After divorce, I married the richest man

Chatper 154

The Su family\'s parents followed Gu Xichuan\'s car all the way, watching the car drive into the spring.

"Look, as I said, it\'s just an ordinary relationship, and it\'s sent to the spring."

"Hurry up, follow up and have a look." Mother Su urged.

The old couple followed all the way, and saw Gu Xichuan sending Su Nianen downstairs from afar. After the two had a brief exchange of words, they saw Su Nianen go upstairs directly.

The old couple looked at each other, then left silently.

On the way back, Su\'s mother said: "What does Gu Xichuan mean? How did he go to our house to pick up Enen? What is the relationship between them? Why does Gu Xichuan send her back here?"

"My daughter didn\'t tell us, so let\'s not guess. If it really has something to do with it, she will tell us sooner or later." Professor Su said.

"There\'s something wrong with what you said. What\'s the reason for not telling us? Are you afraid that we will be worried, or are you afraid that we will object? If you know that there will be no results, you should end it early. As parents, we can stop her from the brink. Otherwise, if it is allowed to develop freely, something may happen.”

"What could happen?" Professor Su disagreed.

"Back then, what happened with Lin Wenfeng had already stopped my daughter, but in the end who was soft-hearted and agreed to the matter between them? Old Su, if you hadn\'t messed around at the beginning, our daughter would be where she is today?"

Su\'s mother panicked when she mentioned this matter, "The same group of colleagues in our unit, I used to be the best. My husband is good, my daughter is good, and my son-in-law is not good, but fortunately he has his own career. Who didn\'t boast before going out? Now Well, my daughter is divorced, so what\'s the end of being a Phoenix man? I really don\'t have the face to go to work. Old Su, what do you mean by what I\'m doing now?"

"Is other people\'s opinions so important? Let\'s take it easy." Professor Su said.

"If I live in a deep mountain and old forest, I don\'t care if there are no one. But I live in a crowd, people are social animals, and there are people who gossip. Who can ignore the outside voices and just be yourself? I\'m not a flower, a tree, I Can you not be angry?"

"Then you still persuade your daughter to look away?"

Su\'s mother immediately came over fiercely, "Who wouldn\'t persuade others? I\'m worried, old Su, aren\'t you worried? Look, Gu Xichuan has a son, right? Is Enen teaching his son? Could it be During the period of teaching his son, did the relationship between them change?"

"Don\'t guess."

"I\'m worried! Enen said that she has a partner now. After what happened to her, how can she have the time and opportunity to meet other people? Except for Gu Xichuan, I really can\'t think of anyone else. She has been teaching Gu Xichuan\'s son, Naturally, she has a very good relationship with that child. But, that is the Gu family, is anyone allowed to enter the Gu family? Gu Xichuan is much more difficult to deal with than Lin Wenfeng. Are you really not worried?"

Mother Su\'s words woke up Professor Su.

The rich family is as deep as the sea, and that kind of complicated environment is not something my daughter can handle.

"An old temptress in the Lin family and our daughter can\'t handle it, so everyone in the Gu family has become a good fox, can Enen handle it?"

Mother Su sighed, "If it were Gu Xichuan, I would definitely disagree. Enen, she has been divorced, so weigh yourself, and don\'t cause any trouble for us."

"If you\'re not sure, don\'t guess." Professor Su said again.

"I\'m worried, worried! Why don\'t you care about your daughter at all? Do you have the heart to see her get hurt again? If it\'s our guess, we should stop it in time!"

"Okay, okay, drive, don\'t say a few words."

Professor Su doesn\'t quarrel with his wife. He doesn\'t talk much, but he does it all the time. Caring for her daughter is all in action.

The Su family couple left here, and Gu Xichuan received a call from Zuo Zhu over there.

"Mr. Gu, Professor Su and his wife have gone home."


Gu Xichuan hung up the phone with an obvious smile on his face.

He had no intention of keeping the matter of his marriage with Su Nian\'en from the Gu family and the Su family. As for the outside world, he feels no obligation to publish his personal problems.

When Su Nianen came home, Wen Xiaoyu jumped up in fright when she opened the door.

She rushed into the room and snatched the tablet from Xiaotuanzi.
Xiaotuanzi screamed immediately, and Wen Xiaoyu "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh")

"Your baby is back, let her know that you play games, do you know the consequences?"

Xiaotuanzi stopped making trouble, but kept staring at Wen Xiaoyu\'s phone.

Wen Xiaoyu quickly turned off the game on the tablet, and when she turned around, Su Nianen was already behind her.

"Ah! Nian En." Wen Xiaoyu was taken aback, "You\'re back?"

"Well, I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to handle the dumplings, so I chatted with my parents and then came back. How is it, do you have a good time getting along?"

Su Nianen smiled and took Xiaotuanzi off the bed, and looked at Wen Xiaoyu.

"It\'s good, he\'s very good today." Wen Xiaoyu replied perfunctorily.

Xiaotuanzi grabbed Wen Xiaoyu\'s phone with his hand, so fast that Wen Xiaoyu and Su Nianen didn\'t have time to stop it.

"Hey, you little guy..."

Wen Xiaoyu originally wanted to take it back, but turned to Su Nianen in the next second, "You baby, do you still care?"

"Xuanxuan." Su Nianen called out.

Xiaotuanzi ran to the sofa with his mobile phone in his arms, playing games on his own.

Wen Xiaoyu gloated a little, "It seems that your words are useless, quickly bring them back to me, the final round, at this time, giving away the head will be reported by teammates."

Su Nianen went out and watched Xiaotuanzi staring at the phone intently.

She worried that she was too tough and would frighten him.

So, she walked over and sat by the dumpling, her eyes on her phone.

"What are we baby doing?"

Su Nianen leaned closer and looked at the phone screen, a magnifying glass, which could clearly see people in the distance.

"Xuanxuan baby..."


As soon as Su Nianen made a sound, Tuanzi suddenly tapped the bullet on the screen with his finger, the head in the magnifying glass was hit by the bullet, and a message appeared on the screen that so-and-so was hit by 98K.

Su Nianen\'s mouth froze, this kid can play games? !

She turned to Wen Xiaoyu, "When will he play this?"

"He can\'t play, he\'s just joking." Wen Xiaoyu waved his hands disapprovingly, firmly refusing to admit that this matter had anything to do with her.

Su Nianen pointed at the phone, "But in your game, he just killed a person, what 98K did you use, do you believe it?"

Wen Xiaoyu heard it, "How is it possible?"

She immediately jumped up and rushed over, "What about the finals, sister, I usually just hang on, especially in the finals, the ones who stay are all masters, it depends on luck for a scum like me to sneak attack, he can fight dead?"

Su Nianen didn\'t know anything about games, so she looked at Wen Xiaoyu, and then handed her the phone.

Wen Xiaoyu picked up the phone and blocked Xiaotuanzi\'s hand at the same time, "Let me see if you really killed someone...there are too many heads."

Su Nianen raised her eyebrows, "Really?"

Wen Xiaoyu looked at Xiaotuanzi in disbelief, "Are you picking on the leak? You really know how to play? Who taught you?"