t blame Mo Shaoshen. During the years when he didn\'t know his daughter\'s existence, Mo Shaoshen did his best to help him take care of his daughter.

He couldn\'t blame his daughter. He knew very well what kind of character her daughter was. If this man hadn\'t been worthy, how could her daughter have done this.

He can only blame himself, and God\'s will to fool people.

Seeing Qin Jingxiu\'s unhappy face like an eggplant beaten by frost, Shao Mo thought to himself, if the other party knew that his daughter was actually dead, bullied by his classmates, and jumped off the building to commit suicide because of the humiliation, he would probably go crazy.

However, he and Tang Qi had already negotiated that the secret of rebirth would never be revealed to a third person, even their future children.

Mo Shao concealed his emotions and persuaded in a low voice: "The past is over, the present and tomorrow are more important. Qiqi and I both hope that you can cure your hidden illness and have a normal family life."

Knowing that his illness could still be cured, Qin Jingxiu was not too excited, but hesitant.

Once his illness is cured, the old man will be the first to ask him to settle his personal affairs. If he gets a wife, it will inevitably involve having children.

You can’t just farm without letting people reap, isn’t that a hooligan!

But he was worried that with other descendants, his daughter would be unhappy or wronged.

Although he is full of heart towards his daughter at this time, as the saying goes, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. Even if he wants to favor his daughter, he has to consider the feelings of the other two relatives.

Seeing Qin Jingxiu\'s changing expression, Mo Shaochen could probably guess the other party\'s inner thoughts.

"Qiqi and I have made an agreement that she will get married when she turns 22 years old, and it will take almost two years. After your health is healed, the old man will start to help you find candidates to start a family, get married, get pregnant and have children, why do you need two In about 2000, by then, Qiqi is married, and you will have your own new family and children, everyone is very happy."

Qin Jingxiu felt as if someone had dug a piece out of his heart, "Qiqi said this, she wants to marry you when she is 22 years old?"

"It\'s absolutely true, you can ask Qiqi for proof." Mo Shao paused for a while, and said leisurely, "Two years is very short for you, but it is very long for me, I can\'t wait to put it back in two months. Kiki marry and go home."

Qin Jingxiu spat at him angrily: "You think beautiful!"

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(end of this chapter)