After the Rebirth, I Was Targeted By the Boss

Chapter 708: Ten men and nine sluts

Chapter 708 Ten Men Nine Shows

Hearing that Qin Jingxiu actually had a dysfunctional male, Tang Qi couldn\'t recover for a long time.

Qin Jingxiu was able to give birth to her daughter, indicating that the disease was not born.

"Ah Chen, do you know what happened to my dad\'s illness?"

Mo Shao shook his head, "I don\'t know the exact reason. The Qin family kept this matter a secret, and I also accidentally found out from my grandfather."

Seeing her thinking with her head propped up, Mo Shao Shen was afraid that she would be tired, so he held her head and made her lean against his arms comfortably, "Qi Qi, can your healing power heal your father-in-law?"

"should be no problem."

The most embarrassing thing about this matter is that she and Qin Jingxiu are different from men and women. Although they are biological father and daughter, they are adults in the end.

As an adult daughter, it is embarrassing to care about her father\'s male problems.

Guessing her embarrassment, Mo Shaochen proposed: "Tomorrow I will talk to my father-in-law, ask him about his specific situation, and then tell you, okay?"


we can only do this.

Tang Qi coughed, "Look carefully to see if the appearance is damaged."

"it is good."

After   , Mo Shaochen suddenly whispered in her ear: "Qiqi, do you want to observe me?"


Tang Qi pushed him angrily, "Can you stop being so showy?"

"Nine out of ten men are coquettish, and one is a silly eagle."


Tang Qi couldn\'t help rolling his eyes, turned his back to him, "Sleep."

Mo Shao Shen slid into the bed and hugged her slender waist tightly from behind.

The night outside the window was dewy, wet and cold, but Tang Qi on the bed felt hot and sweaty.

Tang Qi couldn\'t help but stay away from the other party, but within two seconds, the man came up again and hugged him even tighter.

She nudged him, "Don\'t hold him so tightly, it\'s a little hot."

Mo Shao paused and asked, "Would you like me to take off your clothes for you?"


Tang Qi held his breath, "Mo Shaochen, don\'t force me to do something to you."

Mo Shaochen continued to tease her with words, "Qiqi, you can do whatever you want to me, I won\'t resist."

Hearing this, Tang Qi didn\'t hesitate anymore, turned around and kicked the man beside him out of bed.

With a sound of    "Boom", Mo Shaochen fell under the bed without resisting (unprepared for it).

There was a thick carpet around the bed. Mo Shaochen didn\'t feel pain when he fell, but he was a little stunned. His dark eyes looked at Tang Qi, who was sitting on the bed and laughing. He couldn\'t recover for a long time.


Tang Qi finished laughing, stretched out her hand and pulled him.

Mo Shaoshen slowly held her hand and suddenly pulled hard.

Tang Qi was undefended, his body fell with the strength of the man, and threw himself on the opponent.

Mo Shaochen grabbed her wrist, rolled on the spot, and pressed Tang Qi under him.

The carpet is new, soft, comfortable to lie on, and most importantly, just the right amount of heat to dissipate.

Even though his hands were imprisoned by the man above his head, Tang Qi was not nervous or struggling at all, and asked him lazily, "What are you doing?"

Mo Shaochen outlines every inch of her eyebrows with his eyes, "I want to eat you."

Tang Qi chuckled, "Shouldn\'t that be going to bed?"

Mo Shaoshen was slightly stunned.

While he was stunned, Tang Qi broke free from his restraint with his backhand, turned over to the bed, and turned to see Mo Shao Shen sitting on the ground looking at her, she stretched out her hand.

Mo Shaochen was pulled up by her in cooperation, and he opened his mouth to ask what she meant by what she just said. Tang Qi patted his pillow, "Sleep, there is everything in your dreams."

Mo Shaoshen: "…"

the next day.

Tang Qi ran back to the old house and met Qin Dahai who was walking in the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Tang Qi, Qin Dahai smiled subconsciously, "Qiqi, why do you get up so early and don\'t sleep much?"

Tang Qi gently wiped the sweat on his face and neck with a towel, and explained, "I\'m used to getting up early to run and exercise."

Qin Dahai was born in the military, and was very pleased with Tang Qi\'s self-discipline, "Running is good, but the weather is cold, you need to wear more clothes, girls, don\'t suffer from the cold, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

"Okay, I\'ll pay attention."

Qin Jingxiu was also used to getting up early. He was sitting in the living room watching the morning military news. He was a little surprised to see the grandfather and grandson coming in together from the door.

Knowing that Tang Qi got up to run at 6 o\'clock, Qin Jingxiu was proud and a little distressed.

The daughter of someone else\'s family has been pampered since she was born, pampered like a princess. His daughter, who has suffered a lot since childhood, is still so sensible and self-conscious now.

But he couldn\'t stop it.

Although the Ministry of National Security is not as dangerous as the missions performed by the special forces, it has also dealt with evildoers for many years.

Qin Jingxiu gently reminded: "Qiqi, you go up to take a shower and change your clothes first, then come down for breakfast."

"it is good."

Tang Qi went up to the second floor and met Mo Shao Shen who just came out of the room.

Thinking of Qin Jingxiu downstairs, Tang Qi dragged Mo Shaoshen to the third floor.

"After breakfast, I will find an excuse to take Grandpa to the backyard for a walk. You can ask about Dad\'s injury."

"Well." Seeing that the broken hair on her forehead was wet with sweat, Mo Shaochen helped her take out a clean change of clothes from the closet and stuffed it into her arms, "You take a shower first, I\'ll wait for you downstairs."

"it is good."

After breakfast, Tang Qi proposed to go to the backyard to see, "I plan to reclaim the backyard of Xiangshan Villa, and I want to learn from you."

Qin Dahai smiled after hearing this, "Let\'s go, I\'ll take you there, if you want to grow vegetables well, you have to fertilize the soil a bit, it\'s better to raise more livestock and poultry, although the dung of livestock and poultry is smelly, it is the best fertilizer…"

Qin Dahai walked along the sea and taught Tang Qi his experience incessantly.

Watching the two figures disappear outside the door, Mo Shaoshen turned to look at Qin Jingxiu, "Dad, I have something to ask you."

Hearing Mo Shaoshen\'s name, Qin Jingxiu snorted awkwardly, "Speak."

"It\'s not very convenient here, let\'s go to the old man\'s study."

Qin Jingxiu gave him a sullen look, got up first and walked in the direction of the study, Mo Shao followed silently.

When Mo Shaochen closed the door of the study, Qin Jingxiu said straight to the point: "If you want to talk about your marriage with Qiqi, don\'t talk about it! I don\'t agree with you getting married early."

Mo Shao was silent, and said calmly, "This is not what I want to say."

Qin Jingxiu\'s face improved a little, "Then tell me, I\'ll listen."

Shao Mo pondered, how to ask, without exposing the fact that he has recovered his memory, and without hurting the dignity of his father-in-law.

"I heard some gossip about you."

Qin Jingxiu was stunned for a moment, and his face became unnatural, "Since it\'s rumors, don\'t care."

Mo Shao looked at each other with dark eyes, "If it\'s someone else\'s business, of course I don\'t care. You are Qiqi\'s father and my father. I can\'t care about your affairs."

(end of this chapter)